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  1. Wolvatron

    FFXII Soundtrack

    NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! :|
  2. Wolvatron

    Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!

    must be. i dunno. *shrugs* i found it pretty easy to follow and i loved it. :)
  3. Wolvatron

    Still Waiting for XII...

    you guys are a patient bunch. but to rub it in, i've already beaten it and going through it again. ;) you guys will love it.
  4. Wolvatron

    Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!

    so because you were confused makes it a bad storyline? the story in 12 is incredible. so mature and, well, just plain cool.
  5. Wolvatron

    Watching These Now

    personally i've always loved the series. i get a kick out of them and they're always so much fun to watch.
  6. Wolvatron

    Things from earlier games that you wish were in later games

    12 had dungeons and caves and creepy ruins and stuff. *shrugs*
  7. Wolvatron

    FFXII Soundtrack

    battle for freedom is great, and so is ending movie (nice name for a track).
  8. Wolvatron

    Giruvegan (help)

    yea, this is a little vague. need some more info.
  9. Wolvatron

    Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!

    ^ best post ever.
  10. Wolvatron

    Different Graphic Styles

    i love cell shading. makes it feel like you're interacting with an anime movie or something.
  11. Wolvatron

    Weather Affecting Stats...Just a Thought

    i think it would be very annoying. i wouldn't play the game that would make me do that.
  12. Wolvatron


    he's right. it was useful at times, but i still found the info to be very interesting. i read them all the time.
  13. Wolvatron

    Dude...try this game out!

    that's nice, but you gotta have a NES for FF1. yeah. i remember that. it was a fighter that square released around the same time. they also released a shooter called Einhander. that was pretty cool.
  14. Wolvatron

    One Of The Best Battle Systems Ever?

    the more i hear you talk about FF games, the more i like you. hehe. :cool:
  15. Wolvatron

    Have you ever faked it?

    i was gonna comment on the age as well. haha. but i'll agree with you that when the girl does hit the big o, it's a scary event. i thought she was gonna pull my arms off or something. oh, and they're loud. haha. :cool: off topic, but what's your favorite live maiden album? i vote for rock...
  16. Wolvatron

    More Equipment Slots?

    there's ultimate weapons. the formalhaut, the zodiac spear, the tournesol, excalibur, etc.
  17. Wolvatron

    Where are people finding this game?

    NTSC vs. PAL. the game has to be converted to PAL first before it gets released in the UK.
  18. Wolvatron

    Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!

    yes. they did have better things to focus on than love. and the story was deep. but, i don't think i'm gonna argue much more in this thread.
  19. Wolvatron

    A funny glitch I did.

    anybody else finding this to be pretty sketchy? considering there are no chocobos in the first game, this sounds pretty ridiculous.
  20. Wolvatron

    Dude...try this game out!

    apparently, i'm the only one who started from the beginning.