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  1. Sprite


    really? But everyone wants to be asian... And America... does have history. 200 PLUS YEARS of history. yeah. that's a lot of history.
  2. Sprite

    Last Movie You've Seen

    That new batman movie. 10/10. Joker made the movie. Its a shame they'll have to find a replacement though... don't even know if they'll be able to.
  3. Sprite


    they've got good bratwurst.
  4. Sprite


    um... i think so... i'm pretty sure...
  5. Sprite


    yup. wait. no. It's a small continent/
  6. Sprite

    A true hero?

    Its teeth are all funny like...
  7. Sprite

    Give me some LOVE

    Well... you do bear a striking resemblance to a Valerie.... maybe...
  8. Sprite


    wow never say die.
  9. Sprite

    Give me some LOVE

    that's it. you found me out. Narwhal won't be able to save you when I'm done with you. You best get your galoshes on.
  10. Sprite

    A true hero?

    nice melon
  11. Sprite

    Give me some LOVE

    Do I look like I'd do that? Has Sprite ever hurt you? I just quench your thirst. For Manatee. And Dolphin. And Dumbo. And whatever other exotic animal you might be interested in. I am a murderer
  12. Sprite

    Give me some LOVE

    ummm.... sounds risky. If you come with me we'll call it a date?
  13. Sprite

    Give me some LOVE

    You always have to give in this world before you get. Why can't you just get? Because honestly, manatees are a little expensive.
  14. Sprite

    Give me some LOVE

    And how might this be done? Not that I'm interrested... um... yeah. ;))
  15. Sprite

    Any plans for tonight?

    Just working tonight and stuffs. Being able to post on the internet during work is a godsend. Mod edit: Can you please put more effort into your posts. Thank you =]
  16. Sprite

    Are you worried about swine flu?

    Not too worried. I hear tell China is though. They're afraid this will cause them to lose out on the tourist economy eventually losing money. I saw a news clip with them all pannicked about a student in ShanXi that came down with it but how they cured her 100% so nothing to worry about.
  17. Sprite

    My First Thread

    righto. will do. nice avatar btw, I bought that cd.
  18. Sprite

    What's your favourite band?

    Shouldn't this thread go in that music subsection down yonder south on the forum... here. um anyways... my favorite band would have to be the Gorillaz. Didn't like there first CD so much but their second one I can't stop listening to.
  19. Sprite

    My First Thread

    So, this is my hello thread. Hello all! wow I haven't joined a forum for so long. hope to see you around. I'll post when I'm bored.
  20. Sprite

    First video game

    My first game... Super Mario World for the SNES. I remember not knowing how to use the controller so we just pressed buttons until it did something. I also remember being mesmerized by all the bright colors. I've sure come a long way since then.