Any plans for tonight?

I've got hours of excitement ahead.
I've got a stats assignment, who knew that finding the standard deviation and P hat stuff could be soo much fun.
But wait, there's more. I've got an accounting test to study for. Memorisinf formulas and other general accounting stuff is just so fun.
xlolx fun. :wacky:

Anyway, I won't be doing all that much tonight, my GF is coming to sleep round since my mums working tonight which means an empty house, and the at 00:00 it's my birthday :awesome:
Fucking database error -__-

I don't know, I would like to get all my reading and work done for my comparative politics tutorial on Wednesday, but to be honest I will probably end up procrastinating and I will be forced to do it at the last minute. But I do plan to get it all done tonight.
I did have to go to my work meeting tonight but I had my first sickie half way through the day and came home. They told me not to come back either because they would rather I get some rest so I didn't call in sick tomorrow. XD

Other than that I plan to read some Twilight, go to the shops and get some bland DVD's, get some petrol, get my monies off of Steve, oh and do my bookwork for work. <_<

So yeah I probably won't even get any of them done because I still feel crook and don't feel like moving. But it has to be done! Well, the petrol and bookwork part does anyway. XD
Since it's my birthday and shit and went out for a meal which was rather epic if I do say so, and overall it was just a really enjoyable night out with the family. But I'm going out tomorrow with my GF so all is good! 8D
Just working tonight and stuffs. Being able to post on the internet during work is a godsend.
Mod edit: Can you please put more effort into your posts. Thank you =]
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it's Wednesday and you know Im out on the piss :awesome:

Gunna go meet Clare about 1 ish, then we are off to Manchester for food and an all dayer, im so glad the weathers picked up its been pissing down all week. Still feeling abit iffy, but the beer'll sort that out
Not doing anything tonight but last night was amazing, went to Sassari which looked unreal and the food was gorgeous, then went to cineworld to see the 21:40 showing of the Uninvited which was quite a jumpy film in places, then my GF and I got a taxi back to mine and went to bed :)
Nothing much. Probably going to watch a few episodes of Battlestar Galactica with a group of friends, and play some Frisbee Golf at midnight around campus. :gasp:
Tonight I shall do what I did last night.

Drink Jack Daniels and muck around on the computer! XD

I am meant to be going out with my best mate, her boyfriend and Steve, but I think she'll tell me at the last minute that something came up, or she won't bother telling me at all. <_<

I asked her at the beginning of the week to do something on Saturday night and she said she had to make sure she kept it open in case she might be doing something that night.

I'm like, " WTF, you have plans now with me! I asked to go out at the beginning of the week so that you know what you're doing on Saturday night."

"So therefore there is no need to keep it open, because it is now filled with plans of hanging out with me."

I didn't say that to her though. XD Just thought it.

Why do people need to wait to the last minute to figure out what they're going to do?

I'm thinking that she may wait to see if a better offer comes up and if not she'll come crawling back to me around 6pm saying, "Oh do you wanna go out?"

I'll be like, "Sorry I'm halfway down the coast now bitch. XD"

Nah we're alright friends. Just get on each others nerves sometimes lmao.
Yes, well no. Not going out or anything, im owed a night in after last night. I plan on tidying up the house a bit later then digging out some dvds and sticking them on, either that or il watch the tv. Whatever happens im not going out tonight at all. Gonna have a nice quiet relaxing day in the house :)
Im going to my guys for sunday dinner. so probably just watch top gear DVDs and read some mang later. Nothing wow lol.
I was gonna go down town since it's May Day tomorrow but I'm not gonna bother, it looks like it's gonna rain and it'll be harder to get served since they'll be looking out for people underage since they know they're not at school/college tomorrow >.>

Instead I'm going to sit at home, have pizza and a Magnum ice cream and watch the Real Betis v. Atletico Madrid game then Match of the Day. :awesome:
ive just had dinner, and im gonna have 2 nights in coz its mayday and bank holiday weekend (woot!), so im gonna chillax and revise. URGH!
Well considering I was meant to go to the Lookout this weekend I may go tonight.

I love that place. XD It brings back so many memories!

It's nice to just sit there and look out at the city and all the pretty lights!

If we don't do that then I may just go to bed early for work tomorrow.

Man I wish I could just quit working for a year and just relax. I'm so sick of working. >_< But that won't happen until I have kids I reckon. Can't afford to give up work these days. <_<
I'm going to sit right in front of my laptop, get awful back problems and do my assessment already. Really shouldn't have wasted my holidays.

Maybe I'll move my computer into the next room, except then I can't use the internet. Can still code though. Ehnn.

That and a bunch of FFX-ing. :-)
I am going to revise and go to my youth group. I hope i can do the revising bit coz ive been lazy all week and my exams are in a few weeks!
Tonight I'll probbaly Just Watch the Arsenal v Man utd Game On ITV And then I'll probbaly do some betting On The Ladbrokes website with the remaining £12 i have in my debit card try to get some money Or else i have nothing until friday!
Mmm finally going to watch the last couple of episodes of Medium Season 1. Lurk on MSN and share some craziness round the world... And pick at some dinner if the mood calls for it! =^^=