[CX] The Facility

I didn't realise anyone had posted here for ages :hmph: it doesn't come up on the top when people post in here for me any more so I thought it had gone dead :rage:
It is because you have not logged in Cruxis, Charlotte. It happened to me xD
I don't like how, if you're playing a co-op game, you NEED 3 people to do the siege bit, even when you only have 2 people playing the game.
Well if someone quits someone will always automatically join after awhile. So just like CoD. Also I swear to god I played Yemen the first day of the beta. I think they took it out now though. :sad3:
Thank you. Seems I joined the best clan. All the cool people are here. :ryan:
Well you were obviously not logged in CX xD. Like I said to Charlotte here... above :wacky:

Did you not get bored of it? :hmph:

Also no I do not want such a game. Number I was absolutely disaster in the beginning.
Only the best game evur on PS3 :sad2:

It's in Americaland in... Mid September I think, 13th? :hmmm:

Edit: Adri, you say that now but I bet you'll buy FF13-2 :trollface:
Yep I will buy Final Fantasy XIII-2. Also I will do everything in it just like the first game. :griin:
... Irony :lew:

You'll play the sequel to that but not the sequel to WKC2 even though both have a thing in common for shit originals? :wacky:
It's an FF. Of course Adri will play it.
No new games for me till MW3. I have too many stacked up I STILL haven't played... :rage:
Indeed Char :ahmed: *coughSOcough*

Also it may be a FF but it's based off one of the worst games in the numbered series. I'll pick it up eventually but only when

a. It becomes $20 or less

b. If I hear good reviews for it

Finally, welcome to the team, Cali. :neomon: