Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

Sephiroth,Sephiroth,SEPHIROTH!!!my all time favorite!!and I'm not planning on using any Heroes for I don't like the.I'm a villain person
Sephiroth,Sephiroth,SEPHIROTH!!!my all time favorite!!and I'm not planning on using any Heroes for I don't like the.I'm a villain person

I'm pretty sure you have to play as the heroes to unlock the villains. So hard luck but you'll have to use them a little bit and then you'll probably grow into liking how some of them fight.
Zidane, let's be honest, Zidane kicks everyone's arse from every FF game. :awesome:
It'd be either him or Tidus though, in honesty I'm not a great fan of the other heroes in the game, though it would be fun to use Cloud just to lose and watch him die. :ryan:
Squall of course !! :D My favourite of all electable characters and my favourite of all characters there ever been in a Final Fantasy game !
I don't know why, but I want to try using Bartz (Butz) Klauser as my main. I'm interested in seeing how well I'll be able to do using him. If it doesn't work out, then I'll use Cloud.
Once I can unlock them, I'll test out both Ultimecia and Kuja. I've seen battles using both of them, and I like their style. Kuja's also my favorite villain from the series, so I would be neglect if i was to ignore him.
I hate the magic users.I will use either squall or cloud.If Warrior of light was faster,then i would use him too.Bartz should just drop dead.Sephy is not bad,but he needs to be trained first.Again,cloud,squall,sephy,or WOL
The Warrior of Light.
His moveset looks amazing, and c'mon, a paladin than can summon swords out of thin air is just plain neat. I like the more popular heroes (Cloud, Squall, yada yada yada) just as much as anyone else, but the WoL looks far more balanced to me than any other character. Second to WoL I'd use Sephiroth; long range for his melee attacks and powerful magic attacks, it looks like.
My Firion and my Terra are level 100 so I guess you could call them my main fighters :wacky:
Firion just PWNS EVERYONE with his throwing axe attack and Terra is just epic (Meltdown and Ultima? holy crap!). But every character is awesome in DFF.
I use Squall, he's awesome!
Too bad I don't understand Japanese, I don't have any idea what squall is saying
when I play.
I really wana play Jecht, his armor looks so badass and he fight bare foot! Plus is weapon makes me drool.
I play:

1. Jecht - He has a sword but barely uses it which makes him awesome. Why does he use a sword? Because he can.

2. Squall - BP Ripper when in EX Mode.

3. Ultimecia - Lol at the giant axe

4. Tidus - Defensive attacks

5. Cloud - zomfg omni slash v5
Probably going to go through 1 to 12 or 10 or w/e it is. I wonder if theres goin to be any other special or secret characters for the NA version? i think i saw it in a interview. Any Imma start with warrior of light then work my way up :D
I'll probably use Cecil, Kefka, Terra, and most definitely my main will be..cue the music..SEPHIROTH!