Any plans for tonight?

I'll be out shopping for groceries more than likely.

Then we'll come home and make something yummy for dinner.

We've not had a really nice really healthy dinner for a while. We have veggies a fair bit but not as much as we should, so I shall be ensuring we get plenty of that in us tonight.

Then just watch a movie or something.

Pay day is tomorrow and I really need money so I don't dig into my savings account. >.<
gonna watch tv an maybe some M*A*S*H on DVD for the rest of the night. hopefully there will be some calls come in tomorow an i get some work. either way i hafta get up early for either work or grass cutting / hanging out with Lilli. but as for now... time to eat something
Unfortunately Monday nights never tend to be much fun for me. I'll have to get that irritating poetry practice exam question done and dusted or otherwise my teacher will lynch me. I suppose I can always text a couple of my classmates to see how they're getting along and what they've put down.

If I get that done and if I have time, I may put on my Blu-Ray copy of Avatar and watch it again. It'll be less breathtaking without the 3D, but it doesn't really matter.
I'm going to be sitting at home in bed more than likely.

I feel sick as and all I want to do is lay down and get over it. >.<

No doubt I'll come home sick today. I just really don't feel up to doing much.

We were meant to have a taco night but I don't even want to look at food right now.
Going to go to a baseball game at 7:00 =] So, that should be fun. I really enjoy watching sports and plus, it'll pass some time. That's all I've got planned as of today :hmmm: but, im excited :3

Maybe play some UC2 or AC2 before I head out. We'll haveta see.

Bout to go running (woohoo :hmph:)
Well as the sun goes down tonight l think I'll just watch the 5th season StarGate Atlantis apart from that l gots me some Snickers cookies so I will devour those in about 10 minutes, then l'm gonna fire up ht old PS3 and play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.....
Plans changed.

I got better throughout the day and didn't end up coming home at all.

I met up with my sister at the shops and hung out for a bit.

Then I headed over to my parents for a visit and then came back home to have dinner and a chat with some friends.

I just remembered that I don't have to start work until 1pm tomorrow either. So I can stay up a little longer on the internet tonight. =)
After dinner, I'll be off to a friend's house. I've only known him for a short while, so this will be the first time I visit him. He's invited a few of us to try out this new 3DTV his family have managed to acquire recently. I'm not sure what we're going to watch, but I hope we have enough 3D glasses between us.

Now I'm hoping I don't feel nauseous as I like to wander my eyes around the screen. xD
hehe Gonna play me sum Metal Gear Solid 1 baby!
So what you say ?, lts a great retro game and is 13 years in returning to my hot hand.
1997 was the last time i played MGS Ah that takes me back...........
going home and playin final fantasy x2, goin on the laptop to talk to james, txting david on my dongal that me is missing him (which i am) also goin to have tea and drink as much coffee as i want to :)
Just going to watch a movie and have a few more drinks.

I am so bored with my nightly routine of late.

All I do when I get home is come on the internet have a few drinks and then have dinner.

Then after dinner we watch a movie and eat chips, ice cream etc.

It's getting too repetitive. <_<
My politics teacher has demanded this - I'm supposed to tune into BBC 1 for the final leaders' televised debate at 8:30. I'm not entirely thrilled at this because I tend to get really bored of the debates after half an hour. Of course, I can easily just not watch it, but my teacher loves interrogating the class in the next day.

I can see myself falling asleep half way through or turn on the PS3 and play whatever first springs to mind. I still have to do an essay on "Murmuring Judges", so that will have to take priority. >.<

But before that, I'll probably play some more Final Fantasy IV. I'm trying not to because I really want to play the DS remake, but I'm half way through the game already. (>.>);
gonna watch the race tonight with dad then watch real time with Bill Maher on the dvr before going to bed if nothing interesting is on tv tonight
im going to get prepared for a big party tonight, and hoping to spend a lot of time with my cousin,hopefully we wont be bored. We both wish that modern warfare 2 had 2 player online for people on the same console...
Possibly finish off some College work which needs to be in for Thursday. I figured if I do it now then I'll have Wednesday all to myself and revision. I finish College on Wednesday at like, 10.30am/11.30am... depending if my General Studies teacher wants me in or not. But tonight, possibly College work/revision/Final Fantasy IV or VI... possibly go buy my DS too, as a reward for doing all that. :)
Just listening to the sound of the ocean!

And later when the Southern cross rolls around i might go and do some star gazing if it stays clear.....if not l will just watch some dvds and wait for another day to role around:)