What's your mood?

Mood: stupid

Reason: im really really tired and its put me in a stupid mood. bloody workmen
Mood: Like most everyone else who's posted here, I'm bored.

Reason: A lack of stuff to do? Maybe I'll go outside and pester the neighbors.
I'm mad cause my teacher is trying to throw a zero on my grade.
Mood: Happy
Reason: We've had the best weather here since like November and it's just so sunny and getting warm, I hope spring is just around the corner.

I gots a new black hoodie and ma friend from Iowa called. He'll but staying in my town wit his mom all summer! ^_^ Someone can keep me occupied all day and I won't have to lay around groaning how it's "too hot" and "I'm booored..."..........XD
Mood: Bored & LAzy

REason: Cba moving even th I should do really, my friends coming round tonigh so I actually need to venture out for alcohol but I just cant be arsed moving at all
Mood: Hungry
Reason: The boyfriend is cooking dinner tonight, and he gets off work in another 30 min, so I have to wait even longer.
Mood: tired and rather annoyed

Reason: Its 5 am and i got woke up an hour ago by a fecking phone call and now i have a house full -_-
Mood : Pretty Good.

Reason : I ordered my new PC yesterday, and Dell confirmed it'll be here sometime in the next two weeks, so my PC-sharing days will soon be up. I'd forgotten how horrible sharing PCs is D:
Mood: Hungry, kind of sick, pissed off, but kind of joyful.

Reason: If you can't tell, I have a lot of things going on today and now I have a lot of mixed moods going on right now. I'm happy about some things, pissed off at others.
Mood: blehhh

Reason: Tired poorly sick has a cold, plagued by toothache and Im rather annoyed at the F1 for not being on til 3:30am
Mood: Bored, sick, lonely, etc.
Reason: Bored because it's sunday and time keeps dragging and I have nothing to do, sick because I ate too much ><, lonely because for the one time I actually feel like talking to somebody, I have nobody to talk to. D=
Mood: Goofy
Reason: I've had a good day, and I just feeling like fooling around and being weird and crazy
Mood: Not bad :monster:

Reason: was feeling abit glum before but now i have chicken fajitas so all is good....altho if i food poison myself il bereally rather annoyed <<