Who was always in your party?

Whos your party?

  • Vaan

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Balthier

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Fran

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Asche

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Basch

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Penelo

    Votes: 1 3.7%

  • Total voters
I change my teams to suit the situation, because every person on the team specializes in a certain stat.
Vaan & Basch= Strength
Fran= All-Around
Ashe & Penelo= Magick Power
Vaan(leader)sword and shield
Ashe sword and shield
Fran bow and arrows

All three have the whole license board with all magic's and armors/weapons. I dont use technic's except libra and charge. I have them all set to heal (Curaja) when ally loses more then 50% of hp. All of them caste haste when someone has slow, use chronos tear when stopped, esuna when any bad ailments, and pre buff before fight monsters. Right now they are around lvl 70 or less, but they all get the job done so far. Their equipment is pretty gay imo. I just need to find good loot and make godly equipment.

lol and my lowest lvl is penelo(lvl 11)

Edit: I dont use Espers or Quickenings. I think they are a waste of Mp.
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You don't use Quickenings? Basch's are the best.
Fulminating Darkness: Summoning an energy ball, ripping it apart, and zapping an enemy? Cool!
Ruin Impediment: Bending time and space with Basch's own fists is something even Chuck Norris is jealous of. He can only bend time.
Flame Purge: Giant flame swords summoned at will is something any Judge would cut off an arm for.

Your team is OK, but I recommend swapping Fran for Balthier. Bows, daggers, and ninja swords all use Speed, and Balthier has the best Speed. Fran is just All-Around.
Penelo is a decent Mage and can heal better than anyone except Ashe, because she and Ashe are best at magicks. If you're going to keep Ashe in your main party, give her a Katana, because Katanas are Magic Weapons, which means that their damage increases with Magic Power. Genji Gloves and equips like Mage Power Shishak and Maximilian (ones that boost Magic Power) can all contribute, to give 5 hit attacks that deal about 5,000 damage per hit. I get results like that with Masamune.
Don't think stuff like "oh, since fran came with a bow she's good with bows". Pay attention to stats and read "Arm Thyself!" in the Traveler's Tips. Changing weapons, equipment, and characters helps a lot- giving somebody with good Magick Power a Katana, Magick Armor, and Faith could make a big difference from, say, generic armor and a sword.
So Ashe is best at healing, what about Vaan and Fran?

Edit: i forgot, i dont use them cuz i just dont feel the power from them, i mean they look cool and everything but i dont think they do enough damage.
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Well, as I said, Vaan specializes in either Strength or Vitality (so does Basch.) Fran is a decent All-Around, so try any weapon with her. Hand-Bombs seem to be her good spot.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those nerds who watches every scene and has a crush on the Elder Wyrm. I just like watching an enemy get its ass kicked by a 5 hit from a Masamune/ Genji Gloves combo.
Try out buffs if you think they aren't doing enough damage, and use Wither and Shear. These are Tecknicks that lower defense and magic resist.

If you dont have enough gil to get decent equips, go to Cerobi Steppe. The chests there can give lots of gil and sometimes actual equips.

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The license system was flawed, and it left little to no room for mediocrity. Each character could learn the abilities with the right license. So considering that frustration I stuck with the default group which was usually Vaan, Balthier, and Fran. I dislike the license system greatly. It ALMOST ruined the entire experience for me.
Are you kidding? The License system is awesome. Think of the Hp Augments- total, they give +1,000 max HP! Plus, Quickenings expand your MP bar, and the fact that Espers get only 1 player to summon helps make room for difference.
The Augments are the best part of the License board. They make it so that when you are in battle, casting magic to damage enemies, you don't lose MP. You gain it.
Battle Lore/Mystic Lore are also helpful.
Agreed, I love the License system.

This is the way I have my characters set up:
Vaan (magick, swords)
Ashe (magick, swords)
Basch (brute force, hammers/axes, love putting him on berserk)
Balthier (magick, poles/bombs/guns)
Fran (arrows/range, also good on berserk)
Penelo (magick, arrows/range)

I try to keep them all well-rounded though, just in case I need them. I try to make sure they all have pretty good magick knowledge and lores (potions, ethers, etc).

What exactly is the Quickening system, though? Is that like the limit breaks of past Final Fantasies?
With the exception of Quickenings and Espers each character could learn the same ability. So essentially you need only three characters rendering the others virtually useless so what's the point of having the additional characters save a plot? Previous titles had more mediocrity because each character had their own set of unique abilities available only to them giving them meaning. I hate that nothing was unique to the characters of XII. It really is a shame.
Ashe, Bash, and Vaan.

I didn't see much use for anyone else besides Balthier, who I very rarely used. I like an steeply offensive crew opposed to a defensive crew. Vaan is basically the character that can do it all and not suck at it, Ashe can do magicks quite well and use a sword too, and Basch is a tank.

i used them through the whole game just because they were my favorites all of them were good at supporting roles and penelo seems to have a good mp stat when it comes to flying enemies i just make magic/telekinesis gambits targeting flying foes.
pick 3 pleases

mine is always

and Basch

just becasue these were the cool characters, and I trained them well :D

sorry I screwed up the poll, can a moderator go a make it a multiple choice one?
Balthier - To quote; "I'm the leading man." The story isn't complete without him and he plays a crucial part on the plot development. There's also the fact that's he's just really, really cool. :wacky:

Basch - Most of the story's events wouldn't have occurred without his presence and he's the most physically strong character, so he's always in my team.

Ashe - In my opinion, she's the main character of the game, so she always gets a slot in my team.

Vaan and Penelo are USELESS to the story, so they're never in my team after I have a fourth character. Fran is more useful than either of them and has a stronger tie to the story than they do, so I occasionally flick out Ashe for Fran.
I try to use everyone equally, but my main 4 are Basch, Ashe, and Penelo. With Fran replacing Basch half the time. No particular reason, other than they happen to be my 4 favourite characters.

Basch / Fran are often the tanks. Ashe is proficient with both physical and magical attacks, and Penelo is one hell of a powerful mage. So it's a really balanced party.

I do it with all the FF games, when someone levels up, I switch them to one of the reserves. That way, all my characters develope at the same pace and noone is left behind and a total weakling compared to everyone else.

So usually it'd go:


They'd level up so then I'd bring in:

Then they'd level up and I'd bring the other three back in.
Ashe is always in my party because she is my strongest party member and also I just love using her. Ashe is just so fun to use.

Mod Edit

Please include the other two characters you use, unless, you only use Ashe :monster:
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