Did you miss leveling?

I thought it was lame at first, but after playing and getting used to it, I thought it wasnt so bad. It opens up more choices and gives you the opportunity to do whatever you want after the persons grid is filled up.
my dream is true.

after a while when you got the sphere grid learned you can gain more go's up to 99. it the menu it kinda looks like Tidus 99 lol.
Well, when I played Final Fantasy X for the first time, I was used to the leveling thing. I spent more time playing Final Fantasys I-VI more so than any (I still haven't beaten VII, almost to the second disc at the moment, VIII I am ON the second disk, and I have never played IX), so it was odd. However, I really love innovation, and the Sphere Grid offered alot of it. Although, once I got used to it, it was VERY anticlimactic.
I actually enjoyed the sphere grid. The way you played the game and how well you did was entirely up to you. If your team sucked then your sphere grid too. But if you had a great team then you did good on the sphere grid I quite liked that aspect.
Leveling was in X, it was just in a different form, the sphere grid. I liked the customization I could do with my characters, after I won some battles I would go to the sphere grid and make my characters stronger, it felt like leveling to me, just not predetermined what would increase and by how much.
There were great posibilities in terms of custiomization, but they held your hand across the entirety of the game. There wasn't as much as I hoped... The international version of the game helped fix these problems, though.
I was glad that they didn't use the typical leveling system for X, I think it would've made it a bit /too/ familiar to the other FFs. If they did it too much, however, I think I would miss it. I actually liked 10's system better than 12's license board. The licenses were a bit too free, personally.
No i didnt miss at all. I think the sphere grid is probadly the best invention for building up characters Square has thought up. I loved gaining a few sphere levels then using them all at once. You seem to notice your character stat increases a lot more aswell. For example every time aurons strength went up by 4 i noticed his damage to enemies rocket. I like how you know exactly what your character is gaining.
Yeah i did kind of miss leveling up but i also really liked the way the game was done involving leveling up. Using the sphere grid and everything
Well yea at first but when I got into it I really liked it, although I was confused about how I'm going to complete the whole grid, I was completely annoyed because of the lvl 4 sphere lock. T.T
I personally found it a rather refreshing change. I like it when series change things around a bit and make the systems different, if only slightly. Although, where the placed the characters are the start annoyed me a little because it basically preset their roles at the start whereas I don't always like to have the obvious choices for characters.

It was different, and I enjoyed that fact. It made FFX more enjoyable for me, personally.
I just restarted FFX. I didn't remember much of the game and forgot the new levelling thing with the grid. I find this also to be refreshing. yu can get real strong if u go through the entire spheregrid which is challenging but hey I like. SO I guess I didn't miss the levelling but it took me some time to adapt to the new system.
hmm... I don't like having to make my own decisions on how my characters will level but I did like how the sphere system was made. I can't make up my mind here.
I never experienced the former leveling, ffx was my first final fantasy game ever, and i must say it was cool to use that grid.

But what i wonder is, at the beginning of the game you can choose your sphere grid lever, expert and beginner(i think) but what is the big difference? Do you get more help or something at the beginner grid? or is it something else.
If I remember correctly (last time I played it was in 2004) the beginner grid has every charcter starting in a different place of the grid, thus giving them differnt abilities and stats until later in the game, while in the expert grid they all start from the center of the grid and you're more free to decide how they'll evolve.

I really liked the grid, being free to decide what and when my character will evolve was great, a very nice change. Having a more customizable character is something i loved, the same reason of why I liked the job system of FFV.
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i think, it was a good change, new console, new methods. the attribute style level-up system was refreshing, it was better than IX's style, in my opinion. i much rather prefer the old school methods of level-up, the best being VII's level-up system.
I did not like the sphere grid but some people did. I think if it was just levels the game would have been much easier. The sphere grid had abilities and everything to make a character better. Why take out levels?
The only thing I really didn't like about FFX's leveling system was the constant maintenance it took to maintain. It was fairly common for one battle to equal one allowed movement on the grid. When that was the case, it was a real pain in the ass going in after every battle to boost your stats. I typically tried to accumulate a few grid movements before I took the time to "level" but often the next space unlocked some power or ability that I desperately wanted... so I rarely was successful in waiting.

It was a refreshing system though. Definitely unique and it worked well. Completion of the grid resulted in everyone having the same abilities, which was a little lame, but it was a small price to pay for a cool new system.
At first I thought, "what have they done with the levelling system?", and I disliked it at first for some unknown reason.
The SG quickly grew on me though, it was a nice change, after all, I mean, I like it how they aren't all the same and they change the elements of the game every time, it makes less repetitive gameplay.
I enjoyed the freedom that you had with it though, and there was no buying spells or skills etc, it was all right there.
A great system imo, I disliked it when I first began to play *many years ago xD* but now I find it very refreshing from the other FF's.
not in the slightest, I loved the system, it was hard to get used to first playthough but once I got the hang of it I loved it

it was like VIII no level grinding needed, just stratigic moves in developing a character, which changes the game from a mindless brawler to a stratigy game which is more appealing to me