Why do FFFan's hate this game?

Malboros are forgiven since they are regular ff-monster and its ugly in a good way when on the other hand you look at monster called Geezard. Wtf those shits supposed to be??? Those are ugliest monsters in FF-history and I think FFVII much better looking monster, just use your imagine to turn them to FF8-graphics. I want monsters to be more animal/humanoids ( I forgot right term) and not some random shit like Geezard which supposed to be some sort of lizard I guess judging by its name.

Anyway the most worst thing in FFVIII is that coward Cid.

So...the malboro is ugly in a good way, even though it's not humanoid or animal. Wow, you really dont make sense. As for that geezard, VII had a very similar monster, look up the Bahba Velamyu. Or try looking up 2-Faced or Capparwire or Dorky Face. And what about all the robots and turrents and other things you have to fight? Those arent humanoid or animal. VII has just as many what you would consider "ugly" monsters as does VIII, if not more. Unless of course you say they're not ugly, which would counter your logic and be completely inconsistent.

And hating VIII just because of a single character is stupid too, it's just as bad as people hating IX because of Kuja. The only reasons to dislike this game that make any sense are:
1. the junctioning system is hard to learn
2. it's too futuristic, and not in that nice cyberpunk way that VII was
I loved it. It was the second FF I ever played. I played it for the first time on my Uncles computer and ran to the mall right afterward and bought it.
And what about all the robots and turrents and other things you have to fight? Those arent humanoid or animal. VII has just as many what you would consider "ugly" monsters as does VIII, if not more. Unless of course you say they're not ugly, which would counter your logic and be completely inconsistent.

They are robots and robots are always cool no matter what they look like. I think you say VII monsters ugly just because of graphics but VIII had good graphics but still lots of ugly monsters and their background story was bad. There was just hordes of them in the moon doing nothing(well IV had similar thing). Other FF-games monsters are usually population of the world and X had really good reason for fiends.

And I know its ridicilous to hate game because of one character but he was annoying piece of garbage and there are other reasons too like that too futuristic. With Junction-system I had no problems but I didnt like it. And most of the characters were bland. I must admit that FF8 has probably the best intro any FF-game has but otherwise game was too bland for me. I need more fantasy in RPG, shoot´em up are for futuristic worlds.
FFVIII is a great game only thing i didnt like about it is the Junction system and drawing magic...everything else was all good though and the storyline blew me away
Well I certainly love this game, it was the first Final Fantasy game I played! I know it isn't the most popular in the series but it doesn't worry me, I think it is a wonderfully made game with a really entertaining storyline and cast of characters. I even liked the Junction system, it really came in handy! I started playing it again only recently and it never gets any less intriguing. I do believe that this game is underrated because it seems to have a fair few haters. >_<

I love it.:inlove:
I don't hate it but it's far from my favorite. The junctioning and drawing system made me cry when I was 12-13. (Well, not really.) The system isn't hard to understand but it's just inconvenient. I like to equip abilities and actions with ease, FFVIII made it a chore for me.

But I see all of these posters that are proclaiming their love for this game so I might give it a second shot before University starts in the Fall.

I'm playing though X and I love the convenience of the Sphere Grid system; it makes me not want to go back to the Final Fantasy VIII system. Oh well, I'll try to give it another chance.
I don't hate it but it's far from my favorite. The junctioning and drawing system made me cry when I was 12-13. (Well, not really.) The system isn't hard to understand but it's just inconvenient. I like to equip abilities and actions with ease, FFVIII made it a chore for me.

But I see all of these posters that are proclaiming their love for this game so I might give it a second shot before University starts in the Fall.

I'm playing though X and I love the convenience of the Sphere Grid system; it makes me not want to go back to the Final Fantasy VIII system. Oh well, I'll try to give it another chance.

Same here, i'm thinking of going out and trying this game again. Come to think of it...i still have the strategy guide for it o_O
I like it myself. I just can't believe that you can level up to level 30 in the first disc. Like I haven't even got Ifirt and I'm already to that level. That's so weird
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i was thinking the same thing to be honist because i realy like the game and it wasn't the first ff i played on. when i first got it my friend said to me it was terrible and that i will hate it but to be honist i didnt.

i think the main reason for it is because of the magic usage is very difernt such as you have to draw it and as my friend said it turns magic into an item, but i very much prefer this way because there is no more fafing about with mana or mp as some call it, espesh since in ffIX items to get your mana up were very hard to come by i found and also very expensive.

also some argue about the story line it is too slow and diferent.

i havent completed this game yet but as i say so far i am quite impressed

I love this game. It is not easy but not hard, Not complicated but not simple, it is a challenge but fun.

