[CX] The Facility

I have no problem with that, I'll add you when I sign on. My PSN is the same as my username here by the way. Me and Dangor are actually about to play some Uncharted 2 in a bit so you're welcome to join us if you're still there. Same goes for any other CX members who are interested. :neomon: Do note that this is my first time playing the game online though.

P.S. Yay! Another member who has Fat Princess. :yay:
I'd love to play UC2 again. (I feel like I'm repeating myself. :wacky:) I don't think we've played yet @Ai Enma. :hmmm: That PSN ID "Proioxis" looks familiar...I think I deleted you awhile back due to not knowing who the user was. :/ Sorry about that, but go ahead and add me up!
For my first time playing UC2 last night, I did quite horrible. I'm sorry Dangor. :sad2:

Throughout the 5 or so games we've played I think I got about 8 kills or so and at least 50 deaths. x_X It's going to take me a while to get used to playing this game, especially after playing CoD for the last few months.
I thought you did ok. :D

Bear in mind that UC2 (I think) matches the levels (to an extent) with the party leader. Therefore you (I think, as I didn't check their levels) were playing with quite a few elite players, due to my level being higher.

Not that rank = skill, but rank often rank = either people who have played a lot, are good and have played a lot, or people who are crap but have played it over a length of time (probably like me). I think that the people you were playing with yesterday were, in general, definitely good at the game.

You got a treasure scored in plunder, which is not an easy thing to do when the enemy is so good and everyone is pretty much trapped in stalemate. When you left the remainder of our team got depressed because they thought that you were holding it together. :D
Ah. Gotcha that makes sense then. To be fair though the only reason I managed to claim the treasure for us is because it was literally right there outside the base. :lew:

The one thing I REALLY don't like about the game is when people quit, no one takes their spot thus making the game uneven and giving one team more of an advantage over the other. There was even that one game where it was just us two against a full team. :hmph:
Yeah. I agree that sucks. Luckily it doesn't tend to happen very often, though. I think we were just very unlucky to have that happen to us a few times within such a short space, as usually more people play and stay until the end (in my experience / memory of my experience).

Also, ah. :D Well at least you got the treasure in still. They were doing a good job at stopping us from getting the treasure nearby, so good of you to still get it in even though it was there already.
Well hopefully next time we play we'll have other CX members with us so we won't have to worry about our teammates abandoning us next time. >.>

One thing I don't like about the 3rd person view of the game is focusing the camera. If you're already being shot at, by the time you find them you're already dead. x_X
Yeah. You (almost) get used to that after a while.

It doesn't help that some of the higher ranked players equip a bonus called 'Situational Awareness' which essentially enables them to see your name through walls, and know where you are. I dislike that bonus and I don't think that it is fair, but there are a few people who tend to use it.

I might be going on in a short while if anyone else wanted to. If not, I'll do something else and there is no worry.
I've been meaning to ask about bonuses as well. Do you get the ability to equip them as you level up?

And yes that sounds like a pretty broken bonus as well. What other bonuses are there and what do they do?
You unlock the ability to buy things as you level up. I can't remember the specific requirements, but it applies for anything: bonuses, characters, costumes, weapon upgrades etc.

You get money for playing games too, and more for performing well. Once you have the right level and the correct amount of money then you can purchase things.

As for bonuses... I can't remember them all to list them, but there are bonuses which allow you to carry an extra grenade, to be steadier with the sniper, to have easier aim with guns, to be able to perform blindfire better, and one that gives you more money for objective-based tasks (such as capturing a treasure).
I see. It sounds like the extra money bonus would be good for me to start off with then. I also like the sound of having an extra grenade >.>

Also am I to assume money = EXP in this game?
You get money at the same time as getting EXP, I think.

EXP is concerned with your level, and money constantly increases at the same time. You need both to be able to purchase the things you want.
Alright just wondering because I don't think I've ever noticed EXP or anything of the sort going up but I did notice myself getting a lot of money and leveling up. My final question though is are all games restricted to just 10 players at a time?
Yes, there is a maximum of five on each team. I don't think there's much point trying to level up as fast as possible as you don't gain many benefits from leveling up. Most of the perks aren't very helpful.
Oh and I thought this place was dead... Well Mits and I tried for the crushing co-op trophy last time and we did fail miserably. I know she wants that trophy badly >.>. Well we were only two so I can understand why we had a hard time. UC II is still a really fun game. Since the beta of UC III will last only about a week, Ill be playing that a lot.
Adri! A question. When does the Uncharted 3 Beta come out again? You said sometime in July right?
I am not Adri but I can answer that question for you. :wacky: July 4 or 5. Either one of the dates.
Yep what Mits said. It begins for everyone by then but early users who have psn+ or infamous II pre ordered(I think) get it the 28th of June. So technically they get it first.
Alright then thanks Mits and Adri. :neomon:

So I think I'll wait a bit longer, about a week or so, before activating my PSN Plus trial then. That should give me enough time to save up enough money to go on a shopping spree when I do activate it.
We all get 30 days free Playstation Plus because of the PSN outage...

In that case, by some cheat of the system, does that mean that we're able to get the UC3 beta early? :woot:!

As for downloaded games, I'll probably get InFamous and either Dead Nation or Ratchet and Clank.

As for other things, if anyone wants to play a game tonight let me know on here and I'll be up for playing (in a few hours). Unlikely to happen, but a man can ask.