Crisis Core Which is your favorite turk?

well would vincent count cause hes an ex-turk? O: if not.. then i would say........ CISSNEI!
It has to be Reno!

Hahaha my favourite turk has to be Reno.
Everything about him is just well.... AWESOME!!!!!
tseng all the way man hes cool

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In my most recent play through I have noticed that Tseng is the best Terk, not only is he in it from very early n but he helps you throughout the game. which is cool
Please can people put a little more effort in their posts please, one liners are considered spam, say WHY you like that particulat Turk, not just because they are 'hot' or 'Cool'

Rude, I just love how he is a strong silent character and even has the guts to take on your party without the other turks :D
my favorite turk is Rude.

The fact that he just gets the raw end of the deal at almost every turn is funny to me. Like in AC when ever Reno and Rude got into a fight, he would get blasted away or get slammed into something while Reno is just standing there.

he got the raw end of the deal, but that made him funny and seem more human not so business like all the time.
My favorite TURK always has, and always will be, Tseng. He comes off as cold-hearted and a down to business type, but he's really more than that.
Tough one, I like Tseng, more so since playing CC, in FVII he game across somewhat dull and a little cheesy but after finding out his background his character seems to go a lot deeper. As for my favourite Turk, it would have to be Reno. His style, mannerisms and attitude set him apart from the rest, he's flambouyant, slick and totally cool.
i love turs too!! i love reno nice attitude and he's FREAKIN' HOTT!!
Reno lmao, Acts the big tought guy when cloud comes over trying to strike him with the batton then cloud locks him out.. an on that i'll say reno So funny lmao
Reno he's up there for my fav characters of 7 right behind Cloud and Cid. I like his outlook on his job throughout 7 and his all around humor.
Remember this is about Crisis Core guys, not VII or AC, lets try to put a little more effort in our posts aswel, it's getting abit spammy in here, thank you
Remember this is about Crisis Core guys, not VII or AC, lets try to put a little more effort in our posts aswel, it's getting abit spammy in here, thank you

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