Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

If Zack was incompatible with Jenova cells he would have made a terrible SOLDIER....

Sorry, I meant to say S-Cells, but that wasn't really coming to mind when I was thinking about it. :awesome:

The problem was that Genesis couldn't use Zack's cells because as a SOLDIER his cells had already adapted to Jenova matter, so the "S cells" Hojo put into him were bonded to his already Jenova infused cells. Genesis and Hollander assumed that Cloud's were just kind of lying dormant in him, so they would be usable. And it wasn't just the cells, Zack also got a lot of extra mako from the procedure, powering him up more as well.

Ah, lol.

Dammit, I've had it backwards for such a long time, now. Thanks for clearing that up for me. :monster:
Sorry, I meant to say S-Cells, but that wasn't really coming to mind when I was thinking about it.

Technically S cells are just Jenova cells, Hojo did something to purify them or what not but the process for making a SOLDIER and the process for making a Sephiroth Copy are one and the same according to the FF VII Ultimania Omega.

Ah, lol.

Dammit, I've had it backwards for such a long time, now. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

No problem. But yeah, they helped Zack out big time. That's why before Nibelheim he was beaten by Sephiroth pretty bad, but after he owned Sephiroth's equal both in his renewed, normal form and when he was powered up by the lifestream and the goddess materia.
Cloud. He was the Original Final Fantasy VII Dude, before they decided to pimp out Zack and create a story for him, Plus Cloud has OmniSlash that thing is Kick ass, and Cloud beat Sephiroth before he became a experiment, then he beat him some more! Zack couldn't beat him, and he was a 1st Class soldier :notfunny:

Plus Cloud has hotter Hair :awesome:
At the time of Zacks death, Zack was stronger. Clouds defeat(ish) or Sephiroth in the reactor was as he caught him off guard.

But I'd say by the end of the game, Cloud is way beyond Zack physically. Mentally hes a cry baby
Zack, because Cloud had to have his friends to even befin to challange Sephiroth. Zack only had to use his head and awesome sword skills.
Cloud. He was the Original Final Fantasy VII Dude, before they decided to pimp out Zack and create a story for him, Plus Cloud has OmniSlash that thing is Kick ass, and Cloud beat Sephiroth before he became a experiment, then he beat him some more! Zack couldn't beat him, and he was a 1st Class soldier :notfunny:

Plus Cloud has hotter Hair :awesome:

octoslash was kewler than omnislash coz it had better graphics :wacky:

Mentally hes a cry baby


Zack, because Cloud had to have his friends to even befin to challange Sephiroth. Zack only had to use his head and awesome sword skills.

This has really been the basis of my argument, that Cloud draws his strength from his friends, and that Zack draws his strength from himself.
Is this even a fair comparison? I mean Zack died before the events of FFVII, we'll never know how powerful he could have been if he'd lived. The reason Cloud looks so powerful is because he still lives and has the chance to continue improving.
I think, given he'd survived, he would have easily been stronger than Cloud.

Zack seemed to single-handedly accomplish feats at least equal to those of Cloud while cloud was still a very low level, and Cloud had aid from his party when he did these things (as someone already pointed out).

Mentally speaking I think it's rather obvious that Zack's mind was far more stable though.
Cloud outstripped Zack in every way. He was the ONLY one capable of defeating the legendary Sephiroth...period. And he did it more than once. So Zack died and didn't get to reach his true what? Even if he had lived, Cloud had more inner strength..more fight in him. Where Zack would have folded Cloud would have survived. Zack verses Cloud would be a damn good battle any day of the week but we all really know who the victor would ultimately be. Cloud beat Sephiroth fair and he got the drop on him? And what? Sephiroth was the best bar none and he bested zack easily but cloud a mere noob wasted him. Cloud had the real inner potential. Add to that the Jenova cells and the time spent floating in the life stream. He was the only other to survive that apart from Sephiroth. Finally he even defeated the call of the Jenova cells in side of his own body. What are you left with? A fighter who was peerless.
Let me reinforce Renzostrife's point.

Comparing Cloud to Zack is like comparing apples to oranges.

You're looking at two different characters albeit very similar traits, at different points in time with different circumstances.

You can compare all you want with how the developers say this or that, you can compare if cloud from AC was compared to Zack from CC, but remember that you're comparing two different times and circumstances.

