Who is the best Final Fantasy villian?

O_O Before I read your post, I thought that was a Kuja Cosplay ...
Anywho: *SLAP* How dare thee! Nomura lacks the brilliance to design Kuja. Amano did that T_T But thou shall be forgiven for rocking, and having friends that rock at Cosplay =D (Seriously, your friend is awesome as Kefka)

Oh crap, you're right! Nomura actually had his hands off the FFIX project, which is why the designs looked....hmm...ORIGINAL?! And, thanks. I'm making a FF6 Soldier outfit so I can go around in his videos and get abused. I'll be carrying around a duster for when Kefka goes "AHEM, There's SAND on my boots!"

Back on topic: [I'm sorry, mods. I keep veering off track in this thread. D=]
Kefka was used as Cid's first guinea pig in building the army of Magitek soldiers. There we no immediate effects when he was infused with the magicite, but he cracked several years later.

Just one point I'd like to bring across about Kefka:
He's the ONLY villain in the Final Fantasy series to be the sole reason for the world's demise, from the beginning of the game, to the end of it.
He's the ONLY villain in the Final Fantasy series to be the sole reason for the world's demise, from the beginning of the game, to the end of it.

Maybe he didn't destroy THE world, but he definitely destroyed A world.

Oh, and Ultimecia absorbed a pretty big chunk of existence itself before Squall and co. destroyed her and everything was instantly restored (can we say deus ex machina?). Don't get me wrong, here. I hate Ultimecia as a villain, but that doesn't make her accomplishments any less villainous.

Maybe he didn't destroy THE world, but he definitely destroyed A world.

Oh, and Ultimecia absorbed a pretty big chunk of existence itself before Squall and co. destroyed her and everything was instantly restored (can we say deus ex machina?). Don't get me wrong, here. I hate Ultimecia as a villain, but that doesn't make her accomplishments any less villainous.

I'm talking about the world inhabited by the characters.
And also the fact that Kefka was really THE villain of the game. FF8 had the multiple Sorceress', FF7 had ShinRa, FFIX had the Clowns, Beatrix, and Queen Brahne, etc.
I'm talking about the world inhabited by the characters.
Yeah, I'll give you that. I mean, if you want to get technical, the world was still there. Kefka just rearranged it a bit. But even I'm not that nitpicky.

And also the fact that Kefka was really THE villain of the game. FF8 had the multiple Sorceress', FF7 had ShinRa, FFIX had the Clowns, Beatrix, and Queen Brahne, etc.

Actually, that's incorrect. Until the World of Ruin, didn't Final Fantasy VI also have the Emperor/the rest of the Empire? In fact, until Kefka betrayed the Emperor and got all of that power from the statues, he didn't really amount to anything more than a comic relief villain. It is true that Kefka was a force in the game's storyline all the way through, but during the World of Balance portion of FF6, I can't really say he was that big of a threat, especially considering he was just a pawn of the Empire itself. Don't get me wrong, I liked the way the developers had him rise from a pathetic wuss to a godly super-being, but Kefka definitely wasn't THE villain of FF6, at least not all the way through.
Yeah, I'll give you that. I mean, if you want to get technical, the world was still there. Kefka just rearranged it a bit. But even I'm not that nitpicky.

Actually, that's incorrect. Until the World of Ruin, didn't Final Fantasy VI also have the Emperor/the rest of the Empire? In fact, until Kefka betrayed the Emperor and got all of that power from the statues, he didn't really amount to anything more than a comic relief villain. It is true that Kefka was a force in the game's storyline all the way through, but during the World of Balance portion of FF6, I can't really say he was that big of a threat, especially considering he was just a pawn of the Empire itself. Don't get me wrong, I liked the way the developers had him rise from a pathetic wuss to a godly super-being, but Kefka definitely wasn't THE villain of FF6, at least not all the way through.

I'll reword what I meant.
Kefka is the only villain to be solely responsible for the demise of the world....that was in the game from the VERY beginning.

Kefka first appears in what, the 2nd scene of the game? In all of the other mentioned games, the main villain doesn't surface until later on. Yes, maybe Kefka wasn't God-like strong from the start, but he was THERE.
Actually, that's incorrect. Until the World of Ruin, didn't Final Fantasy VI also have the Emperor/the rest of the Empire? In fact, until Kefka betrayed the Emperor and got all of that power from the statues, he didn't really amount to anything more than a comic relief villain. It is true that Kefka was a force in the game's storyline all the way through, but during the World of Balance portion of FF6, I can't really say he was that big of a threat, especially considering he was just a pawn of the Empire itself. Don't get me wrong, I liked the way the developers had him rise from a pathetic wuss to a godly super-being, but Kefka definitely wasn't THE villain of FF6, at least not all the way through.

