[CX] The Facility

That's what I'm hoping for Dangor. Provided you haven't used your trial already that is.

If we can all get on by then, we should play Uncharted 2 then. You say in a few hours so lets say in about 2 hours then?
Oh you have no idea how awesome that would be. Can someone confirm that sometime? I keep asking myself that if the free trial does let us get UC III's beta.
That sounds right to me.

And I'm up for UC2.

I'll turn my PS3 on as soon as I can, and that'll be the signal to show that I am available to play almost immediately. It'll likely be two hours, maybe less.
I'll let you know Adri. I doubt it would be considered cheating the system since odds are hey probably already took that into consideration. If they felt like it's cheating then I am sure they would have announced that the beta release would be delayed and not coming out until at least August. Not to mention that I don't think you can play it anymore once the PSN + trial period ends so it's not like you're loosing too much.

If it turns out to be just you and me though we could also play Fat Princess instead Dangor. In the meantime I am going to work on the story mode in a bit. I'm still on Chapter 7.
First of all let me just say; I knew you loved me Naughty Dog, thank you for making the Uncharted 3 Beta available on my birthday. :)

Secondly, I can't seem to find the link, but yes the 30 days free means you get early access to the beta. The only thing is, if you redeemed it before tomorrow then you won't have access to it for the whole duration. I believe the exclusive beta runs from June 28 until July 5, and then the public one begins. I may be wrong.

Anyways, while we're on the topic, which games did everyone get? :)
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Alright so I guess I'll redeem mine around the 15th of this month. That way I should be able to play it for 10 days. That should keep me entertained until November.

I'm going to get LittleBigPlanet and either Dead Nation or Wipeout for my PS3 and for the PSP I'll probably check out Modnation Racers and Killzone:Liberation.
I bet most of us are getting InFamous but It is a massive download and it takes very long. Shit, I have not even started on it yet... :gasp:
I've watched someone play InFamous 1 but it's not really that interesting. I might check out InFamous 2 if there's a demo but that's all. I've heard good things about part two thus far so I may check it out later.
I'm going online now, Al, if you want to play with me at all.

If not, I won't be offended. I might be a little bit later than I thought I would be, but I'll load it up now.
Alrighty then Dangor. I'll be online in about 5-10 minutes. Will anyone else be joining us tonight? :neomon:
Checking my friends list... Everyone else is playing Black Ops. :brooding:

I don't mind if we play UC2 or Fat Princess, but whoever wishes to join us is very welcome, and we can easily switch games if needed.
I do not think Ill be joining you Argie. I am sorry. Perhaps we can play another time, yes? Or if not, we will see each other on the UC III beta. :monster:
Yeah you do get the Uncharted III beta if you buy or pre order infamous II. You also get it early if you are a psn+ member. Hoping our welcome back trials work for that. Or else we can just download it on the 4th of July :monster:
If I like Infamous I enough Ill go pre order the 2nd one. Speaking of Infamous I, I still have not tried it yet. It is downloaded and all also. :lew:
You should like it, I adore Infamous and i'm so looking forward to 2 <3

It should be out where you are, some of my US friends already have it
Alright, cool. Ill try it out soon enough Damon :monster:. Yeah II is already out here. I think it came out two days ago.
The memory that inFamous takes up is massive, though. :sad2:

I had to delete about 4 games (which I'll need to re-download if I ever want to play them), and game data for lots of my games just to be able to squeeze it on the system.

It's ok, but I don't like it as much as I could do. I think it's very limited only having lightning based attacks. It would have been cooler if you could design your own character, dress him up in costumes etc, and chosen your powers. Instead we get a charged up Justin Timberlake and David Beckham's love child.

Still, not bad for mess abouts, and good for free. I've not had time to play it much yet, so I've not unlocked everything. Once I get all the powers I'm sure I'll enjoy messing around much more than I am so far.
Just wait till you can ride along rail lines and send out lightning grenades :ohoho:

It's a royal bitch on Hard though, trust me -__-