Coming for 360?

Final fantasy on 360...

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I think people here are over exagerating the effect this will have onthe PS3's... Final Fatnasy is not the end al be all of video game greatness it was when FF7 came out... in fact, no title in the series has meant that much to a system since... its a fan's game... Sony can live without it beign an exclusive... especially with the much broader exclusive games, like God of War. Final Fantasy is mroe of a lame "has been" franchise in the eyes of most gamers these days, anyway.
yeah, i'll agree to that. final fantasy hasn't impacted the gaming community quite the same way as it did when VII came out. However, i still believe that there's a significant number of hardcore fans out there. fans that would follow the series no matter what system it's on.

and i also agree that square-enix is a business. and yes, it makes sense for them to go multisystem. in fact, it helps the industry. it puts pressure on system developers to better their products versus relying on single platform games.

the last issue i want mentioned is the perversion of square-enix's dedication to perfection. the power of the ps3 is unmatched right now. by opting to make an xbox version, they're allowing themselves to not push the limit of their game. and it's not just final fantasy. other games have done the same thing. no one has made a game that fully utilizes the power of the ps3. i was hoping final fantasy would be the first.

now don't get me wrong. i own an xbox360. LOVE my xbox360. and i plan on buying a ps3. even if final fantasy doesn't come out on the ps3 (i know it will, so don't bother posting about that. just trying to make my point).
IMHO they have made a really good choice. The ONLY factor in this is disc capacity for the 360, graphically it's fine, perfectly capable even, just don't expect the game to come on one disc.

As a consumer, I've always liked seeing multiple discs. I remember when I bought Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams for the PS2 and opened it up to see two discs. My thoughts were "holy shit! two disks?! awesome, this game is long!" That's how I've always viewed multiple discs, to me it shows that the games are going to be nice and long and have alot of content. I can't figure out why some people complain about multiple discs...maybe it's more of a hassle on developers, I don't know.

A 40 GB (and the newly announced core 80 GB) PS3 costs barely $50 more than a 360, and it will allow you to play both FFXIII and FFvXIII... people don't seem to understand that PS3's don't cost $600 anymore.

Yeah, the 80 gig PS3 is only $400 now, so it's not a bad buy. Only thing is, the PS3 still has a weak library of exclusives, so it's going to be other factors that influence people to buy one.

ARE YOU KIDDING?! i found out a few minutes ago, and i've got to say that this is the WORST thing community.


I could almost guarantee that if FFXIII had stayed on PS3, we would have seen a spike in sales. I can say that i was planning on buying a PS3 solely for FFXIII.

Why is this a concern for you? Unless you work for Sony or invested stocks in them, I don't see why you should care...unless of course you're one of their fanboys. Are you?

Sony is going to hurt bad because of this. and microsoft will have an even bigger monopoly on the gaming industry. sony is turning into nintendo. and it's freaking killing me.

Microsoft doesn't have a monopoly, if they did they'd be the only system selling well on the market. And your analogy of Sony turning into Nintendo doesn't work either, since Nintendo is making shitloads of money...unless you mean they're trying to appeal to casuals, in which case you are correct.

so why put it on the 360 at all? the only thing microsoft has to offer is the extensive live options. and we all know what happened last time square tried to go online (FFXI sucked). so WHY i ask! WHY!!!??

Money, duh. They know the 360 sells way more in America and Europe than the PS3, that's why they're putting it on there. They're giving many more fans a chance to buy this, and it's a smart business decision. If you'd read the thread before you posted you would have seen this explained about a hundred times already.

And while I haven't played XI, from what I've heard it's not a bad game at please elaborate on why it sucked.

could it be? could...could square have...dare i say it? sold out? did they really opt to make an xbox version of 13 in order to get more SALES?!

Sold out? They've never had sole allegiance to Sony, they've had games on Nintendo and PC for a long time. Milking VII and not bothering with quality because they knew the games would sell is by far a better example of selling out than this. Yes, they want more sales. They are a company, after all, they do need to make money. Be glad they're not EA.

I, for one, am outraged. needless to say, sell your sony stocks now.

Ohohoho, so that IS why you're so upset :wacky:

the last issue i want mentioned is the perversion of square-enix's dedication to perfection. the power of the ps3 is unmatched right now. by opting to make an xbox version, they're allowing themselves to not push the limit of their game. and it's not just final fantasy. other games have done the same thing. no one has made a game that fully utilizes the power of the ps3. i was hoping final fantasy would be the first.

I don't know if you saw the Xbawks trailer for FF13, but it looks identical to the PS3 version. And if you'd noticed, SE released a little game called Crystal Chronicles on the GameCube a few years back. That obviously had weaker graphics than FF10. And also, they've remade FF3 and 4 for the DS and not the PSP. If graphics were their main priority, they'd have released them on the PSP. Any serious gamer could care less if the graphics are slightly inferior, it's gameplay that matters.

now don't get me wrong. i own an xbox360. LOVE my xbox360. and i plan on buying a ps3. even if final fantasy doesn't come out on the ps3 (i know it will, so don't bother posting about that. just trying to make my point).

