Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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I'd have to go with VII. It has some of the most memerable chars and story of any of the FF games. Plus I really loved the music they selected for it.
You know I like FFVII so much that tore apart when i voyed for FFX sed X has more to it for me as a long time gamer it resonates more because of the emotional response
was high now FFVII may matchit as in that department but FFVII is just so long ago
that it may have been replaced
for me it would be either VII or IX, i remember being a kid and playingt..honestly i would play more Ix than VII, still liked the two of them!...Vote for IX
FFVII is the best game- interesting, believable charcters, great story and execution, great for it's time etc. BUT, my favorite game is X. The story was just so wonderfully told and the visuals were beautiful- I also think it has some of the most beautiful music; which was always played at just the right places. FFVII is the best made game- but I prefer X.
for me it would be either VII or IX, i remember being a kid and playingt..honestly i would play more Ix than VII, still liked the two of them!...Vote for IX

Put more effort inyour post please, say why you think these games are the best ^^
My favorite is Final Fantasy VIII because I love the story. I thought it was a brilliant. There were characters such as Squall and Seifer that anyone could relate to. You had the cut scenes too that brought the game to life.
Since it was my first eveer FinalFantasy title to play, it's battle system/whole gameplay expierence/characters/storyline/plot drove me crazy, that title would go to FFVII...

Oh long live it's name...
Well, I'm not posting an essay but I have to say what I can. I believe FF6 to be the best one. There are just too many dynamics for that game not to be the best. I mean, I've never seen a game with so many principles. It's got religion, spiritualism, socialisms, romance, politics, imperialism, betrayal, forgiveness, and much more. I'm positive this game would be a mega hit in the US were it made into a movie. We're talking about c-c-c-cash money, cash money people.
ok I love all final fantsies really

and though my favorite is VIII and VIII will always be my favorite

X is the best overall when I'm not brinign in personal feelings.

VII I'm sorry, its overrated, I got rediculously bored, the only fun part of the game (not counting story people) was the chocobo breeding

the story was good but aeriths death was almost not mentioned after it happened (and then in AC is was apparently the most important thing is clouds like WTF) but tifa and clouds last scene together just the two of them made up for it



BUT X IS SLIGHTLY BETTER (gotta love caps)
its okay you can read this post

I'm saying FF7 like 100 people already have. It had good character development and materia was the best way IMO to learn spells and junction stuff. Its an all time Final Fantasy Fan game. I liked it cause it was easy and not super hard like FF12.
FFX always and forever >_<

The storyline and characters really drew me into the game unlike any other game before. It is the only game I have continuely loved to play over and over again.

It was just so much fun and the world of Spira was so exciting! =D

It really made some of my worst days so much easier when I got to come home and play it. >_<
I think it's safe to say that most people favourite FF's were their first. It's no different with me.

FFX was my first and is the game responsible for getting me hooked on Final Fantasy. I got so into it (and still do when I replay it) that i really didn't want it to end.
Personally, I disagree. Maybe it is the fact that I don't have that nostalgic feeling that other members seem to have, but this game just doesn't seem that great to me. I only played it last year, so it certainly wasn't the graphical breakthrough that it apparently was when it was first released and it wasn't my first FF, so maybe that's another reason why I don't see what all the hype is about.

It's not like I hate the game, I just don't think it is the best, I'd put FFVI, FFVIII, FFX and FFIX before FFVII. It's a good game, but not the best IMO.
Personally, I disagree. Maybe it is the fact that I don't have that nostalgic feeling that other members seem to have, but this game just doesn't seem that great to me. I only played it last year, so it certainly wasn't the graphical breakthrough that it apparently was when it was first released and it wasn't my first FF, so maybe that's another reason why I don't see what all the hype is about.

It's not like I hate the game, I just don't think it is the best, I'd put FFVI, FFVIII, FFX and FFIX before FFVII. It's a good game, but not the best IMO.
Yeah, it wasn't my first final fantasy game either and so when i started playing it, it wasn't the same.
if you had to rate it from 1-10 what would it be?
of all the FFs i've probably goes in the very bottom
its still good though

ok some more words about it then....
a loser wants to look cooler so he pretends to be someone else and thanks to poison he forgets what he really is like. he is so badass that he take money even from childhood friends when he helps them, then he starts a weird quest to stop a bad guy from killing the planet.....which he now does for free.....and i guess to find his true identity or somth + there are chicks you like....then one of the chicks dies and you want revenge......and then when you find the bad guy.....theres a huge plot werent looking for him....he was summoning instead of just finding out who you are, stabbing the bad guy, and letting holy and planet stop meteor, you make cloud retarded, make some cool monsters fly around killing stuff, and make shinra build some useless superweapons.......and after that you find out who you are, stab the bad guy and let holy and the planet stop the the same exact place you were before....only that sephiroth was sleeping the first time you met him, and now he is flying with one wing doing some SuperNova which destroys the whole solar system in 30 seconds(multiple times)....but wastes like a week on bringing some meteor to earth.....
me != liking that
im sure theres something in the story i didnt understand that fanboys will want to correct me that sephiroth has powers to bring planets from other dimensions or control time and space, but im not here to argue, just told why i didnt like it, and im sure nobody read all this crap anyway.
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FFVII rules threads....they're never ending.....why?
Uhm no for me it isnt the best, its all gonna come down to preferance and taste. I felt that other games had better gameplay, storyline and overall were better games to play. But as you will see not everyone will agree with me, they have their own tastes in games.
EDIT - the compilation of ff VII in my oppinion is a joke, they are just a bunch of crappy games and a half rate movie riding on the sucsess of one exceptional game. Again though thats my oppinion ;)
I can't help but being very cliché when this question is asked; Final Fantasy VII, of course. As Phoenix117 said, the main reason for me is that FFVII started my Final Fantasy addiction and it's been my favorite ever since I first played it around 10(?) years ago. But besides from FFVII being my favorite, because it was my first Final Fantasy, I also think the characters are brilliant and the same goes for its story. All I really dislike about FFVII are the graphics.
I would say yes, but not for the nostalgia reasons, I simply like it more than the others.
I showed it to a friend of mine recently who until they played 7 round here had only ever played X; and they really enjoyed it, and even bought thier own copy which really does show the level of greatness 7 has.
Well I could post a lot about this game but I have already reviewed it. The older the Final Fantasies get, I fear the less they are like the original Final Fantasies. This was one of the last FF's I remember everything about to no end. It was entirely original for it's generation, unlike the follow ups. I mean X was great don't get me wrong probably one of the top 3, but VII just had loads and loads of story line thrown at it. It was a work of art. The CG for the time was epic and I think we can all agree the midi format music was top notch.

I'm not one to go back and replay games unless it has some type of online game play I miss. So for FFVII to make me want to play it again, I'm completely blown away.

Character development was at it's prime, hell this game carried so much weight that they gave put most of the characters into transitional games as well. I don't care if you are sickened by the fangirl/fanboy atmosphere but for its time to rock our generations even today.. it's a godsend.

What other FF's can you say did this so far?

If you wanted more out of me.. just read the review, I don't wanna waste the threads time.

Take it easy.