[CX] The Facility

Is InFamous' memory really that big? What is the size of the other games? Specifically LittleBigPlanet.
Yes it is. :sad2:

Also, I'm not sure about the other games. I think LBP might take up quite a bit, but I'm not sure. It might be well compacted, considering how massive LBP is as a game.

I'd say that LBP out of all of them (the free games) is the better one to download. You'll get a lot out of LBP (providing you get used to and like the style), whereas I doubt the others have very much in terms of replay value when compared to LBP. LBP is forever changing when people upload their own creations, so there is always something new to look out for.
Is anyone here planning to get White Knight Chronicles 2? I'm just about to start on it, has 6 player team ups, i'm hoping the quests are more involving, the WKC1 quests were le dull :hmmm:
I see. On the 15th I think I am going to use my trial for PSN + and I'll get LBP1+ Wipeout. Damon and Dangor own a physical copy LBP1 if I remember right. Did anyone else decide to choose LBP1 for one of their "free" games?

Mortel: Someone was telling me quite a bit about WKC2 yesterday in the SB. Unfortunately it's not supposed to be out here until August.
Really? I have American friends who are playing it and I picked it up today myself (released on the 10th) although looking at the dates you're right... How odd :hmmm:

You planning to get it when it's released? The way i'm going it should keep me entertained for a good while :lew: as a random note, I hear magic is godly in this :ohoho:

Me personally I went with pure power again, maximising the axe and longsword skills for the stat boosts and shizz
They probably just imported their copy. That's my guess.

I'm not sure if I'll get WKC2 but I plan on picking WKC1 up since it should be pretty cheap. That way if I don't like it, I didn't spend too much money on it.
Ya, though WKC1 is included with WKC2, least on my copy, remastered and shit apparentlyAnd if you like games with a big quest system, you'll love it's online :ryan:

If you pick up 1, give me a shout and i'll join you online if you want :gasp:
I was thinking about doing it like that. But then I figured I should just get WKC1. I'm a bit paranoid about trying new games I must say.
Well I could always stream it sometime if you like? Or you could just check out gameplay videos or someshizz :lew:
I got LBP and Infamous downloaded on my account, then Dead Nation and Wipeout downloaded on my husband's account, so I'm able to play those two games on my account as well.

Just curious...how is the connectivity issues on Dead Nation? I tried it out with my friend irl last night and it kept disconnecting us after a few seconds of gameplay. One point it did let us play for 3 minutes, but then it disconnected again. Kinda sucks, but I do love the game.
Not sure on Dead Nation, but going by what other people have said it works out fine for them and presumably your friend isn't too far away so I doubt the problem there was distance related :hmmm:

On a seperate note, as many know how i've been obsessing over White Knight Chronicles 2, i've found something detailing the changes over 1 for those considering buying it when it comes out in Americaland :monocle:


I can personally vouch for a lot of the stuff mentioned, also for those of you with White Knight Chronicles 1, I strongly advise completing it as soon as you can if you want to keep using your characters with your own skills, otherwise you'll be using the defaults in WKC2. For those who don't own it, no sweat, WKC2 has a remastered 1 included in the package and both are compatible online :andry: i've personally played with people as low as level 10, impossible to be a WKC2 file :wacky:

Also, providing you have 1, your Geonet account should retain your settings even with a new avatar, on mine it kept all my friends (it even updated Justice Ramza who I added on WKC1 when I put WKC2 back on even though both have completely different avatars, I didn't even save after adding him :wacky:)

Just more info to get Al jelly :trollface:
I still haven't got my second game (probably too late now?).

To be honest I don't game much anymore, and I still haven't played InFamous after I played it for the first time. The games are free and such, and that is great, but I don't think my console can really hold any more games on it. It's full up, and I don't want to have to delete any more games to make room for games I'm not even playing. :brooding:
What about the stuff you data install? Just delete stuff that you don't play, it's how I do it :wacky:

And WKC2, you must submit, we might be able to play with Toni when she sees it's greatness :sad2:

You can wear a top hat! :sad2:
A top hat?! :O

I'm almost sold!

As for the data install thing... I did try and delete lots of that stuff, but it didn't create a lot of space. I have no idea what is taking up all of the gigabytes on my PS3. It got full up way too fast and I don't know how or why. Perhaps there is a little creature sitting inside it. :O
Most likely, unless you have music/photos/videos in it you'll have the bulk of it in data installs and downloads for games :hmmm: it's shocking how much room they take up

And you shall be sold, you can also get a monocle, and a cape :(
It's clever which games Sony gave up for free, I reckon doing it cost very little and put them in a better situation. Wipeout HD and Dead Nation are PSN titles so they won't have lost a huge amount of money since anyone who had a big interest in them probably will already have purchased them anyway. You can pick up LittleBigPlanet and Infamous off Amazon for about £15 for both of them nowadays or about £7/8 each. Since they're pretty old now Sony will have made very little loss on them as well.

The main perk for them is that LittleBigPlanet 2 and Infamous 2 haven't been around for ages so if people liked the free games there's a good chance they'd pick up the sequel. I heard people saying they should have put Uncharted 2 up... not a chance. :lew:
UC3. <3

Loving the game so far, though I have one qualm: I hate the snipers in the game. UC2's version is much better. When you aim, it automatically zooms in and it's quite slow.

Everything else is a plus.

Thoughts about the beta so far? Likes/dislikes?
Oh my. Same here I love the game. Well there is one other sniper in co-op that is better. They might change the dragon sniper in the final game. You never know Mits xD. Also was fun playing. I am still on though xD.