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  1. Vossler

    Last Movie You've Seen

    National Treasure, Book of Secrets. Rating 9/10 I would have to compliment this movie as being almost as good as the prequel. I have nothing but good things to say about this. I sat glued to the screen. I would recommend any history buff to see these movies.:cookie2:
  2. Vossler

    Favourite Movie

    My all time fav movie list. Backdraft V for Vendetta Planet of the Apes the old version. Gladiator Troy Eragon The Mummy The Mummy Returns Scorpion King Hard Corp Casino The Departed Phone Booth All the Harry Potter movies Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3 Kickboxer
  3. Vossler

    Tech So I want to make screen shots of movies..

    Awesome. Thanks for the help L.:nana:
  4. Vossler

    Last album you bought/downloaded?

    Nightwish Dark Passion Play. That has to be one of the best CD's by Nightwish to date. The new singer adds a nice edge. Most of the music on describes a play that involves Eva and Amaranth
  5. Vossler

    What's your favourite band?

    Nightwish Omen Blind Gaurdian Hammerfall Johnny Cash Boston Def Leppard Foriegner The Beatles Statler Brothers Europe Bon Jovi Metallica Kansas Rush Inflames Trans Siberian Orchestra Hans Zimmer To many to list
  6. Vossler

    Tech So I want to make screen shots of movies..

    Can anyone give me a clue on how to print screen movie shots using a media player? Either that or recommend a way that I can do so? Basically when I go to edit them in photoshop they either get cropped wrong or a blank screen appears If I want to lighten etc... Please...:D Thanks:neomon:
  7. Vossler

    What's your mood?

    Mellow and relaxed.
  8. Vossler

    A return

    Yo JL great to see you again. How about some Hard days nights in the yellow submarine eh? The maitenance doesn't bother me none. Git r done!
  9. Vossler

    A return

    Most really don't remember me But I came back after about year of heavy schooling and finally taking a break. I didn't forget about this place:ifrit:
  10. Vossler

    Gameplay Hours

    At this point I have 278hrs The only thing I need to get is Yaizmat and Omega Mark 12 Now that is going to be a pain.
  11. Vossler

    Favorite Instrument

    I have a freind who is an excellent drummer. She plays in a band and just rocks the house. Me I would love to play the Grand Piano. I love its grace and calming tunes.
  12. Vossler

    Phobias Inc.

    Me I am afraid of bridges and escalators.
  13. Vossler

    Autism and asperger syndrome

    I have a very close freind that works with Autistc people. Some of those people actually turn out extremly sucsessful in life. I have a freind also whose twin boys suffer from it and right now they are going through college to get a doctorate degree in physiology. Some of them aren't so lucky...
  14. Vossler

    What's your highest quickening chain?

    Oh I am sorry I miss read.>_< My highest was 17
  15. Vossler


    Xenogears was an excellent game. I loved replaying it over and over. The story line really gets you thinking about real life issues.
  16. Vossler

    What's your highest quickening chain?

    I got a chain of 300. In the area with the Aluranes in the Nam Yense Sandsea. I went back and forth for about an hour after wraithwall and gathered loot.
  17. Vossler

    Who's the main character?

    I would think that it would be a toss up between Balthier and Ashe. The story seemed to revolve around them then Vaan.
  18. Vossler

    The Beatles Trivia

    Humptey dumptey. Paul. What year did George Harrison join the Beatles?
  19. Vossler

    who is the worst character on your team?

    I agree Cait Sith was stupid. That and Yuffie to.
  20. Vossler

    The Beatles Trivia

    Patti Boyd. No I just was making a stupid joke. What was the year that Penny Lane was released?