Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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I think that the games are all just as good, but I never completed 8 or 10, never played 1 through 6 or 9, X-2 was too wierd with no walkable world map, and 12 was wierd with no random encounters. So 7 is my vote.
Well, since it was my first Final Fantasy ever, and I love the story line to it, I am going to have to say Final Fantasy VIII. This is the game that has gotten me hooked on the Final Fantasy Franchise, and frankly, thats reason enough for it to be my favorite!
It was a really hard decision, X or XII. But i chose XII because it evolved the series alot more than X did, while still keeping the final fantasy charm:)
I think FFIV is the best because it's one of the most popular old school Final Fantasy RPG game are is still a favorite amongst the fans including me. Besides I had this game since I was 10 years old when it was on the SNES.
Final Fantasy VII is my favorite by far. As a whole, VII takes a new approach to the world of an RPG. It got rid of the castles, kingdoms, kings, knights and princes which had become the trademark if not the cliché of the genre.

I also think that character development rose to a new level with this game as the characters seem more deep and able to convey a wider set of emotions than in previous games. It is not just because of the better graphics, it is their behavior, how they move, react, speak and change during the game. Each character has a strongly marked personality.

The story itself is far deeper and complex than any of the other FFs and travels into a new territory, previously unexplored, in exploring the physchological aspects of the characters.

The materia system was quite innovative in my opinion and to this day remains my favorite system. It was great and gave grater freedom to customize your characters than previous games. It seems to be a fusion of sorts of the systems of V and VI. Something I like about the materia system is how strongly tied to the story and the rest of the game it is. It is not some isolated thing that is relevant only in battles; it is rooted in the story and directly derived from it.

The whole chocobos breeding idea was great and it was something new as well. It also paved the way for all the future chocobo related mini games that we find in the others.

There are also many small but great things that were new which I think are often overlooked but are what contribute in making the game great. I mean, I never did something in an RPG like riding a bike to escape some place while soldiers chase me and I have to take them down with a sword, or something like chasing a submarine while firing torpedoes at it to sink it, or like climbing a really cold mountain while keeping an eye on my body temperature, or something like the strategy game battle at Forth Condor. I could name more of these small things but all in all, I felt that the game packages so much variety into it and so well, it is like if you do a bit of everything in it. All this is also distributed across the story and the game enjoys an incredible pacing, never allowing a dull moment to creep in.

All in all, VII is not just my favorite FF or RPG but my favorite game overall and as the back of the CD case says, I feel that it is "quite possibly the greatest game ever made".
I voted for Final Fantasy VII, which in my opinion is the best ff out there. It was the first title i played, and i didnt stop until ff IX came out, which i rate almost level with VII. For some reason i didnt play VIII until a few years ago, and i reckon the graphics are a bit too dated for a first play these days, which is why i didnt enjoy it as much as i could have.
Final fantasy vii is by far the greatest of the ff series, which i suppose is why there are so many sequals/spin-offs (incidently why do they follow the AC BC CC DC pattern?) The graphics are hugely dated but thanks to a sound story-line and fantastic music i find myself playin it still, these days on the pc. I particularly love the story line because of the confusion concerning Cloud's past, and the love triangle between himself, tifa and aeris/aerith. The idea has been butchered in games since but im sure it was a farely new theme back then, and hasnt occured as perfectly in newer ff titles.

There is so much else about FFVII that makes it great but that will do for the moment, ill have a read of others' comments and agree/disagree accordingly :D
I love VI the best. I feel like its one of the most complete final fantasy games. Great story and I basically loved everything about it.
final fantasy XII the main guy vaan is cool fran and balthier are favs i love the combat style and the hunter guild is cool final fantasy XII is just plane out the best plane out and simple
Gotta be FFVII and isnt there already a Best FF Game thread on here? I'm sure I've answered like 3 of them now. FFVII because it's got such an in-depth story and its the first ever ff game to be in 3d, who can say no to that :D
Just because a game was innovative does not make it the best game. I say this to a large group of Seven-lovers out there. Anyway... =P

Eight gets my vote, as it always has. Not only was it the first FF game that I completed, but I think it's the best balanced overall. The story is excellent, the Junction system was well-executed and innovative, and the Ragnarok was incredible-looking.

I don't really understand why so many people say that Eight had a poor story. The story was deep (all manner of moral undertones), had good characters, and was executed smoothly. Oh well.

Eight's the best. I always struggle between Eight and Twelve, but Eight always comes out on top.
The best game?

I would have to say FFIV or FFVI.

-The games that came after that became easier and easier, and here at least the Final boss is still something of a challenge if you didn't level up too much.

-The story is interesting throughout, something I also saw in FFIX, but which lacked for me in most other games. The first part of FFVII is great fun, but there are also many parts that are boring. Same for FFVIII and especially FFXII.

-The characters all have interesting backstories and play of well together. I loved FFVII's characters, but the fact that two of them were optional, kind of lessened the interaction between them. FFVIII's characters had a great connection with each other, but very little was done with that.

-I liked the fact that every character has a different job class and in FFVI there is a lot of freedom to choose your own party.
I voted for IX :) I really enjoyed the game; the story was brilliant, I love the characters and music, and the battle system was fun and easy ^_^
VII for me, always will be a classic in story, characters and gameplay followed closely by IX. most ppl think these games are "kiddy" but i disagree these elements are what give these games there charm and originality to hold there own.
come on 7 is an original but if were talkin about the best you gotta go with 12 everything was way epic
FFVII. Of course, everything about that game was amazing, I grew up with the semi-old versions of FF and VII being my favorite of all time, and the best game of all time.
For me, definately IX, the story starts out great from the beginning, and never lets up. The love story was great, as your rooting for Zidane all the way through.

I could beat this game 30 times and never get bored, as i have ;p
VII best story! best spin offs (appart from FFVII:DC) and if we din't have FFVII we wouldunt have stupid giant swords and big breasted barmaids. :)
FFVIII baby!

I just cannot express how much I love this game. I love all FF games, but this wins, without question.

Loved the storyline, and how well it was fed to the player throughout all four discs. There was so much suspense considering there was absolutely no dialogue. The scene that sticks out most in my head is Edea's parade... the music was perfect, and it was probably the most suspenseful and scary/exciting end to any of the discs, IMO. Nearly all of the CG scenes were memorable, and extremely well done. I appreciate just how much emotion was expressed in each one without a single word spoken, which reminds me of all the scenes with Rinoa in space.

Ah, and the gunblade! And the Lionheart... perfection!

The plot, the twists throughout, the build up, the climaxes, and the ending were so well done. Everything was seamlessly interwoven. This game had everything I could have wanted in a FF game.
Final Fantasy VI
Probably has a lot to do with Growing up playing the Games and when it came out it was fantastic. The graphics where better, the story line was good, but the multiple Characters where great to play with. The music sucked you into the world, and the color pallet used was very moody, really fit well with the game. I loved things such as the game breaking up into three parties and you play all three trying to get back to Narshe. Playing it for the first time was the real deal though. Going through that game, using the Relics for different abilities, then the whole world changes, just fantastic.

My other two would be FF VII and FF IX. Both to me are fantastic games which are fun to play. But it was a while before I ever had a Playstation. Im a Nintendo Freak, so I always had Nintendos. Eventually had a Playstation and enjoyed the two on it.

But for my money, Final Fantasy VI. Maybe because it holds a special place in my childhood as far as video games go.