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  1. R

    [18/01] Final Fantasy XIII-2 announced for PS3, 360, confirmed for 2011!

    I loved the story and characters in Final Fantasy XIII and I can't wait for this. I'm honestly more interested in this than Versus. Versus is not even out yet and it's already overrated.
  2. R

    New Utada Hikaru Song?

    This was on her 2nd American album, which I think came out last year. Anyway, she's going on a hiatus now, apparently for a few years, so we won't be hearing anything new for a while.
  3. R

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    The original FF7 was a great game so I don't see the need for a remake. I can't deny that I'm curious as to what it would be like, so if it were ever done I would probably check it out.
  4. R

    What does "SeeD" mean?

    SeeD is supposed to be an elite mercenary unit created by the sorceress Edea in order to defeat evil sorceresses, especially Ultimecia. SeeDs are trained at a Garden where they grow (like real seeds do) to become great fighters, etc. If you remember at the end of the game, Squall ends up at the...
  5. R

    Kingdom Hearts 3DS Will Have All New Disney Worlds [11/17]

    To me, KH games have already used all of the best Disney movies in their stories. But I welcome new worlds to explore, some of the areas are getting pretty repetitive. Don't know if I'll be getting a 3DS though.
  6. R

    Kingdom Hearts fans

    I'm a KH fan, though I like FF more, but I agree a lot of those "fans" are annoying. I was reading reviews for Birth by Sleep on a while back and someone gave it 1 star. A lot of KH fans got mad and replied to his review, angry that he lowered the overall rating of the game that...
  7. R

    final fantasy 8 is under rated

    I think it's definitely underrated. FF7 and FF10 seem to get the most love overall. Even if FF8 was pretty successful, it gets a lot of criticism. I was never confused about the story and I thought all the characters were great. There are many ways to play this game due to the level and junction...
  8. R

    Rinoa Envy & Craving Theory (major spoilers allowed, included, etc)

    I love the first post :lew: I see a lot of people say they think their relationship development was kind of inconsistent. But I saw it throughout the game, maybe the interest Squall showed in Rinoa was too subtle for others to pick up on or they missed scenes, but I feel like he did build up an...
  9. R

    FFX-2 [SPOILERS] Should Tidus have returned?

    A lot of people say that having Tidus come back made the ending to X seem "less deep" or something along those lines, but I think it makes sense he came back. At one point in X, the fayth said to Tidus "We've been dreaming so long. You're more than a dream now. Just a little longer, and...