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  1. niklo90

    Whats it about

    Currently IT has been released in JPN on April 26th 2007 so it should be here in roughly in September (North American) prob July for you Europeans
  2. niklo90

    FFII for PSP. Buy or not to buy

    no buy go for the GBA version :)
  3. niklo90


    I recommend buying Dawn Of souls . Tons of fun to bring out the classics . And if you reallyget into to it buy Number 3 for Ds and 4 for gba aswell as five when its released . Its a great way to update those old old games
  4. niklo90

    FFXII RW - got any info?

    Meh it should be a good game In my oppinion I think it will be good look at tactics for the GBA everyone thought it was going to be horrible but it turned out to be pretty addictive to me .
  5. niklo90

    FFXII RW - got any info?

    Wow this really Changed my mind about the game I found out that it is an RTS style (real time strategy) game
  6. niklo90

    Are you going to buy this game?

    Definatley But I heard the graphics is bad (judging by the japan version)
  7. niklo90

    What did you name your party members

    Ya I had Knight Red Wizard Master Ninja Worst party imaginable took me so long to beat chaos (gba version) And then i started a new one Knight Red wizard White Wizard and Black Wizard