Any plans for tonight?

Went out to two different mates houses tonight so tomorrow night (tonight technically) I'll just be staying in and doing what I wanted to do this weekend and just be a sloth.

I have such a headache from being tired and I just want to pluck my eyeballs out and let them ache outside of my skull. >.<
Going out for a meal with the boyfriend. Going drinking, get bladdered and have a good sleep. Usual day :3
Apparently Keke decided that were having an all nighter :mokken: so, that's the plan. Its 4am already and im a wee tired but nonetheless, I shall make it through cause i'm one tough cookie :mokken: >_>

So far so..... zzzzzzzzz
Ugh nothing.

Going to try and catch up on some much needed sleep more than likely.

Might read a book for once before I head off to bed. It used to be so easy to pick up a book and just read. Must not be reading the right stuff anymore to keep me interested.
Touch of Frost at 8pm tonight, final episode :( So Im going to play Fable 2 for bit and then watch some Harry Potter later. And have a good read.
Probably just sit on here again and try and get my broadband to work again.

The Help desk told me last Thursday that I could probably try and see if my broadband would connect on the 6th, so I'll give it a go.

But she reckons that she's pretty sure I won't be able to use it until the 7th. <_<
YAY! The little flashy light on my modem has stopped flashing!

The help desk lady said that once it stopped flashing, it meant that I could set up my broadband!!!

I was going to do it last night, but then remembered that I had to disconnect everything from the computer and take it out to the modem to connect it, which is a pain seeing as I have a desktop.

So I left till today seeing as she did say that there was only a small chance it would be ready yesterday. >.<

YAY for tonight!
I might try and get some packing done tonight. Probably not though.

I'll most likely listen to music whilst playing around on my laptop. I kinda want to make a new signature but I also like my current one. :hmmm:

I'm sure I'll be on the PS3 at some point for some MW2 and FFVII. I beat the boss I was stuck on and I want to continue with the story.
Plans tonight include:

-Finishing fixing my iTunes library. The whole thing is a disaster, multiple albums with the same title, missing album art, etc.

-Messing around in CS3

-Playing some Cross Edge, Dragon Age, or Final Fantasy XIII

Later im going to go with keke to see her bro's baseball game and hopefully they win dammit D=

Keke's friend Robert is coming too well not to the game but over so will probably chill with him and whatnot. not much planned but i like to go with the flow for the mst part :hmmm:
Going out with friends as a late birthday celebration. :3 But before that, will probably make a ton of Japanese notes in my new notebook. :D
Takeaway and wine with Helen, can't wait! I'm sure messy times will be ahead, good times :ryan:
Going to browse around the forums, remain on MSN, watch Damon continue with his attempt to play FFX without using the Sphere Grid and do whatever else.