Which FF games do YOU own

Which FF games do you own?

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I had to update my list a bit because my brother came into work today with a late birthday present! =D

He bought me Dissidia!

I can't wait to play it. >_<

FFVII: Crisis Core
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus


FF: Dissidia
(newest addition to the family =D)

My favourites are FFVIII and FFX.

They were the first FF games I ever owned and I'm sure they'll remain that way even if I do play the others. I've known them longer and feel closer to them...in a really weird way.
I have every FF from FFIV-FFX-2. I also have FFXII and Dissidia. Currently, I'm hoping to also purchase Crisis Core. So far, I've finished VII, VIII, IX, and I'm almost done with X. After that I'm moving on to IV.
Final Fantasy VII (PAL)
Final Fantasy VIII (PAL)
Final Fantasy IX (PAL)

Playstation 2
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerberus (PAL)
Final Fantasy X (PAL)
Final Fantasy X-2 (PAL)
Final Fantasy XII (PAL)

Final Fantasy VII (PSN NTSC)
Final Fantasy (PAL)
Final Fantasy II (PAL)
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of Lions (PAL)
Dissidia Final Fantasy (PAL)

Final Fantasy XI: Vana'Diel Collection 2008 (U.S.)

all games black labels, complete boxed, mint condition
in December i will be getting more FF games
I own all of them, though I've never really played XI, because I couldn't get it to load on my computer. (semi-ancient lappy) Oh well, not an MMO person, anyway.

Wait, I lied. I don't own III, I played a ROM of it.

My favorites are X and VII, though I like all of them well enough to replay pretty much infinitely, except I, III, and XII
I got them all on that list, bar 11. I had it years ago but it actually didnt belong to me even though I had a character on there. They range from DS to PSP to my Playstations lol. And getting 13 for my XBox 360 will be the icing on the FF cake! Game for each console I own :D The others like Crisis Core, Crystal Chronciles I have owned and gotten rid of. Dissidia and DOC havent been owned my me lol.

My favs are of course VIII, X and X2. III is entertaining and cute for the DS. Im not big on XII, I may play it again and get more into it.
I haaaaave...

PSP: FFVII: CC, FF Tactics: War of the Lions, Dissidia

I want FF Anthology for the PS so bad D:
Oh and my favorites would have to be FFIV, FFVIII and FFXII.
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the FF games i currently own consist of:

Final fantasy VII (PS1)
Final fantasy Vii: Crisis core (PSP)
Final fantasy VIII (PS1)
Final fantasy IX (Ps1)
Final fantasy X (PS2)
Final fantasy X-2 (PS2)
Final fantasy XII (PS2)
Final fantasy crystal chronicals Rings of fate (Nintendo DS)

It's not a very vast collection, as all of themare well known titles (asides rings of fate, not many know about it) but they are all good games (asides X-2 and rings of fate) and i enjoy playing them.

my most completed game has to be either VII or X as they are my favorite two games in the franchise, and i can't wait for FFXIII as it looks amazing.
I only have bought one myself... 12.... All the other were lends ^^; Except for 7, which [it's terrible] I got from someone else who had torrented it. And the fact is, 12 has bored me to deeeaaaaath. Someone help this poor kid. And please, SquareSoft designers, start dressing your female characters. And actually, I've lost interest in 7 as well. It's bad of me, but I'm put off by the horrid field graphics. I'll give it another go once the remake is out.
Final Fantasy VII (twice, first one broke)
Final Fantasy VIII (twice, first one broke)
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII (forgot to tick it's box in the poll though)

Edit: Just found out that the old Gameboy game Mystic Quest is also a Final Fantasy game! More precisely, Final Fantasy Adventure. Unless it got lost in a recent move, I also have that game.
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I own all of them minus XI. I actually had two copies of 1 & 2. One as origins the other as Dawn of Souls. But for some reason I cant find the GBA version. Took a long while to get III but it was worth the wait. Now all I need is XIII. 03-09-2010 can't come soon enough.
I only have FFIV. I traded the rest away after I finished them. I mat try to get VII again, so I can sell it when it gets really rare. :wacky:
i have 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 and 10 its quite hard to pick a favourite as theyre all greeat games but id have to say 8 because of its story and music etc
I own VII ,X ,XII .
nd Yah i have the chocobo tales (Nintendo DS version)
VII and X is My fav! i dont like the characters in XII
But XII is Awesome =)
Final Fantasy - Famicom JP
Final Fantasy - PSP
Final Fantasy II - Famicom JP
Final Fantasy II - PSP
Final Fantasy Origins - PS1 NTSC
Final Fantasy III - Famicom JP
Final Fantasy IV - SF - JP
Final Fantasy V - SF - JP
Final Fantasy VI - SF - JP
Final Fantasy Anthology - PS1 NTSC
Final Fantasy Chronicles - PS1 NTSC
Final Fantasy VII - PS1 PAL
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core - PSP
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerberus - PS2 PAL
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - PSP
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete w/FFXIII Demo - BluRay
Final Fantasy VIII - PS1 PAL
Final Fantasy IX - PS1 PAL
Final Fantasy X - PS2 PAL
Final Fantasy X-2 - PS2 PAL
Final Fantasy XI Vana'diel Collection 2008 - PC
Final Fantasy XII - PS2 PAL
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings - DS
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of Lions - PSp
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Unlimited Complete Collection

9 items from list were sent yesturday whit mail from Japan and U.S.A, and hopefully get to me as soon as possible
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FF 1&2
FF 5&6

That's all I can really think of, I might get FFXIII when it comes out.
FF X-2
FF Tactics advance
FF Tactics a2

want 7 but it's like searching for the fountain of youth difficult.
as for XI - no interest.
I also want 13 when it comes out
My favorites are FF6, FF10, and FF tactics Advance,
[FFTA is my first FF as well ^^]
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I have:

Final Fantasy I and II(i use an emulator)
Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII and IX (for the Playstation 1)
Final Fantasy X and XII (for the Playstation 2)

And that's about it.
I own:


and my favourite has got to be FFX, just purely because it's the first FF game I ever played so It has alot of strong nostalgic feelings.
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