Who are your main guys?

I used all my characters. You can never be sure when you'll need a back-up party and what if that back-up party is weak because you have not leveled them?
Why doesn't anyone use Fran?? I really liked her being one of my main people. I gave her a bow and used her to heal and cast powerfull magiks. I love her voice, her look, and everything about her. I thought she was the coolest females out of the choices. Ashe and penelo where cool too. I'm not saying anything bad about them they just got on my nerves.

Anyway i used
Vaan- main tank
Balthier- second tank, steal, poach
Fran- Healer, mage.
You can level up your main three more but you cant leave the other three 10 because the day will come to use them my main are Bach,Vaan,Balthaier
Hm...I use use Vaan, because his balance of strengh and magic, and then it's usually and brainstorm out of Fran, Penelo and Ashe, if Vaan wasn't so balanced i would happily use just the girls though...
at first i tried to keep everyone the same, but i just stuck with
Vann, Balthier, and Ashe in the end
I dont know about having a mian three ..... eevryone todl me to keep them all about the same level? Contradictory?Or me being a fool reading noobs threads?
I dont know about having a mian three ..... eevryone todl me to keep them all about the same level? Contradictory?Or me being a fool reading noobs threads?

Nah, I kept em all the same level, takes longer but if a boss wipes out your "A-Team" your "B-team" can come out full force just as powerful....Overall making life easier.

.................Except Ashe she can stay at LVL 25
Mainly Vaan, Balthier and Ashe but I would also use the other 3 as I kept everyone the exact same throughout the game. If all members where level 50, I would use the party I mentioned until they where level 51 then switch over. This one reason why I like FFXII. It is good to be able to switch over your main character to keep everyone even unlike previous titles when your main character ends up like 15-20 levels higher than the rest.
I use them all pretty much about the same. I lvl them all up at the same time. For example, once say Balthier has hit lvl 35 I switch him out with say Penelo until she hits lvl 35 and so on and so on. The only one I never switch out is Vaan......he's always about 10 lvls above the others. This is mainly because he is my 'tank' ie he wades into the battle first.
Vaan, Basch and Ashe are my mains - Vaan is my level 90 tank, Bash level 80 damage dealer, Ashe my level 90 spellcaster/healer

my reserves are Fran - level 50 tank, Balthier Level 52 damage dealer an d Penelo level 60 caster.
I use them all pretty much about the same. I lvl them all up at the same time. For example, once say Balthier has hit lvl 35 I switch him out with say Penelo until she hits lvl 35 and so on and so on. The only one I never switch out is Vaan......he's always about 10 lvls above the others. This is mainly because he is my 'tank' ie he wades into the battle first.

I thought I was the only one who did that. Only difference is that I kept it with 2 different parties (Each member of the parties were almost the same on exp) and once party 1 hit level 30, I would switch to the next. Seems as most on here pick their favourite then let the rest of the members rot.
I use:

Basch (Tank) (Sword + Shield)
Ashe (Healer) (Bow/Gun)
Fran (Damage Dealer + Buffer + Magicker) (Katana/Spear)

My favourite combo. It makes things really simple. A secondary combo I use would be to bring in Vaan as a second Tank and use Ashe both as a Healer and a Magicker.