Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

Oh my god I hope it is Yuna who gets in. The rumors better be true. If she gets in Ill be excited for this even more xD. I wonder how she would play though. Probably her X-2 version. Yuna ftw :ryan: Gilgamesh would be nice also. As long aa Yuna gets in I am fine.
No :rage:

I don't like hoed out Yuna :{ It should be Auron <333 Like I said, if they add Yuna and she's not in her X-2 outfit, she'll be fighting in a style like Aerith... and people say that would be boring. >_>
In regards to the suggestion of having Yuna's awful FFX-2 costume, I think FFX-2 should be totally ignored and just have the flagship games represented. Then again, the idea of Yuna in her FFX outwear doesn't seem very probable either. Auron (as a mentor-like figure to Tidus perhaps) would be a better alternative, as Cali said.

He has a phantasmagorical fighting style. This is results in him continually, rapidly switching to different weapons and shields during battle. Some on 2 Chan are speculating it will be similar to Noctis from FF Versus XIII.

This sounds nothing like Vaan's simple, ordinary style of fighting in FFXII. By the sounds of it, Vaan has just gained a new bolted on ability that seems wholly unrelated to his character just to make him seem a capable warrior. Ah, but the possibility of Vaan facing death somewhere in the story though - I quite like that thought. If that happens I may raise some more interest in this game. ;)
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In regards to the suggestion of having Yuna's awful FFX-2 costume, I think FFX-2 should be totally ignored and just have the flagship games represented. Then again, the idea of Yuna in her FFX outwear doesn't seem very probable either. Auron (as a mentor-like figure to Tidus perhaps) would be a better alternative, as Cali said.
Glad someone agrees. xD It makes sense for it to be Auron, too. Like you pointed out he could be his mentor of some kind. Plus, the fanbase behind him is huge.
Well having Yuna using different dresspheres for her attacks would work. I wouldnt say she would be boring in her FFX costume. She could use magic and have grand summon as her ex mode. Still if she would have to fight.. Her X-2 outfit is better. Yes SE were drunk when they made her costume but hey... Auron would be nice but lets get a girl in there. Dissidia needs more females xD
Oh, I would LIKE Yuna added(as long Auron got in there too)but I just don't see it possible they'd add Yuna when Yuna basically has the same fighting style as Aerith. If they add Yuna they could then add Aerith.
Again, I feel like piping up in defense and saying I don't hate Vaan (and his alt. costume actually has a bit more difference than changed colour), but I still hope we'll get more characters.

I like FFX Yuna and I actually didn't have much of a problem with her FFX-2 outfit, I just really didn't like her personality in the sequel game. If she can have her FFX personality with her FFX-2 outfit (and thus a more appropriate battle style), I'm good. Although Lightning already sort of changes job class in battle, so I dunno if we're gonna see two debut characters with the similar fighting style. Yeah, Vaan is similar to Bartz, but they didn't show up at the same time, right?

And yeah, I said before I'd want Auron as a new FFX rep if we were to get one ^^

Also, Terra's new outfit is...hmm. I honestly didn't expect that. Her original one, plus that bat-girl/evil witch thing we see in CGI make sense to me, but I really can't peg this lunar maiden thing she's got going on :hmmm:

As for new characters that might meet a demise, I can understand the logic, but the way I understand it, the other 10 heroes fought before and made it back to the 13th battle even though they lost (along with their memories), so I really can't see the new characters dying off if the original 10 heroes didn't, you know?

People keep mentioning Gilgamesh, but while he's the universal 6-armed dude, are they gonna follow a particular design from a game? He's in, what? 3 FF games, right? FFV, FFVIII and FFIX, correct? I think they had somewhat different portrayals of him :hmmm:
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So, I see Vaan got in. Ugh...
I can't say i'm not dissapointed about him getting in. I really wanted to see Balthier in action. Hell, they could've put in anyone from FFXII other than Vaan. :rage:
I hate to admit it, but I do like Vaan's character art and it looks like they fixed his messed up abs alittle.
People keep mentioning Gilgamesh, but while he's the universal 6-armed dude, are they gonna follow a particular design from a game? He's in, what? 3 FF games, right? FFV, FFVIII and FFIX, correct? I think they had somewhat different portrayals of him :hmmm:

He's been in FFIV: The After Years, FFV, FFVI, FFVIII, FFIX, FFXI, and FFXII. Oh and Revenant Wings, if we count that. It'd be kinda cool if they did him in his FFV style as that was the first game he appeared in, you know?