All the things a game should be all packed into a package of good graphics.

I find that people actually prefer FF7... I dont understand why.ut hey i can change peoples opinions.
FFVIII was an okay game IMO, it had humour, and a decent atmosphere....the only problems for me, were that i found it too boring at some parts, maybe because the story wasn't as grippping, all that Rinoa and Squall babble was too much for me sometimes......also the complicated but good junction system might have put some people off it....i did get bored of it though, i'm still on disc 3, and i can't be bothered to finish it...:P
FFVIII was an okay game IMO, it had humour, and a decent atmosphere....the only problems for me, were that i found it too boring at some parts, maybe because the story wasn't as grippping, all that Rinoa and Squall babble was too much for me sometimes......also the complicated but good junction system might have put some people off it....i did get bored of it though, i'm still on disc 3, and i can't be bothered to finish it...:P

There wasn't too much humor... One of the bad things about the game is that there were a couple of parts where you got to do something big and exciting, but then it fell to doing something really tedious and annoying. I did think the story was pretty wobbly though. Kinda.... Didn't really make sense to me. But I really loved the character designs and stuff.

If you have any questions about FFVIII if you ever decide to beat it, feel free to PM me or get me on MSN. ^_^
I don't hate it. Actually, I probably love it more than you! This was also the first Final Fantasy I EVER PLAYED or EVER EVEN SAW. Basically for me, the first one is always the best. But this is why I think so many people disliked it:

-The Junction System
-GF Abilities
-Ending (A lot of people hate the ending, I will explain why below)

A lot of people hate the ending because some people's beliefs think they couldn't think of a good ending, so they just stuck Ultemicia in there. And they do have a point, Ultemicia pretty much just came out of no where. But, like I said, these are just oppinions. I think this was the BEST FINAL FANTASY GAME EVER!!!
Well well well...
This was the first FF game i ever played,
i was at the store and didn't really have any game to buy,
so i thought ''hmmm, that one seems nice'' and bought it and i must say
it is till' this moment the best one i've played...
I've played quite a little bunch of FF games and none has made me
feel like FF VIII i really don't have to give a big explanation saying why i like it so much or give a
flame fest to any other FF game just to make this one look better,
i just simply like it:cool:...

Why do they hate it ? well reading Aeris Gainsborough's post might give you an idea, but i don't stand for it...
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I don´t understand how someone can like FF8 story. To me it was awful and don´ t worry I´m not going to compare the story to any other FF well except FFXIIs story.

In FF8 most characters were rubbish who had no character development and had not much personality. Worst characters were Quistis who probably said nothing important or interesting after disk one. Really check she doesnt have much lines and what little she says are boring.
Irvine is just guy who thinks nothing else but how to get into girls pants ( well I think that too) but he was annoyingly just all the time " ouh yeah I´m so cool, too cool".
And Cid was nothing but coward who left school immediately as problems started and returned then like nothing ever happened. I would have impaled him with gunblade.

Only good characters were: Laguna,Rajin and Fujin.
Squall, Rinoa,Zell and Selphie were okay and Wedge and Biggs were really funny.

But back to the story, so what is great about it? Tell me, I found following things to be very stupid.
1. Ultimecias motive is never explained, she is just some wacko who is never seen before final battle. Necron wasnt either but he told exactly why he is killing good guys.
2. That whole "we are from the same orphanage" was so unoriginal plot twist and even if it was original it was ridicilous. What would you think like if for example one day you realized that your classmates were all from same orphanage as you and you didnt know you were adopted. Yep sounds really farfetched.
3.Whole space drama.If Adel was meant to be sealed for ever why her prison then had mechanism to open it.Doesnt make any sense.
4. Other characters beside Squall and Rinoa seemed tag alongs. They just always appeared out of nowhere to say something stupid.
5. First disks mission were you have to assassinate Edea. I mean that thing were Quistis middle of the mission starts to cry because she hurts Rinoas feelings and then runs to apologize and why Selphie and Zell go with her. Freaking stupids the whole group.

