Recent content by Squall LeonHart

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    FFVIII Questions Game

    Am I right?
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    To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

    Who agreed that the end of FF8 was perfect. And once again, it doesnt mean that it has to be the game itself. It could be after the game, or like another adventure.
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    To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

    But who said anything about making the movie around the game itself. They could do something like FFVII did where they go like years after the orignal story line.
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    FFVIII Questions Game

    Well there are the basic...6. Siren,Shiva,Iftrit, The lightning one, diablose and the one you get when you go to the place with the numbers. But, there are other one where you have to work hard to get so im gonna guess aroun 13.
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    FFVIII Questions Game

    Isnt it after you complete all of the SeeD tests?
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    To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

    Okay, after reading all of your posts, some I agree and some i do not. I think that FFIII should get a movie, for the simple fact that....well i dont have a good fact...OH YEAH! I think they should because FFVII got one, and i personaly never played FFVII, and i have heard so much stuff about...
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    Which FFVIII Character Are You?

    I would have to say im a Zell, i dont really have his fight-ness, but i do have his personality.
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    Metal Gear Fantasy?

    I think they are totally gonna screw up the Metal Gear series by doing all of these little side games of the MG series. I realize that square, and konami are huge gaming companys, and have done great work, but is there such thing as too much greatness?
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    The worst spoiler

    I can kinda see that now, but still. During the movie they did kinda make the viewer want more of her, so I can see why it was so big.
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    I dont know, I think the reason why I didnt use much magic, is because of the draw feature, I loved that.
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    I really dont like magic, the only time I use magic is when I use like cure or something along those lines, or when i have like Demi, or Ultima.(sp?)
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    The worst spoiler

    You guys are mad that you didnt see here face? I wasnt mad at all, I really wasnt to worried about her, I was more worried about the action stuff and the crap like that.