Any plans for tonight?

I'm going to be relaxing mainly. Probably watch Xena, browse around the forums, maybe play FFXIII if I don't get too fed up with it right now and whatever else.
I'm out tonight for a 21st/wrap party/celebration that our student loans have come through. I haven't been properly pissed in about three weeks, and the last week has been constant hard work so I could do with getting blindingly drunk.
Probably drink...then drink, and maybe drink some more :hmmm:
No wait, that was last night.

Tonight, I'm having the "moving house" chat with my fiancé, it's a nail biting moment and we're gonna agree on some things. I definitely want his budgie out, with it's comments.

"Hey sexy!" and "What you been up to sexy?"

Reminds me of a few people on this forum... :ahmed:
Watching the new Doctor Who episode, catch up with last night's episode of Ashes To Ashes, play on the PS3, browse around the forums and go on MSN.
Doctor Who

That is all.

No plans other than that and just having a monging oot night, I'm marginally hungover today, the suns shining outside, and Im sat least Im dressed though, that makes a change for a hangover.... even the mother is off out tonight, I dont understand how she has suddenly got more of a social life than me :ffs:
Tonight? Well, not much actually. It depends if I want to go out to have dinner - though I'm still undecided. I don't even fully know where I want to go. If I don't, I'll probably simply order a pizza and sit on the sofa to watch a film, or perhaps play around on the PS3. I have UC2 and FFXIII to go through - yet I have about fifty demos on the hard drive as well.
I'm going to be sitting in again.

Didn't end up going out to Movie World today, which I'm kind of glad about seeing as I wasn't really up for it to start with. It rained so we just stayed at home.

I really feel like going out for dinner, but we really should spend the money on grocery shopping tonight.
plans for today..
right now im in college bored to crap

tonight... hopefully get call from hospital and that'll be cool, go online to talk to jamezy my bessie mate tonight when i get home, hopefully my partner has cheered up a lil bit... next I'll be goin to play ff7 and kick sephiroth's butt XD
Tonight...i'm just relaxing. Have nothing planned at all, so i'm just going to listen to a lot of music, and hang out on these forums for a while.

Tommorow night i'm stopping over at my Girlfriends house for the night, I got her heavily into Final Fantasy recently (Someone high 5 me?), we're just about to kill Sin's body, done roughly 40 hours or so.
Tommorow night i'm stopping over at my Girlfriends house for the night, I got her heavily into Final Fantasy recently (Someone high 5 me?), we're just about to kill Sin's body, done roughly 40 hours or so.

I wish I could get my boyfriend into Final Fantasy! Good work on that. XD


Just having my best mate over to catch up tonight.

Haven't seen each other in a couple of weeks because she's had so many uni assignments.

Might just watch a movie or something. Not much else to do when you're trying to save money. >.<
Tommorow night i'm stopping over at my Girlfriends house for the night, I got her heavily into Final Fantasy recently (Someone high 5 me?), we're just about to kill Sin's body, done roughly 40 hours or so.

:highfive:there ya go buddy!!! WAY TO GO!!

as for me, the NFL draft for the whole weekend as far as i know
I have nothing much planned for Friday evenings. I'm usually so exhausted at this time of the week that I just collapse onto anything soft and do absolutely nothing.

Tonight I'll probably go out to have dinner somewhere - my dad never usually tells me where we're off to eat. He just keeps it a secret and let us work it out on the journey.

Then after that, I'll be doing several things at once. I'll most likely be online and on the PS3 as well. I just need to cause a bit more destruction in Just Cause 2 to amuse myself. I'm not touching any revision until I've had a decent sleep.
Tohight l'm gonna play me some blitzball......exciting huh?.....damn right!
then l might ho and play some tekken tag or just Star gate atlantis. then get up and go for pee and go to sleep;)