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  1. Yvanna

    Sticking to your new year resolutions?

    I have been SORT OF sticking to mine. I'm trying to lose about 1/2 a stone to 1 stone by the end of he year, gettin' some diet and excersize in >_<. I've been mainly good so far but I had a bit of a cake-flavoured lapse recently o_o but now I'm back on track! ^_^ And I got a fitness DVD for...
  2. Yvanna

    If you could shake the hand of any person in history, who would it be?

    WAT. RLY? "The holocaust was bad but lets just ignore that 'cause the IDEA behind it was right"?? NO THANKS. Hitler was very good with words, which is how he managed to convince the majority of an entire country that what he was doing was right. The entire world has learnt from that...
  3. Yvanna

    Serious I have horrible luck with girls

    Eighteen is young! You've had a girlfriend, and it didn't work out, but who cares? Barely anyone stays with their first girlfriend. You have loads of time to go lady shopping! Don't be in any rush - you might look desperate o_o, and these things happen naturally anyway (cliché I know, sorry ¬_¬).
  4. Yvanna

    I'm maaaaad

    If I'm REALLY REALLY angry I go completely quiet and do the whole cold shoulder one-word answer thing. However, if I'm only slightly pissy, I do this thing where I get all honest. o_o Like, I don't care about people being offended so I tell them everything with 100% honesty, including if it's...
  5. Yvanna

    Quote Quiz

    Jill, is it Zell?
  6. Yvanna

    Woman still breastfeeds her 8 year old

    Psssh, stop being so PC everyone! It's her right to bring her child up however she wants, yes, but only if it is not detrimental to the child. If she was beating her, you wouldn't say that! Doctors say (as I learnt when my sister was pregnant) that, nutritionally, the healthiest option is to...
  7. Yvanna

    Missed Sidequest

    Damnit >_< I think I read something about getting a secret ending if you complete the game 100% - it gives you a completion percentage in your save game information so I'm guessing this is what it means. Anyone else know?
  8. Yvanna

    Final Fantasy XIII: The last great hope

    FFXIII the last hope? Which one? o_o Here's the thing: a lot of people compare any of the FF games after VII to VII, which sort of blew everyone away because it was the first 3D-graphics FF and had such a good story, and absolutely unforgettable characters - I speak for a majority here; if not...
  9. Yvanna

    Where did you get your username from?

    One of the Vala from the Silmarillion.
  10. Yvanna

    The Most Moving Cut Scene.

    Aeris' death, because it was the first FF I ever played and I didn't have a clue what they were at the time. I remember getting so into it 'cause it was a computer game with a story like a book, and I was NOT expecting it. So when it happened I was like =o... ... ... ... "Did that seriously just...
  11. Yvanna

    General Final Fantasy Favorites/Worsts

    Favourite Hero: Squall... oh man, if he were real D::tighthug: Favourite Villain: It has to be Sephiroth, really. Sorry if it's overdone -_- Favourite FF title: XII Favourite FF character: Rikku Favourite FF male character: Balthier Favourite FF female character: Fran Favourite Non-human FF...
  12. Yvanna

    Do you use a walkthrough?

    Yeah, I usually invest in the official guides. I play through quite a lot of it by myself but I keep it by my side and keep skimming it to make sure I haven't missed anything. I like to only use them for secrets and treasures really, otherwise it kind of takes the fun out of the game. But I...
  13. Yvanna

    What FF game are you currently playing

    Revenant Wings, CC: Ring of Fates and FFIV on DS, and re-playing XII on PS2. Trying to get all the rare monsters but keep wondering whether it's really worth it. o_o
  14. Yvanna

    Missed Sidequest

    Heylo guys. I think I've missed one of the Revenant Wings side quests, as there is one random one in the log on the ship which is still coming up as '????', rather than the name of the quest. I think it may have been from chapter 7. I want to complete the game 100% to get the extended ending...
  15. Yvanna

    Introduction Post #176219

    'Ey up! This forum is overwhelmingly big. I'm not sure where to start. I feel like I need a tour guide or something. :| Well, I hope I get to know you guys and discuss some awesome things. I'll get to work! Yvanna