FFXII has much better characters and they have more personality than FFVIII main team. Well voice acting gives much personality so it is unfair to compare and I like more fantasy than sci-fi enviroment.
i liked how the story goes in FFVIII but the colors are just they're always dark......colorful things in FFVIII are just so rare
I don´t understand how someone can like FF8 story. To me it was awful and don´ t worry I´m not going to compare the story to any other FF well except FFXIIs story.

In FF8 most characters were rubbish who had no character development and had not much personality. Worst characters were Quistis who probably said nothing important or interesting after disk one. Really check she doesnt have much lines and what little she says are boring.
Irvine is just guy who thinks nothing else but how to get into girls pants ( well I think that too) but he was annoyingly just all the time " ouh yeah I´m so cool, too cool".
And Cid was nothing but coward who left school immediately as problems started and returned then like nothing ever happened. I would have impaled him with gunblade.

Only good characters were: Laguna,Rajin and Fujin.
Squall, Rinoa,Zell and Selphie were okay and Wedge and Biggs were really funny.

But back to the story, so what is great about it? Tell me, I found following things to be very stupid.
1. Ultimecias motive is never explained, she is just some wacko who is never seen before final battle. Necron wasnt either but he told exactly why he is killing good guys.
2. That whole "we are from the same orphanage" was so unoriginal plot twist and even if it was original it was ridicilous. What would you think like if for example one day you realized that your classmates were all from same orphanage as you and you didnt know you were adopted. Yep sounds really farfetched.
3.Whole space drama.If Adel was meant to be sealed for ever why her prison then had mechanism to open it.Doesnt make any sense.
4. Other characters beside Squall and Rinoa seemed tag alongs. They just always appeared out of nowhere to say something stupid.
5. First disks mission were you have to assassinate Edea. I mean that thing were Quistis middle of the mission starts to cry because she hurts Rinoas feelings and then runs to apologize and why Selphie and Zell go with her. Freaking stupids the whole group.

FFXII has much better characters and they have more personality than FFVIII main team. Well voice acting gives much personality so it is unfair to compare and I like more fantasy than sci-fi enviroment.

puh-lease. Not the good guy line. If you played the game, Squall says something of great intelligence relevance to a comment like that.

This game was very real, in your face. You only knew what some of the characters knew, so you didn't get much. Just because you got your guts beat out, doesn't mean you need to explain yourself.

The game was honestly way too short for any character development. If Square marked how long this journey was, I'd say that it was a month long tops.

I also found Laguna and company to be rather interesting blokes. <3
One of my favorites I preferred pretty much everything in this game compared to the others, the junction system was awesome a complete new way to make yourself stronger, the magic draw system was pretty cool though more ways to obtain it should be suffice, the enemies level up as you do which is actually perfect, the GF system was awesome they grew stronger as you do as well :) and they are responsible for some abilities and strengths that you can use, awesome new challenges (Omega Weapon for example) though omega could be beaten in one hit :P, and finally I liked the characters.

The only thing I disliked about this game is the fact of the leveling up 1000exp per level up -_- to easy to reach level 100 if square could remake Final Fantasy 8 I would ask them to remake the leveling up system :) and the game to me would be perfect.
puh-lease. Not the good guy line. If you played the game, Squall says something of great intelligence relevance to a comment like that.

This game was very real, in your face. You only knew what some of the characters knew, so you didn't get much. Just because you got your guts beat out, doesn't mean you need to explain yourself.

The game was honestly way too short for any character development. If Square marked how long this journey was, I'd say that it was a month long tops.

Very real??? You think it is normal during a military mission you start to worry about hurting some bimbos feelings who you just have met and you go to apologize to her while you should be doing your mission. Thats just simply stupid. Well I never thought Quistis is smart.

And real would be too that you would go on a happy adventure with a bunch of people and then suddenly one of you would remember that " hey we are from same orphanage, I just can´t remember since I was too drunk ". I would like see that happen.

And if you want seal to something forever you sure won´t make opening mechanism to it.