[CX] The Facility

It was really bad. She is one of the hardest bosses in the game. I guess sit was a good idea to grind. I did that and in some cases still died a lot. There is a really effective strategy to beating her and I didn't use it. Yes it is single but when she boosts you are done >.<. I am surprised you didn't have trouble with her but god I lost more than 1000 times. Kate and I.. in this case :sad3:
I still laugh at you because I almost killed her on my first run, if she didn't boost spam I would've destroyed her :mokken:
Tch you lie. She would have healed for 9000 and whipped your ass Damon. Also I only ever thought Kos-mos could boost and I only found out the others could mid game. I beat her while only boosting Kos-mos. I got lucky :lew:.
She'd already done that and I was thrashing her something fierce, ftr :monster: if she didn't go into omega boosting of doom mode I would've walked away with her head on a pike :mokken:
Her boost move is a nightmare :sad3:. Also pfft why don't you try again and try and actually whip her ass this time. :stang:!
I probably would have lost too. When I was about one attack away from beating her she used all 3 of her boosts at once. She took out Shion and MOMO with them and nearly took out KOS-MOS as well. But KOS-MOS dodged the last attack :ohoho: In episode I and II KOS-MOS has been pretty much a staple for me in battle and has never let me down yet. Does she stay awesome in episode III as well?
Virc... are you telling me you never lost on Orgulla? :ahmed:. I refuse to believe this nonsense. Also Damon you want to whip Orgulla alright. Frickin hate the bastard :rage:
Nope I beat her on my first try. o.o

Damon should try fighting her again tomorrow and stream it for us to see.
Well guess what I do not believe you.. unless you did the super strategy to beat her that I saw on youtube :hmmm:. Yes Damon should. Would be amusing.
You should link me to this strategy.

I didn't really use much of a strategy. My party was pretty good at tanking her attacks due to their high EDF. Add in the fact that I mostly had MOMO and Shion on healing duty and KOS-MOS on the offensive, she went down pretty easily even if it did take a while to take her down. Like I said I almost lost it too. If it wasn't for KOS-MOS getting lucky dodging her final attack that would have KOed her.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_1dggmrpMo This person seems to have more stats though but I thought this was crazy o_O

Actually nevermind I just noticed this idiot used codes >.< and he has the swimsuit of Kos-mos at that point...
Yeah I wouldn't call that valid. Even if they didn't use codes for it and grinded legitly, going based off those stats, they should have literally no trouble at all with that boss fight at that point or any of the storyline bosses for that matter. Seriously if my characters could tank her attacks well like I am sure I would have had a much easier time. :lew:
I thought her attack patterns were pretty frickin hard to memorize and such and she wiped the floor clean with me first try and many other tries. Yeah that guy is defo a cheater. Sorry about that >.>.
I normally don't like to just pop in randomly buttt, I was wondering if there's any activity with the teams still? I haven't been online here in about... 9 months or more now, long complicated story, anyways I don't seem to have ANY team members on my PSN list anymore, and was just wondering what's been going on. Do you guys still get together and play U2 and such?
Not often anymore. Call of Duty: Black Ops is the popular game around here now. Though hopefully I can get some more people to play UC2 with me seeing as how I just got the game not too long ago but haven't been able to play it due to PSN being down.
I still play UC2, but I haven't in a while.

More people seem to be getting UC2 again, so I think that I could say that UC2 is still a game that is played.
I've been wanting to play UC2 since the PSN went back up. Kinda prep myself for UC3 beta. :ryan: Just give me a shout or PM if anyone's up for it.
Eh, its kind of sad that Uncharted went to the back of the line per se. I figured everyone would get into Blops eventually though, and its only my undying hatred for the genericness of CoD that stops me from owning that game, though if I can find a cheap copy then.. ehh.

Anyways I just looked up some info on Dead Nation, since it'll be one of the free games that I get when PSN comes back, it has a multiplayer mode, but sadly its only two player sooo not really a team thing. Regardless, is anyone else planning on getting that, or does anyone else have it right now?

Is anyone against me adding them on PSN, just for convenience sake?