Why do people hate this game?

Loved FFIX and is the best PlayStation FF too, not perfect with the crappy Trance system and the game sorta lost the pace from the end of the third disk onwards but still better than the rest.
I can't say I hated it. it's just not that interesting as the other FF games. It's a little too... childish for my taste. What I do like about this game is that it's simple and traces back it's more simpler roots as a game.
I liked it. It was nice to play a Final Fantasy IX that tried to go back to its roots, it was a lovely change of pace after Final Fantasy VII and VIII. But I think that is exactly what some people hate about it, they wanted something that was more like the two other PSone installments. Final Fantasy IX wasn't childish, but the other two games had a more mature air surrounding them, and many people are attracted to that.

But if you ask me, it's a good thing the Final Fantasy series keeps changing and changing, it's the only way to keep the series alive. Sure, some experiments are going to fail, but a series this long needs to evolve and that can't happen if developers are too affraid to try something new or different.
sory guyz gota give it 2 the unforgiven last great ff game made x,x-2,xi an xii suckd sheeps nipples ffxiii versus looks wicked man av any of u seen the trailer yet?
sory guyz gota give it 2 the unforgiven last great ff game made x,x-2,xi an xii suckd sheeps nipples ffxiii versus looks wicked man av any of u seen the trailer yet?

Did you just say that all the Final Fantasy's after IX sucked? :O

And I believe there is a discussion of the Versus trailer going on in the appropriate forum, I suggest you look there. :P
I feel like this is one of the most underrated games in the entire series. It has an awesome storyline and really cool characters. Is it because Zidane isn't your average, keep to himself cold hearted and sarcastic person like Cloud or Squall? I always wondered this...
i dont hate this game infact it was my first and favourite game of the series and i've played them from 4-10 and its still my favourite like 7 is an amazing story but its really too overrated 8 i love but its story isnt as good as 9's, 4 is my second favourite again a great story and 5 i never really liked too much and 6 is a bit like 7 overrated with the kefka fanboys/girls out there
this game is probly my all time fav. and not just final fantasy but all games that i played. but my tops:

1st: ffIX
2nd: ffXII
3rd: ffVIII

the ones i own are ff: 4,5,6,8,9,10,10-2,12...

and 10 wouldve been better if it werent for that sissy tidus.
maybe coz it's not creative it's almost like FF7 and 8 didn't find anything creative, and the character r too small like there's something happened to the world in their time.
I actually really liked FF9. The only thing I wasn't too keen on was Zidanne; he was so different from the previous maint protagonists: Squall and Cloud. However, I did like the characters and the world of FF9. I liked it because it was actually FANTASY. Everything within the world of FF9 had nothing to do with state of the art technology or industrial cities etc. it was a world that you would relate to the genre of fantasy. There were knights, castles, princesses, kings, mages and the like. The music was brilliant too. It was a very lovely game to me and a welcomed one into the series. It also had some of the nicest cut-scenes in the series.
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FFIX on it's own was a great game but if you comper it to VII and VIII it was a bit of a let down. And what was the deal with necron??? Did the developers just think "hey, why don't we through in a boss who has absolutly nothing to do with he game just because we can." I mean they should have just made him a secret boss or something.
I still love this game, no matter what others say. :P I admit, I find VII and VIII more enjoyable, but this game is pure fantasy and that's what Final Fantasy is all about. (Saving damsels in distress, castles, knights, cool black mages, etc.) The graphics were awesome. Music was very well done. (Much better than XII that's for sure.) And last but not least...the character development was amazing, as well as the storyline. There's parts that will actually make the players feel something.

Well, that is...if you're really a fan of this game. :)
I love FFIX. It was actually the first FF I ever played and is one of my favorites. I think it gets left behind because at the time it was the last FF before the next generation console (playstation 2). Still a wonderful game!!!!
FFIX is an awsome addition to the FF series. I loved it, great chraracters, exept quina, maybe square soft ran over there budget and needed a quick character, anyway, great storyline, very different from, a bad guy, a good guy, bang u win.
Some of my mates say FFIX blows, but most of em just agree with reveiws, bunch of sheep.
Maybe ppl hated it cause FFVII kicked so much butt, that FFIX was dragging it on, like i am right now. =)
Hmm... Not to sure why either. I loved this game, great main characters, great story. In fact, when I want to just have fun playing a FF, I'll play this one.