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  1. corwin

    What level were your characters on when you completed the license board?

    Wow, I am like level 50 and I am not even close to complet the both license boards... I am focusing on exp points, so I am equipping the tippets on my characters whenever I train...
  2. corwin

    Will this final fantasy game bring the PS3 out of the hole?

    I have bought the PS3 on the launch day and never regreted it. I have got a great console, blu ray player and entertainment center (it even reads DVD Audio and SACD). And all of that for a bargin price of sum 800 USD (PS3 is even more expencive here in Europe). And regarding the games, right...
  3. corwin

    Your First FFVII?

    I have played FFVII first, and on the PC. I loved the game... Than I got to FFVIII and then I saw AC (which I didnt like as much). I havent played any other of the games, as I had no playstation until now, when I bought PS3 and I am playing FFXII...
  4. corwin

    Omega Weapon strategy

    Hi, I havent been there yet, but I have a pretty good guide, so I am attaching it to my post, feel free to download it. I found it somewhere on the internet, all the credit goes to the guide author of course :) Oh, as I see, I can not upload the walkthrough. I will try it later on from my...
  5. corwin

    Do you train?

    I havent trained until the Judge B in Mt Bur Omisec, but I wasnt able to kill him, so I trained a lot. Than I killed him and now I can not continute the storyline, as I am totaly addicted to training :) I am doing all the avaliable marks and training as hell, to be able to buy the best avaliable...
  6. corwin

    Mateus - Why Is Thunder Not Working!!

    I think you should use Thundara (or how its called - the next level of thunder spell), it works and also it affects more opponents. hope it helped
  7. corwin

    Training your characters

    Thanks for the update! I finaly got through Judge B and now i will go for some hunts and leveling. I am also looking for places where best chaning is possible. Any ideas?
  8. corwin

    Training your characters

    Gabranth, thanks, I will tray that today, hope I will bae able to manage it :) I will report it tomorrow thanks again and have a nice day
  9. corwin

    XII Play Time!?

    37 hours right now, my main 3 characters 32, 30 and 29, the rest 28 and 24. I am in the Mt. Bur-Omisec before the Judge B fight.
  10. corwin

    Training your characters

    Thanks guy, i will try the quickenings and will see how that work out. anyways, when using Basch as tank, you cast decoy on him so the enemies focus on him and you keep healing him, or just you use him as a butcher and the rest as mages? thanks
  11. corwin

    Training your characters

    Hi, I was just today playing FF - battle with Judge B, but I can not figure out how to kill him, as he has the 3 pesky judges to help him... What might work on them? How can I get rid of the 3 helpers asap? As they always just bash me to death... As for the wapons and armour, I just always...
  12. corwin

    Training your characters

    Guy, thanks for your input. I have finaly managed to Kill mateus, but I wasnt easy... I had to repeat it onec, as it killed me when it had like 500 HP with Blizzaja or how its called... It was pretty teadeous for me, as I had to manualy attack and heal and so on and so on as I cant work that...
  13. corwin

    Free hug for all who read this

    Hi and welcome, I am also realy new to this forums, but anyways, you have to start at some point :) have fun around here and take care.
  14. corwin

    Training your characters

    Thanks! I will try that. I have only one Ice Shield on Vaan and I dont have the Shell spell (I will have to go to some shop as in Mt But-Omisace they dont have it...) I will try to berserk him and Fran to heal him... will see if it will work for me :) thanks again, will report back
  15. corwin

    Training your characters

    Hi everybody, I just wanted to ask you, which characters do you use (and why) and most importantly, what is in your opinion the best way to train them (and fastest ) - I mean, which areas are the best. And also, where can I obtain the best regular loot to make money Hope you got what I...
  16. corwin

    Hey everybody, finaly on a FF site!

    Oh, just forgot to say that I am from Slovakia, Europe. and thanks for the first welcome post!
  17. corwin

    Hey everybody, finaly on a FF site!

    Hi everybody, I am new here, but got here because of a message from FFGirl on I am a long time FF fan, have played FF VII and VIII on PC and right now I am playing FF XII. so thats about it, hope I will have a lot of fun around here see you all
  18. corwin

    Final Fanasy XII

    Hi, In my opinion FF VII was the best of the FF series, although I am right now playing FF XII and I very much like it. Although I have some difficulties to beat it (i am stuck in the stilshrine of miriam - as i have to trian my characters - I had not enough time for it yet), but I am having...