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  1. Seth_Rahl

    The Gunblade

    Well, technically the gunblade is coming back in FF13. The heroine wields it.
  2. Seth_Rahl

    Things Kingdom Hearts character's would never say

    Cloud: Thanks Sora. I owe you one. Sora: Sure thing. Just make sure you zip up your pants before you go see Sephy, or we might have a problem here. Namine': Pants? Who needs them?
  3. Seth_Rahl

    FF XIII Battle System

    Hells yeah! The main hero looks awesome! He sorta reminds me of Vincent, too...
  4. Seth_Rahl

    Cloud's Wing

    If you notice, Sephioroth's costume changed as well, slightly.
  5. Seth_Rahl

    Things Kingdom Hearts character's would never say

    Sephiroth(to sora): Damnit, why doesn't your friggin' keyblade ever dull!? Stupid masamune...
  6. Seth_Rahl

    Cloud's Wing

    Yeah. Do you think they'll change it again for KH3?
  7. Seth_Rahl

    FF XIII Battle System

    But the people who made KH and KH2 are working on versus. Is Tetsuya really influencing square enix that much? Well, I do hope it has a KH feeling to it.
  8. Seth_Rahl

    Cloud's Wing

    I've realized that this one winged angel thing between cloud and sephiroth isn't really true. In fact, I believe that Genesis, from FF7 dirge of cerberus, is the other one winged angel, as he has one wing that sprouts from the opposite shoulder than Sephiroth's. But I could be wrong. Anyways...
  9. Seth_Rahl

    wow someone had alot of fun hacking

    Couldn't they do that so Sephiroth and Cloud replaced goofy and donald? That would be a fan-boy's dream come true.
  10. Seth_Rahl

    Can you get Sephiroth as A playable character?

    I used a gameshark to get Sephiroth, and one time he did get damaged. But after that he was immortal, as you said. Did I do something wrong?
  11. Seth_Rahl

    Is Zodiac Spear worth it?

    Hmm...I think then i'll make a party with one masamune and two zodiac spears. maybe then i'll have the guts to try Yiazmat out (hah!) again.
  12. Seth_Rahl

    FF XIII Battle System

    Looking at the screens, I think that is indeed the case. But it also reminds me of a KH feeling -- does anybody else think that?
  13. Seth_Rahl

    Is Zodiac Spear worth it?

    True. But it's mass amount of damage really comes from equipping the genji armor and/or the cats-ear hood. If you didn't have any of those, wouldn't three spears be more effective?
  14. Seth_Rahl

    Defeating The Undying in less than 10 minutes

    Quickening is usually the general strategy i've seen, but by the time you get to the Undying I've found if you screw one up really badly you can get annihilated in seconds because of Bravery and Faith. I would just stick with using Dispel to wipe those out, and use defensive status magic to...
  15. Seth_Rahl

    Deathbringer Sword

    Never used deathbringer. by the time I got it it was useless to me, so whatever. I always found katanas to be more reliable anyways.
  16. Seth_Rahl


    ??? Where hath the other person's posts gone? Whatev. So, what level were you when you fought ahriman?
  17. Seth_Rahl

    Is Zodiac Spear worth it?

    Hmm...would a party equipped w/ three zodiac spears be more effective than masamune, I wonder?
  18. Seth_Rahl

    Favorite fighting style?

    Loz's was cool. I thought he could have had some better moves with his, though, but his trick with the motorcycle and superspeed was awesome.
  19. Seth_Rahl


    I never got zodiark. Did you?
  20. Seth_Rahl


    Especially Adremmalech. I thought he would pwn, but I used him against the antlion when I was still a noob and he died quicker than me. That @$$....