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  1. F


    I stil haev mine! Along whit SNES, N64, GC, Wii, GBC, GBA, GBA SP and DS. I colect Nintendo.
  2. F

    Friday the 13th

    I had my friday 13 on tursday 12. I had to work, and i almost got a nervus breakdovn becaus all teh stress.
  3. F

    Just the ladies

    Sey it isnt so! You cant kill kitty! T___T
  4. F

    What's your mood?

    Mood: tired Reason: i was drinknig last nite.
  5. F


    Oh, tanks you very mutch! ^___^ Sorry for trobling you...
  6. F


    How do i get to join teh RPG?
  7. F

    Chocobo Forest [Hot & Cold]

    I actally never complited teh chocobo quest. *Blush* But i was very fond of it. ^_^
  8. F

    NGC malfunction

    Ive never had trobels with my GC... o_O In fact ive never had trobels with any of my Nintendos. ^___^
  9. F

    Nintendo The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    I have alot of the Zelda games, and i love them all. TP is great, it relly meninds me of OoT! Shur its esier than teh other games, but that dosnt bother me to mutch. :p
  10. F

    Best Nintendo console (includes GB)

    The Wii is amazing! Youll love it! ^___^
  11. F

    Baten Kaitos

    Yeh, teh voiseacting is relly crappy! It sounds like their sitting in a small box just reding from a paper someone gave them 5 minutes ago. ;_;
  12. F

    Multiple Platforms Castlevania

    Aaah, tank you sooo mutch helping me whit that! ^___^ Tough im sure ill forget it again... *giggle*
  13. F

    Multiple Platforms Castlevania

    Ive just playd dawn of sorrow, i have it on my DS, and anoter one on for GBA wich i dont remember whats called. I really like tose games atelast. ^___^
  14. F

    Sonic vs. Mario

    Its Mario all teh way for me, totally!
  15. F

    Baten Kaitos

    I just want to know wat other peeps tinks of it... Im sorry... T_T But atleast ive almost finishd is, im right at the end of it. Aeris: Savyna? I dont relly like her, her attacks arre to quick. -_-;;
  16. F

    Frog catching!!!

    How many frogs do you actally need to get 9999 on frog drop? Oh, and I like your sig MasterX, its cute. xD
  17. F

    Should I buy?

    Yeh, it was teh first FF game i playd too! (and the only one ive finished... *Blush* ) Its mega awsome!
  18. F


    My hair is pertty short, metallic black with some bronze red in it. I got this harcut wen i was a hair modell. ^__^
  19. F

    Count down from 1,000

    811 Oh wow what a great pictur! >.<
  20. F

    Count down from 1,000

    813 am i doing it rite?