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  1. Sqaull

    Last Movie You've Seen

    Awake - 8/10 - Decent enough film, good twist at the end never saw it comin.
  2. Sqaull

    Arghh FF disc problem

    Id deffo just go down to your local game shop then i have tnem clean the disks. It should work ok after that. I had that problem with FFX for a while, it kept freezing during one of the boss fights, been fine since i ahd the disk cleaned.
  3. Sqaull

    What Are You Currently Listening To V2

    Arr 2shay!! Awsome tune!
  4. Sqaull

    Arghh FF disc problem

    Try gettin the disk cleaned in gamestation. I know its sounds like its not the disk but its worth a go before you go looking for another console.
  5. Sqaull

    What Are You Currently Listening To V2

    Avenge Sevenfold - Sieze The Day 7/10 Got my library on random.
  6. Sqaull

    Hmm a bit stuck in FF8

    Think you gotta land the ship in the tree's or somethin and wallk the rest. Grr annoyin when i cant remember.
  7. Sqaull

    Hmm a bit stuck in FF8

    Ye its been a while since i played VIII, i just know there is 'invisible' sections to the continent. Dont wanna say anythin else cos dunno exaxctly how far MasamuneSoul is into the disk :)
  8. Sqaull

    Hmm a bit stuck in FF8

    Remind me, is the Esthar continent the invisible one?
  9. Sqaull

    What game did you buy last?

    Ha, unlucky dude, dosey muppets. Last game i bought was Zelda Wii. Thinking of getting that guild wars tho, is it any good?
  10. Sqaull

    Help! :)

    Im a right bugger for it, i cant help tho, when the storylines are so good i just wanna get thru it as quick as and find out what happens :) Ill take your advice tho, thanks!
  11. Sqaull

    New to the forum

    Hello, welcome the Forum, im new aswell. Kingdom Hearts is a good one for when you've finished CC.
  12. Sqaull

    New FF players

    I started with VIII, then worked backwards for a while through VII and VI. Jumped forward to X now tho. Glad i started with VIII, think its the best one IMO. But then they'll always be a soft spot for VIII with me as it was my 1st. Must say tho X is looking pretty sweet atm.
  13. Sqaull

    Help! :)

    Cheers dude, i think im currenty set to warrior at the mo, the rest of the my party is stoic.
  14. Sqaull

    Help! :)

    Cheers Guys
  15. Sqaull

    Help! :)

    Ye i no what you mean, i always have a tendancy to build up the characters i control the most, usually the main one in the game, i.e Tidus, Squall etc. Its great when you have small battles but not so good for major ones. I do all the time and then i always end up bitchin when i cant beat a boss :)
  16. Sqaull

    Help! :)

    Arr right i no wot you mean now. Pretty much just have a load of random fights and when the overdrives build up dont use them till i fight the sinspawn. Cool. Cheers bud
  17. Sqaull

    Help! :)

    Cheers mate, good to know it can be done with that amount of hp, only issue there is i dont have any pheonix downs. Are you able to backtrack and buy some? Cheers dude, how to you make sure everyone has their overdrives set before the fight? Normally the overdrive kicks in when ive...
  18. Sqaull

    Help! :)

    Cheers Dude, think ive cocked up at the begining tbh, i prob should have been more tact when spending sphere lvls etc. Ill keep trying failng that ill start again :(
  19. Sqaull

    Help! :)

    Hia Guys, new here so a quick hello firstly. Secondly i need a bit of info. Im new to FFX ive only been playing it a few weeks and im having real difficulty with the leveling up. Im used to FF8's leveling up system and i cant get to grips with X's. Pretty much the prob is i cant win any battles...