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  1. C

    Oi, I'm new

    I'm getting that for christmas, apparently it's a really good storyline. I'm scared I won't like it now. haha. I'll give it a shot anyways.
  2. C

    FF Music Final Fantasy Music Covers

    It's kinda funny how you went from engligh to japanese. I liked the bits when you go high. Keep working.
  3. C


    Yeah, I'm gonna try it out to. Thanks and Welcome.
  4. C

    Final Fantasy Suggestion.

    For christmas, my parents are getting me a PsP because I really wanted to play the remakes of FF1 and 2. I think I have to choose one game so which one would you suggest I buy?
  5. C


    HAHA....Thanking you both :)
  6. C

    The Final FMV

    I've seen that scene but I didn't know that you could press those buttons. lolz.
  7. C

    Tidus with black hair

    He looks to serious and manly with black hair. Blonde hair suits his personality, happy and bouncy and cute.
  8. C

    Do You Like the Character Yunalesca?

    I liked her speech but I really didn't like her. And she is dead ugly when she tranforms. Madusa bitch.
  9. C


    Hi guys. I thought that I'd say hi after I browsed the forums a little. I'm happy to say that I really like the way this forum works, much better than come other forums I've been on. My name is Josh and i'm 16. Nice to meet you. I'm very familiar with these types of forums so I know how they...
  10. C

    Jack is back!

    I don't know what you are talking about...actually I think I've heard of that show.
  11. C

    New Harry Potter book

    I heard that it's gonna have somthing to do with James and Lily Potter, the story of how there friends betrayed them...yatayata.
  12. C


    That's because there is going to be another book. Poalini said that the third book would be too big so they split it up. ha.
  13. C

    yuffie, rikku or selphie

    I'd say Riku for personality, she is just cute but sorta over cute in X-2. Battle-wise...I'd, yuffie.
  14. C

    Where are you?

    I'm playing Final Fantasy X, I've finished it before but I'm up to the part inside Sin after beating Seymour Omnix (sp?). I'm not stuck, I just can't be bothered walking all the way through that stupid place to beat Sin. Meh.