The emperor never really did anything except behind the scenes, and celes and leo were so obviously good guys Kefka was the only one who stood out. Especially since he was the one you always fought, and who did all the bad things in the storyline. In fact, the emperor didn't really get villainous until about 2 seconds before Kefka killed him. Even then, he wasn't really arch-nemesis material. He was actually kind of cool when he made his last stand against the demented god-clown.
Of course I agree with you both, when you put it that way. However, by that logic, Kuja was also the only true bad guy of Final Fantasy IX. Remember, Queen Brahne was just a pawn in Kuja's master plan, and Zorn, Thorn, and Beatrix were just pawns of Brahne. While Kuja wasn't neccessarily the only force opposing your party, he was definitely the one pulling the strings throughout the entire game. Yes, you might not know it for a few scenes, but from beginning to end, he was the mastermind orchestrating the whole thing. That's like saying that Palmer and Scarlet were the main villains of Final Fantasy VII before Rufus and (later) Sephiroth showed up. Really, considering Brahne was manipulated into causing all that havoc, Kuja most definitely was the main antagonist through all of FFIX.

...Ahem...let's just ignore the omnipotent blue space flea they tacked on to the end, then, shall we?
It's been so long since I played IX, I can't really have a sure opinion on the matter.
Oathkeeper nailed it already but I'll repost something of mine because yeah, I got an ego. XD
'sides, I always liked this post because it refuted someone's accusation Kuja was a cliche.

A cliche villain would be power-hungry for the sake of power hungry. He is EVILLLLLL and he does BAD THINGS because...he’s an evil, bad person.

That’s not Kuja.

Kuja: Oh, how I've longed for this day.
Kuja: ...the day I might finally cast away this mask to reveal my true self.

Kuja: The final act will take us away from Gaia, and I will kill my nemesis...with my own hand!

Kuja wants to kill Garland...because he’s just a cliche and evil?

Kuja: I must destroy him before Terra's plan is activated, or my soul will no longer be my own!

It was either destroy Garland or Terra’s Resurrection would carry out and the Genomes, vessels for the true people of Terra, would be done for and Kuja’s soul would go to whoever it originated from.

Garland: I constructed the Genomes to be vessels for the souls of the people of Terra when they awaken.

What does Garland say of Kuja’s motivation?

Garland: He is only hiding it. He denies his own identity.
Garland: He rejects the meaning of his existence and tries to assert his own individuality.

Kuja doesn’t want to be seen as a someone else’s creation: as merely a vessel for someone else. He wants to establish his own power, his own will.

Kuja: The weak lose their freedom to the strong.
Kuja: Such is the way of the strong. And it is the providence of nature that only the strong survive.
Kuja: That is why I needed strength

Bu Kuja’s own assertions, it is the “providence of nature” that the weaker beings are subjugated by the stronger. He flatly acknowledges Garland is stronger than him and so he seeks to overcome this. As Hilda said
“ He was a hopeless narcissist”

For someone with such a strong will and ego as well as a philosophy that the strong should be the rulers of all below them, Kuja’s longing for power was a way to justify himself and defy his “destiny.”

Afterall, look at what it is that drives Kuja over the edge.

Garland: There's a limit on your life... You'll be dead soon...
Even as I die, you'll have died without ever leaving your mark on the world...

Kuja will never have the chance he longed for: to reject his existence, the life and destiny of a disposable tool.

Now witness fate’s ultimately cruel irony on the twisted and warped psyche of Kuja’s mind:

Kuja: What comedy! Zidane, isn't it hilarious!? I'll die just like the black mages I so despise!
Kuja: I single-handedly brought chaos unto Gaia, but in the end, I'm nothing but a worthless doll!

Despite his lifelong ambition to attain power to signify his individuality, he would die before he eve rhad the chance to build his “eternal kingdom.” Thus, in the desperate last acts of a man trying to elude the claws of death

Kuja): ...I won't let it happen.
Kuja: I won't... I won't let this world exist without me!

Kuja: Why should the world exist without me? That wouldn't be fair. IfI die, we all die!

In the mind of a half-crazed egotist of the highest order, the destruction of all lesser beings is the only right thing. He, Kuja, is the best and most powerful of all of them. By what right should they live while he perishes?

Kuja’s character and ambitions are merely something many fictional characters wrestle with: Fate. Destiny. The idea that free will is an illusion. Kuja tried to prove himself as an individual by attaining power. He ultimately failed because he could nto escape his destiny.