If you own a 360 you shouldn't be crying about this. Good job on ruining your point.
After seeing the financial figures 2 months ago about SE's 2007 financial year it is little surprise and makes sense that SE have turned to Microsoft as well as Sony, and if you look at how they did financially last year compared to 2006 it's no surprise.


- Last year figures rose from 7.2 million to 7.5 million units sold in Japan. (XIII stays PS3 exclusive in Japan).
- Sales drop 2.4 million in America and 480,000 in Europe (XIII becomes non-exclusive).
- Not only do SquareEnix lose 20% in profits but also a lot of the Western market shares and it just so happens that the 360 is selling well in the west.

Yes, putting FFXIII on the 360 will hurt Sony but it's not the end of the world. It's one series that has turned elsewhere, and FF isn't even the best series that Sony (and Nintendo) use, there's no denying ever since the Square/Enix merge the franchise has gone downhill anyway so it's hardly something to get worked up about..
At least this news will stop all the fanboy moanings of "this announcement is going to ruin the quality of the PS3 FFXIII version!". Er, no, it's not, as the 360 port is going to be done after. But hey, I'm kidding myself. They'll find 101 other reasons to complain...
alright. i'll admit. much of what i said was in a fit of disappointment and shock last night when i found out.

a lot of the games you mentioned aren't core series games. as in they're 'spinoffs'. not nearly as heavy, in my opinion.

as far as financial comments go, yeah, i very much agree. they are going for more sales. and from a business standpoint, it makes sense. and no i don't own any sony stock, it was a joke.

the quality comments still stands. and if you read my second post you'd see that if anything, this is good for the industry in the long run. it forces sony, microsoft and nintendo to be more competitive with their systems. the ps3 does have more power. it's an overall better system. and it's been obvious that games developed for multiple systems have gone only as far as the weakest system allows.

the comment about the xbox version being developed after the playstation version is somewhat reassuring. perhaps they might utilize the entire power of the ps3 for that version, then water it down for the xbox? that would be ideal.

and yes, gameplay is more important than graphics (i went back and am playing FFV and FFVI for the first time :)). but gameplay is reliant upon the developer. graphics are mandated by the system that the game is on. why not choose to make the best game possible with the technology that's out there now?
the comment about the xbox version being developed after the playstation version is somewhat reassuring. perhaps they might utilize the entire power of the ps3 for that version, then water it down for the xbox? that would be ideal.
I'm just a little curious, do you actually understand the system specifications for both consoles, and the differences between the two? I was wondering if you could correlate them, as to why the 360 version would have to be 'watered down' compared to the PS3 version.
The PS3 uses a Cell processor with a PowerPC-based core with seven synergistic processing units while the Xbox comes with a Custom IBM PowerPC CPU with three dual-threaded cores that can handle six total threads at a time. An important comparison to look at is the number of dot product calculations per second the systems can perform. The reason this number is important is because it is used extensively during gameplay in 3d math to calculate various things such as vector lengths, projections, transformations, and more. Both systems are clocked at 3.2 Ghz. The PS3 can handle 51-billion dot product operations per second and the Xbox can handle 33.6. There is a debate over which system has more brute processing power and these numbers can be confusing to the average person, but overall it seems that the PS3 has an edge over the Xbox when it comes to overall processing power.

here's the rest of the website, in case anybody cares to take a look. i thought it was really interesting. granted, seems like it's a bit out of date...

and here's another...

so yeah, you can argue that they're close. but in my opinion, ps3 beats xbox in a photo finish, ya know?

and i think we may have gotten a bit off topic. srry.
You cant just compare it like that, the ps3 is so much harder to develop for because of the architecture, just saying that 360 wont be cut down at all it can probably do the exact same (well except having it all on one disc).
specs are really hard to compare systems with. especially when they're designed so differently.
Regardless of what the specs are... the fact ofthe matter is that the game is being designed specifically for the PS3... they will have to alter and reformat everything once they're finished to port the title over to the XBox 360, which is a subtley weaked system... add all that to the fact that the 360 uses a lower capacity disc medium, and there are some problems. The game is pretty big, thats a given, and it is likely that it will take multiple 360 discs (which the president of Sqeenix commented on by saying they hadn't figured out how many 360 discs it would be on, yet, indicating a strong possibility it will be on more than one).

The result is the knowlege that the game will be slightly altered... ports often convert with glitches... and there may even be some compression involved to reduce the amount of discs needed... that said, the experience will likely be the same, regardless of which system you play it... the control interface will be the only real difference since Squeenix is commited to making it work, so debating about this little technicalities is reall quite a waste of time.

