Your time in the Fire Cavern

that's crazy, but the question is why bother when you can get the SeeD rank of A by just answering the tests?
True, and to be honest, your SeeD rank doesnt really count for much in game. All it does is determine how much money you get every so often, and unlike in other FF's, moey is hardly important at all. 3K for the Train to timber is all you really need. If you are ever desperate for money, just run around for a bit!

Anyway, sorry to go off topic...
I picked 10 since someone who had already played it that I knew had recommended it to me and aid it could easily be done in that alotted time-frame.

I really did hate this part of the game, but I walked away with about a minute and a half left on the ticfker.
I picked 10 minutes and I just got him down to about 100 HP and waited for the time to get to 30 seconds and summoned Shiva to beat him. My SeeD rank was good after that but it doesn't really matter cause you can just take the test to raise your rank.
well i had over 6 min left from the 10 min start
that's crazy, but the question is why bother when you can get the SeeD rank of A by just answering the tests?

Well you can only do the tests up to whatever is the equivalent of Squalls level. So usually after the SeeD test, you're usually 13? (Add this on with the fact, that a lot people try not level up to high in this game until the end).

The lowest I've ever got was down to like 23 seconds. Since I could care less anyway.
I've picked 20 minutes since the second time I played FFVIII. I usually end with like 8-11 minutes left on the clock. Mostly depending on random encounters. This is probably because I try to not use my magic too, meaning I never cast blizzard... and Shiva really takes a lot of animation time...
There are no 'random encounters' on the way through the cave, not before you get Ifrit atleast. There are 3 battles leading up to the main guy, the final one has a choice of enemies, or occasionally doesnt happen.
you are saying that there is always three battles on the way to fight Ifrit, cos I don't think that's true, I have had anything from one upto five on the way.
Me and a friend replayed the fire caven many times last year due to different reasons, and each time there seemed to be 3 preset fights leading up to the big guy. They were always the same enemies encountered in the same places, except the 3rd which pften varied a little iirc. Maybe it s just me then, or maybe there is another ierd thing where the number of encounters is set as some point before you reach the cave, or maybe time dependant? i.e more encounters if you choose 20mins.
I chose like, 10 minutes and came out with like, a couple minutes to spare. Really, they only put 40 minutes on there to scare you and make you think "oh shit will it really take this long?" the first time you play.
FF VIII Fire Cavern

Im playing 8 again and I choose 30 or 40 minutes in order to complete it. First time, to be safe I chose 40 and every other time it was 30.

Ive never used 20 or below and I think I personally should have as I have loads of time left over and I never run from the random battles, so with them added, you would think it takes a while.

Whats your shortest time and longest?
Did you ever run out of time? What happens when you do??
If you run out of time, you get game over

10 minutes is pretty easy if you just run through, you obviously cant avoid the random encounters but you should get through it with enough time to spare

I just make sure I have boost for shiva learnt so I can make it that bit easier. You don't even have to bother levelling stocking magic to get thru it in 10 mins IMO

I have got through with literally seconds left (which is actually good for the extra points for the seed rank)

Abd with about 3 or 4 minutes left after choosing 10 mins, just purely because Shiva had boost

I generally escape the battles with the bombs though, I cba if they take more than 1 hit to kill D:
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The less time you have left, the higher your seed rank.
So if you leave with one second left, your rank will be higher than if you left with 35 mins left.
I just started a complete Squall solo run yesterday, and it took me about 13 minutes to complete the fire cavern? I chose the 20 minute time.
I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but it's not necessary to choose more than ten minutes, whether you trained or not. All you have to do is get to Ifrit, don't die and keep attacking him. Just do it, you shouldn't lose. But, I read this from a guide, but I believe it since the battle has been quicker whenever I choose ten minutes, and sometimes, I only used one summoning of Shiva.

I usually choose ten minutes anyway though.
Always have chosen 10 minutes, ended up leaving the cavern with 30 seconds left most of the time.