His final acts, even in the throws of death and after killing Zidane and his crew is to save them all.

Perhaps it is in that act alone Kuja finally escaped his destiny: the destroyer of Gaia, the taker of lives for a master and being a slave. He was a slave all his life...to Garland and his own greed. But in the end, he saved lives.

Kuja is anything but a cliche.


Anyway, Sephiroth never had sex appeal for me. In FFVII, he didn't look even that bishy-ish. He had long hair but, maybe it was the graphics, his body was really kinda bulky. He didn't look that beautiful or feminine.
This all changed iN AC and CC of course....

Now KUJA has sex appeal.
He made me bi. =P
Kefka, simply because he turned massive genocide via disease into and art form.
For me I feel a tie between Kuja and Kefka, even though they can seem at two different extremes at the end of the game.

Kefka of course is the master of destruction. He takes the whole World of Balance and totally messes up any sense of peace, normality, and resolution. Even though he succeeds with World destruction almost, he is defeated in the end without being changed.

Kuja on the other hand is a more positive situation. Sure he goes ape-shit and torches Terra, his home world, but he ends the game a changed...power genome (not quite a man). He's a master of disception, stealth, and greed, but when facing the brink of his own annhilation, he realizes his wrongs and saves face to show he could ahve been a different character all along.
For me it is Kefka. In the game you saw him as a imperial general who was crazy because got the magic by un-natural way. When he found out about the powers of Warring Triad, he double-crosses Gestahl and aquires the power. He had a power to destroy the world, but he used it only if some people disobeyed him. Not only that but he controlled the Warring Triad to protect his tower,
Kefka wins, no doubt about it. Why? He scares the living shit out of me...

Throughout the whole game, you could see how evil and power hungry he was. First, he manipulates Terra into doing what he wants. He then sets fire to the Figaro Castle. He even has the nerve to try and kill Ifrit and Shiva. And that laugh...*shivers* Kefka was pure evil.

Don't agree? Okay, try this...

"Imagine sitting at a table, alone, with Kefka. Now, Sephiroth.
Now, Kuja. Seymour. Vayne. Who freaked you out more?"
Sephiroth or Kuja.

Face it, before the World of Ruin, Kefka really just wasn't as much of a threat as the other main villains. He didn't get any decent amount of power until halfway through the game. Remember all those fights he had against your characters? If memory serves, he either ran away or fell down in all of them. Kefka was only really a threat when you're foolish enough to turn your back on him, and even I can tell you that it's a mistake to turn your back on the main villain of ANY video-game. Kefka was a great villain, but it's not because he was scary. He was just handled differently from most Final Fantasy villains in that he wasn't a threat at first. Instead, he became a threat by coniving his way to the top.

Still, like I said, the whole "I'll get you if it's the last time I do! MWAHAHA!" villain just isn't scary anymore. They're so...predictable. I'd be keeping my eye on Sephiroth or Kuja because their plans actually have variety to them. Well...I shouldn't really say that about Sephiroth, now that I think about it. When it comes down to it, he and Kefka really aren't that different. They just have different styles and we were given a decent explanation for Sephiroth's insanity. Kuja, however, would freak me out much more than Kefka. He's a schemer, yet at the same time, he has incredible power right from the get-go.
I liked Kefka becasue he was memorable, and funny.
And Sephiroth was dark and ruthless, which made him a perfect villian character.
I know those are probably the two most popular, but that is just what i think of them both.
I say Kefka because he is more unique than the villains of few words in Kuja, Sephy, Seymour. Funny and Evil despite looking like a clown. First time i saw that kefka cosplay, very funny

Seems like a lot of Sephiroth bashing! whats up with that? The reason why he is an effect villain is because the awe and mystery surrounding him while you are playing. Its easy to look back at the end of the game and say he didn't DO that much but while going through the story the way he is talked about and feared, the music when he is shown....it's more than how many people he killed! I thought the Shinra Building massacre was pretty damn scary when i first played it (although i was a lot younger at the time).

I'd also like to throw it out there that the best villain with the shortest amount of screen time is Definitely Algus from FFT! He is only in the prequel but i felt actual anger towards him. He is the most realistic villain and his impact on the main characters determines their motives for the entire game.
I would have to say Sephiroth because he found out how he was created, which made him want revenge.

That only shows how weak of a villain he is. He found out mommy and daddy experimented on him and he lost his mind. Then he started to go all crazy thinking Jenova was his mommy, when if he'd bothered to read the rest of Hojo's research he would have found out he wasn't her "son." He was mentally instable and delusional.
hmmm... i always liked seifer from ff8, him and cloud are my two fav ff chars of all time