What is not a waste of time is to say that the game is intended for play on the PS3, it should be stressed that the 360 version is only a port... in the truest of terms. The decision for multiplatform was made long after production began, and that means the game is still a PS3 game... its not something that is literally being designed for multiple systems... add that to the fact that VersusXIII is still PS3 exclusive worldwide (as confirmed at the press conference helf after the announcement that spurred this thread's creation), and there is still more than enough reason to have a PS3... and to get one over the XBox 360, for those FF fans who have been waiting for FFXIII to come out before buying in to the now current generation of gaming.

Sony won't take too much of a hit, methinks... I don't reckon many XBox 360 gamers would've bought a PS3 for one title, anyway... and like I've pointed out, there is still more than enough reason for any FF fan who will only buy in to the current gen for XIII to get a PS3 over a 360.
The PS3 uses a Cell processor with a PowerPC-based core with seven synergistic processing units while the Xbox comes with a Custom IBM PowerPC CPU with three dual-threaded cores that can handle six total threads at a time. An important comparison to look at is the number of dot product calculations per second the systems can perform. The reason this number is important is because it is used extensively during gameplay in 3d math to calculate various things such as vector lengths, projections, transformations, and more. Both systems are clocked at 3.2 Ghz. The PS3 can handle 51-billion dot product operations per second and the Xbox can handle 33.6. There is a debate over which system has more brute processing power and these numbers can be confusing to the average person, but overall it seems that the PS3 has an edge over the Xbox when it comes to overall processing power.

here's the rest of the website, in case anybody cares to take a look. i thought it was really interesting. granted, seems like it's a bit out of date...

and here's another...

so yeah, you can argue that they're close. but in my opinion, ps3 beats xbox in a photo finish, ya know?

and i think we may have gotten a bit off topic. srry.

I said do you understand the fundamental differences not can you quote a page, there is a very large difference between knowing/understanding and reading/memorizing. Yes, the game is being developed for PS3, the frame work is different due to the way Sony's platform is structured. The hardest part of porting won't be because the 360 can't run it, it will be how it had to be formatted from the ground up, not due to hardware abilities -.-
Eh I don't have a PS3 or a 360, but I'll probably buy both.

I'm a Sony Fanboy, but I'm an even bigger SE fanboy.. So I'll still be supporting Sony by playing FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, and KH3 but I'll also be playing SO4.

I don't really mind that it's coming out for the Xbox, I mean, good for Microsoft, people are still going to buy the version for PS3, it's not like they canceled plans for making it for it.

Just exporting to other systems.

I don't see anything wrong with that, and I LOVE Sony.
I know for some of you it's a touchy subject but let's not start a little flame war here.
I said do you understand the fundamental differences not can you quote a page, there is a very large difference between knowing/understanding and reading/memorizing. Yes, the game is being developed for PS3, the frame work is different due to the way Sony's platform is structured. The hardest part of porting won't be because the 360 can't run it, it will be how it had to be formatted from the ground up, not due to hardware abilities -.-

the ps3 runs 550 for its graphics core while xbox runs 500. although clock speeds really aren't very effective ways of describing them. as far as processors go, the ps3 runs on the cell processor. something that many people underestimate. people compare the system memory but that's also skewed since many fail to recognize that it's shared mem. so yeah, i do understand fundamental differences. maybe i quoted that page because it explained it much better than i could. you should probably calm down though. don't want to raise your blood pressure too much.
YAY! .. im so happy its on 360 since i dont feel like shelling out more money than i need to for a damn PS3 X-box rulz! :]
I don't really mind that it's coming out for the Xbox, I mean, good for Microsoft, people are still going to buy the version for PS3, it's not like they canceled plans for making it for it.

It might affect some people's decisions to buy a PS3 if they were going to solely buy it for FF13, since now they'll be able to get it on a cheaper system, but I doubt it will crush Sony. Besides, Sony's doing plenty other things wrong that will hurt it, this is really just a small thorn in its side.

And to be honest, I'm getting bored with the FF franchise. 13 doesn't appeal to me at all, I don't find Lighting or that ginger chick to be attractive at all, and Mr. 33cm just looks like an older Seifer with a sniper rifle. The summons really make me want to cry, what idiot thought it would be cool to copy the Transformers? And Carbuncle is stored in CD? Wtf. I don't really like the uber technological stuff either.

So I'll probably pass this game up on both systems. I'm more interested in Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant, plus I've got alot of faith in Mistwalker and can't wait to see what else they come out with.

you should probably calm down though. don't want to raise your blood pressure too much.

I lol'd :neomon:
Yea the technology is a bit overdone but im still going to get it no matter what i always like the FF story lines.
I also cant see it looking as good on a 360 and like I said if the 360 version doesnt at least match the ps3 version then I wont buy it. So it probably isnt a good idea for SquareEnix to port it to other consoles if they cant make it look as good. Although if they added enhancement to the 360 version I might still buy it.

There also developing Star Ocean for the 360 which Im almost definatly going to get again assuming it doesnt come out for the PS3 months later with exclusive nhancements.