[CX] The Facility


I can't even prove it :rage: since PSN's down so I can't sign in and show what I'm playing :hmph:
Get a trophy and then force the Lew to look at your trophy thing when it updates when PSN is back up.

I hope it fixes soon. :sad2: I wanted to play UC2 with the Al this weekend. :rage:!
I don't know what you get trophies for in Bioshock :lew:
I'm rubbish at it though :hmmm: I'm just running around killing things. I don't actually know where I'm going :hmmm:
The lack of PSN hasn't really bothered me much. Although I do wish we could have had that CoD competition tonight. I am currently alternating between MK and UC2 to keep me occupied. :griin: Though I wish PSN would hurry up and go back up so I can get my DLC from both games.
I've read the book that song is based on.
I do not know which game to play:(
:rage: I had to resort to playing AC1 and I've now completed it.
Compared to AC2 and ACB it was a bit rubbish :hmmm:
I'm playing Uncharted. It's still good, not as good as UC2 though. But my tv is shit so I can barely see where I'm aiming:rage:
I think I preferred the storyline in UC1 to UC2
UC2's ace though like, been a while since I've played it though
I think UC2 is the better game, but Uncharted is harder.
Uncharted was/is a great game, but UC2 is even better.
Fucking nazi zombies though:rage:
Despite the
of UC2 being stronger I found the zombies in UC1 more difficult to deal with. Probably because there were hundreds of them, and they attacked you in the dark, and I was quite scared. :sad2:
Despite the
of UC2 being stronger I found the zombies in UC1 more difficult to deal with. Probably because there were hundreds of them, and they attacked you in the dark, and I was quite scared. :sad2:
I too, was terrified. They're smarter than the Guardians, they wait until you are close to a corner before they come come round the corner and attack you. They can also kill you in two hits, so they do a fair bit of damage.
ive been playing fallout3.

Liking it a lot better than new vegas aswell. Mainly because it hasnt mega glitched on me or froze every 15 minutes. But the story is better aswell i think
Fallout 3. <3 I bought a strategy guide for it (huge hard cover one) and as soon as it arrived by mail, that was the last time I played Fallout 3. I don't know why. Maybe I was intimidated by the thick guide and knew I probably don't have enough patience to finish Fallout 3 and actually get the most out of the game. :ryan:

Started AC:Brotherhood a few days ago...I like. =] I doubt I'll get the first two games though.