Who Was Stronger: Seifer or Squall?

Why do you asume Squall must have been carried to the infirmary. As far as I could see he was perfectly able to walk by himself.
And Seifer only took down Squall because he was using a move not allowed in training. (pretty weak if you ask me) It had caught him off guard. Although I admit, he shouldn't have let people surprise him like that. SeeD's should be able to handle any situation.

Well, the reason I assume this is cause Squall is pretty much unconcious in the infirmary. Now there is a slight chance that he walked ALL the way to the infirmary himself while dripping in blood and he THEN passed out, but I dunno, I just find that doubtful. I mean, if that were true, then Seifer would've been passed out with him, which he isn't. I'm assuming that while Squall also managed to land a hit, he did so later and probably already fainted/passed out due to blood loss.

I don't really think so, but again, it's speculation based on what we saw. In the intro for FFVIII, It seemed like they were BOTH pretty serious in the fight. Seifer was obviously loving it, and just before getting slashed in the face, Squall is pretty much on the offensive, before Seifer blasts him with that Fire spell or whatever else it is that he uses.

The rest, I pretty much agree with. Fair points, and I guess there's no sure fire way to prove who's right or wrong here, but I speculate that THIS may be the case (what I just stated XD)
Plot-wise, I'm gonna go with Seifer. Seifer was beaten one on one at Disk 1 but after that, it was 3 on 1.
I Would have to say Squall for several Reasons:

1. Obviously He has a bigger heart than Seifer which tells you one thing he fights for what he beleives in Seifer Dosent

2.Squall showed a change in Character wherehas Seifer did not he still was a cocky ****** at the end.


3. Squall never shows weakness as where seifer did
Yeah listen, Squall is stronger. Even though they're strengths are almost identical Squall was the one who defeated Seifer 3 times throughout FF8. And it's obvious Squall's stronger I mean he defeated Adel and Ultimecia. He also burst into the sorceress memorial and saved Rinoa. Face it dude.
There is quite a few things to take into consideration when it comes to who is stronger.

Now what has to be taken into consideration is. Squall defeated Seifer at the end of disk 1 on his lonesome, but Squall had the help of two party members when you have the other Seifer battles...So I ain't sure. Guess it would matter depend on their levels and what they have junctioned.

Guess I'd have to have an equal leveled fight between the two to see who is the strongest.
I'd say Seifer is something of a genius at battle. But he doesn't get enough practice. And Squall has talent AND practice. So Squall's stronger.

Another reason for me concluding that. It seems to me Seifer thinks he's already strong enough. And when that happens, you stop growing stronger cos "there aint no need".

So yea.
Ahh statisticaly(?) Seifer is faster has more HP and can use his limitbreak at 1/2 hp instead of 1/4, but squall's cause is just and has more allies at his side and who knows things may have been different in lunatic pandora if Siefer, Fuijin & Raijin fought together, but in a 1on1 battle i think sqaull would win because of the Renzokuken, hit anyone 4-8 times in a row and see if they can stand up afterwards, Siefer may have more HP but his Defence is lower than sqaulls so.....ohh these facts are based on non junctioned stats.....phew?
seifer is more powerfull at the begining of all, but he really gets easy to kill when he change sides, so i think that squall kick his ass, but outside of the battle, he can kill odin with a hand. so... seifer is more powerfull
Well, the character designer Tetsuya Nomura designed Squall and Seifer to be exact opposites. Everything starting from their mirrored scars, to their attitude. Even the Gunblades - Squall holds his Revolver with both hands whereas Seifer yields his with just on hand.... So maybe they're equals ???:unsure:

However, I never really thought Seifer was weak. Yeah, he does get owned every time he decides to screw with us, but he was always overpowered. Seifer never used the trigger, like somebody above said. He always found himself fighting three of the good guys at once (yeah, you can choose to fight him solo, but still...). He never used a GF - in fact I don't even think he has one, lol:) Heck I haven't even seen him use an item....

But for the most impressive feat he accomplished..... I saw Odin come down, and I laughed. HAHA Seifer's gonna get thrashed. But wait.... what???? He just sliced Odin in two. Squall could NOT have that done.
I agree with Neon about Seifer and Squall being equals, yet opposites. I think that's why Rinoa fell for both of them; she couldn't decide if she wanted the bad boy or the good boy. Anyway, the only aspect i would say that makes squall stronger is that he has the will to defeat anything, whereas Seifer believes that he can defeat anyone, so he won't try as hard until he has to, which may put him in a bad situation.
Based on the storyline, they were fairly equal, seeing as their were rivals. But at the same time, who was the main character? Squall. And who always wins in any videogames? The main character.
ima base my theory on the death of odin and say seifer's stronger. but like zombies had said, it IS a video game and if the main character (squall) dies then its game over..so all and all, squall HAS to be the stronger guy where as seifer IS the stronger guy.
I think Seifer is stronger than Zell because Seifer always fights alone and puts up a good fight.
Well it'd have to be seifer.. Squall and Co are always using items and heals so they dont die and phoneix downs.. As Seifer never used any of that most of the time so on that view Seifer is stronger.
Well it'd have to be seifer.. Squall and Co are always using items and heals so they dont die and phoneix downs.. As Seifer never used any of that most of the time so on that view Seifer is stronger.

Seifer didn't use items or heal very often just as most enemies of any FF game wouldn't, simply because they're the enemy. You're going to beat them at one point or another, regardless of how strong they are/seem.
There was a one on one battle later, between Seifer and Squall though, wasn't there? That's besides the point, though.

Unfortunately, as much as I adore Seifer and loathe Squall... I must set my bias aside and admit that Squall has the upper hand.
Squall vs Seifer: Who's Stronger?

Which one do you guys think is stronger?

I personally think that Squall is stronger than Seifer because he is more skilled, and more intelligent than Seifer. Seifer is more of like a aggressive and malicious type of fighter who has no mercy on his enemies.
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Squall fer sureee!!
TBH I always found Seifer easy in battle and he totally was a waste of time but, I like to beat him up either way xD

Seifer never appeared strong to me even from the start. He seemed more like a wannabe IMO but, I still found him hilarous xD.
Seifer was more like a bully to others you know?? But that doesn't mean he's strong. Means hes a corward :monster:

Squall was both physically and emotional strong throughout the game. He had a wall up so that no one bothered him and he wouldnt care what others say you know? Goes to show that he's the bigger man and lets things be you know?

He's physically strong and progresses throughout the game as well. It also depends on your tatics and whatnot but I say if you can
live after getting stabbed in the chest from an ice attack from Edea
you gotta be physically tough xD.