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  1. Mystical Ninja

    Did anybody else NOT use the espers in the game?

    I have all of them besides Zodiarc right now. I haven't even bothered to assign any of them besides the first 2 I got. They are just a side quest for me. Just another thing to get in order to acheive superiority in the game. The original idea of a one time strike with somewhat heavy damage was...
  2. Mystical Ninja

    best console

    I think the SNES is best. I would have said the NES but I think the game designers were still in the early stages of understanding how to create games, and there was major improvement with the SNES. There were still fantastic NES games, but the SNES still wins out.
  3. Mystical Ninja

    Phantasy Star

    First RPG ever made?!?! Have you ever played Adventure for the Atari 2600? Even though that was the first I have ever played, I am still pretty sure that wasn't the first ever. There have to have been tons of other RPGs before that one. Phantasy Star was awesome though. My friend had Sega...
  4. Mystical Ninja

    It's Classic now...

    One of the freakin hardest games I can remember was Ninja Gaiden for the NES. Holy crap, the hoops you would have to jump through to get to the end. It was nearly impossible. I don't think I ever did end up beating any of them. While I am at it, the game that goes by my name was even tough...
  5. Mystical Ninja

    Was anybody else addicted....

    Hey cyezero- I see your image is a slime. Have you ever played the first Dragon Warrior for the NES? Now that I am back on subject, I have never played the N64 Mario Kart. I was grand master at Super Mario Kart for the SNES though. I must have logged hundreds of hours playing that game. It...
  6. Mystical Ninja

    Which Enemies Give You Fits?

    Forget what they are called. The goblin type creature that usually come in packs of 3 in the Nechrol of Nabudis. Doesn't matter how powerful you are, they never let you hit them. Constantly dodging attacks. Argh!
  7. Mystical Ninja


    There are 13 espers. You must defeat each one in order to obtain the use of it. Even if you beat it, you can't use it right away. You have to buy its spot on the license board to use it. Even then, only the character that buys the spot can use it. Each esper costs anywhere from 1-3 mist...
  8. Mystical Ninja

    Zodiac Escutcheon/Barheim Passage Where the hell is it?

    I went to this location and didn't find a treasure canister. I kept moving back and forth between the bridge and that section and it did not appear once. If I opened this treasure earlier in the game and it was some potion or something, is it gone for good? Do I need to go 2 zones away and...
  9. Mystical Ninja

    Gilgamesh Hunt

    Gilgamesh is actually not very hard at all. I had a much harder time dealing with the undead before reaching him than with him! There is a rare game undead that spawns in that section before Gilgamesh that is 10x harder than he is. If you see him, run like hell. Its name is Disma. Just make...
  10. Mystical Ninja

    About to begin

    I read in an online guide that you can cut down on how many rare items you have to sell if you fill different recipes that share the same loot, at the same time. I don't know how true it is, cause I haven't tried it yet, but it sure as hell sounds better than having to get extra rare loot, and...
  11. Mystical Ninja

    Help: Nabreus Medal side quest

    The game guide explaination worked for me too.
  12. Mystical Ninja

    Vaan too whimpy?

    What are you talking about Judge Ghis? We are not talking about actions here. The game designers could have created a baby or a blob to go out and take on the world, and it wouldn't be wimpy, because of what they are doing. Get realistic, this 15 year old, not 17 year old (his brother was...
  13. Mystical Ninja

    Zodiac Escutcheon/Barheim Passage Where the hell is it?

    Finally an answer!!!!!!!:D I thought I was going to go nuts if I didn't find out soon. Thanks Narcalus!
  14. Mystical Ninja

    About to begin

    I am not gonna get into a whole hell of a lot of detail because you can find these answers easily in searchs and faqs, but just knowing what to look for is the key. There are certain treasure canisters that you should not open so you can get the Zodiac spear (one of the most powerful weapons)...
  15. Mystical Ninja

    Vaan too whimpy?

    I totally agree with Zeon about Vaan's ovaerall look. In some of the lower quality cinematics he looks like a horribly done up plastic GI Joe figure :wacky: !!! His overall body shape is dumpy. Just look at how his sholders droop downward. I am half surprised when he is swinging a sword he just...
  16. Mystical Ninja

    Zodiac Escutcheon/Barheim Passage Where the hell is it?

    I can't for the life of me find out where this chest is. There are no faqs I can find or searches that show me the answer. Someone please help. >_<
  17. Mystical Ninja


    Swb-Chaz must either be 8 years old or on some crazy drugs to write that garbled rambling statement. Maybe he should get through 1st grade grammer before telling his opinion. :wacko:
  18. Mystical Ninja

    Please do this early in the game

    Sweet! It should be a lot easier with that equiped. :cool: Thanks!
  19. Mystical Ninja

    Please do this early in the game

    How and where do you get the Tippets? Can you synthesize them, steal them, or buy them? I don't know if I am far enough yet. I just got to the Phon Coast.
  20. Mystical Ninja

    Bad ideas or moments

    1. What the heck is a pailing? Guess I haven't gotten that far yet. Anyhow, it is super frustrating to have close to 0 chance of defeating an enemy when it is that tough. There should be another alternative to having to play 900 hours in order to get that good, to beat an enemy. 2. There is...