If you were to compare them at points in time where they were together, well, Zack would be the stronger one. But once Zack passes on, then Cloud eventually becomes stronger, but by when? It's hard to tell because of the situations given.

Even if you try comparing them and their strengths at their own time, it would be hard to do. When you play Cloud in FFVII, you end up being epic. When you play Zack in FFVII:CC, you end up being epic. It's hard to show minimal amounts of bias. What I feel this really boils down to is, who do you like more? Zack or Cloud.

And I just realized that this thread has been bumped from about a month ago -__-.
Arte makes a real strong point. Seemingly irrefutable too.

Zack and Cloud are truly, two totally different characters. If counted based on the time they were together, Zack would thrash Cloud easily, but if counted up to the latest time (Meaning Cloud in DoC, Zack would most probably suffer a terrible beating.).

I guess it'll be nicer if Dissidia included Zack as a special character available. It'll be fun to see Zack fighting again, re-experiencing the Crisis Core experience in Dissidia, i suppose, then we could compare the two in battle.

But for now, I guess Cloud would win due to his larger variety of Limit Breaks...? And my personal preference too.
Depending on which point in time you're refering to, there's a few possible answers.
Zack was stronger than cloud up to the point of his death, if by stronger you mean ability in combat. Cloud did have hidden strength though, as he demonstrated during the first fight with Sephiroth, when he threw him from the platform in the Mount Nibel's reactor, which gives a hint that Cloud may have had more potential than Zack, though we'll never know this due to Zack's death.
As for a later point in time, we'll move forward to the beginning point of FFVII.
Zack was defeated by a group of ShinRa MPs, which Cloud easily dispatches, even from the start of the game, although Cloud obviously presented a handicap for Zack in his vegetated state. Even so, this could signal that Cloud quickly became stronger than Zack.
As for the long term difference in time, it's clear that Cloud became alot stronger than Zack, however, if Zack hadn't of died, Cloud may have never surpassed him, but the fact that Cloud may have gotten additional strength and potential due to Hojo's experiments, Cloud may have surpassed Zack (who turned out to be a failed experiment, due to his body not reacting to the treatment).

Overall, an interesting question, but I don't think it is possible to determine which of the two are stronger.
People the question has already been answered. Zack is stronger altogether and the ONLY reason Cloud even gets stronger than Zack is because Zack dies. Obviously, if Zack stayed alive he would be stronger than Sephiroth and stronger than Cloud by miles. But like someone mentioned already, it's who would you like to think is stronger.
cloud is better

i say cloud surpassed zack soely because in crisis core zack was easily defeated sepheroth were in advent children cloud was able to better sepheroth.and if you want further proof in crisis core cloud was able to beat sepheroth and he was just a symple infantryman wile zack was a SOLDIER 1st class
although my favorite is cloud, i think Zack Fair is stronger than cloud.
Zack was, is and will be the Best Final Fantasy Char in my opinion.
there is no other character for me. he is just the best for what he did
and what he was fighting for!

Interesting question. I did not long time ago a simulation (in my head) of those two fighting each other (as a part of a FF Crossover game idea).
Zack was stronger and smarter, but in the end Cloud won because he had two allies with him [ Lulu (FFX) and Amarant (FFIX) ].

So I think Zack is still stronger than Cloud.
Many say Cloud is stronger because he beat Sephiroth and Zack failed.
But I have different theory about each time Cloud fought Sephiroth:

*some spolers

1) The first time when Sephiroth became evil - Zack probably charged head on and Sephiroth just owned him. Then Sephiroth was busy with Jenova and didn't pay much attention to Cloud who sneak behind him. So this time it was luck.

2) At the end of the game - Cloud didn't beat Sephiroth alone. He only defeat that human form in the end, which probably was weakened and tired after the fight against the whole TWO parties.

3) AC - There is no proof that this Sephiroth is as strong as the original.
It even more likely he was weaker as he was just some kind of copy.

So maybe each time Cloud fought againt Sephiroth and "won", it was either luck or weakened Sephiroth.
I think that cloud becomes stroner abour the time or aeris's death as his rage makes him stronger. If not there definately by disc 3. Although Zack wasn't weak it's just cloud was stronger.

Sorry to double post but we will see when dissidia is realsed.

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