As for Vaan... ugh. I'd rather have Penelo or Ashe. I would say Balthier/Fran, but I don't want one of them without the other, so eh. Basch could be seen as a Gabranth clone, so not him either. Larsa or Reddas would be amazing too. >.<

I'd love to see Fujin from FFVIII make an appearance. O_O She's awesome, but I can't see her getting in because she's not major. >.< I'd say Rinoa as another FFVIII character, I guess... damnit.

I'd like Yuna as well, though Rikku or Auron would be preferable. I don't think anyone else in Dissidia uses claws... or if they do, I've totally forgotten it. :wacky: She could also use her double daggers from X-2, though that might be a bit too Zidane-ish...? Auron would be nice too, but I wouldn't use him much as he'd be slow as fuck. :wacky:
Whoa, slow little me just realized the four new character announced were on Cosmos' side. I think...This might really be all for the "good guys".

If we can expect new characters after Vaan, they might be Chaos warriors O.O

Clear-cut villains actually appear to be already included, so I guess we might be in-store for some anti-heroes or something.

Let's see...Off the top of my head, I'm thinking Seifer (damn it, S-E, PUT. HIM. IN.) and Beatrix. Who else could fall into the Chaos side? :hmmm:

EDIT: Omg, phail, I missed so many games Gilgamesh was in. I haven't beaten FFXII yet, haven't figured out how to play FFIV:After Years or have any interest in FFXI. But FFVI too? Damn, I don't remember that at all D=
The scene with him and Terra, he's telling Terra to 'stop daydreaming and let's go!"
I knew he was doing that :(

He better get his hands off
Terra! I'm gonna beat up on Vaan when I get this game. :mandi:

Terra's clothes...I've never seen them before. They have mixed elements of other clothes....
Oh god, I'd LOVE Beatrix. I swear everyone loves her, it'd make up for having Vaan. :hmph: Plus, we need a totally badass woman with a sword.

Seifer... would get complaints about being a Squall copy. I'd like Fujin, as I said last post. <.> She'd be... different, I think. Wind magic and a shuriken thingie.

FFX doesn't have a lot of villains, really... Seymour... Yu Yevon wouldn't work. Who... else?

VII's got Tifa, IV's got Kain, XII has Vaan, and XIII has Lightning... those are taken care of.

V? I didn't play it really so I don't know.. could they introduce Gilgamesh as the FFV villain?

VI? er... I don't really know the villains from this one either. :hmmm: Shadow's a sort of... well, you fight him sometimes, don't you? :rage:

I doubt I/II/III will be represented. :hmmm:
People keep mentioning Gilgamesh, but while he's the universal 6-armed dude, are they gonna follow a particular design from a game? He's in, what? 3 FF games, right? FFV, FFVIII and FFIX, correct? I think they had somewhat different portrayals of him :hmmm:

He's the most recurring character of all FFs, and he is meant to be the same character in a lot of his appearances, and not just different universes' counterparts. The Gilgamesh of FFV is the Gilgamesh of FFVIII for example.

There are a few changes made to the design, but he mostly looks the same where the Gilgamesh is regarded as the same Gilgamesh. The Gilgamesh of FFIX and FFXI are completely different characters as far as I am aware, though FFIX's is made to resemble Gilgamesh through having multiple arms and filling a similar role. It could just be that FFIX has Gilgamesh without his clothing, and due to the art style of FFIX that would explain why he looks smaller.

I think the FFVI Gilgamesh was added to the game later, in some of the re-releases. I don't think he was in the PS1 re-release, so he may have been added for the GBA re-release.

For costumes and EX-Modes and such... I think that he original, two-armed appearance in FFV should be his standard costume, and his EX-Mode could see him grow his other arms.

His other costumes could do the same, but they could be how he appears in FFVIII, FFXII or even FFIX.

I do hope he is added.

As for Terra's alternate costume.... It looks ok, but it isn't really anything I'd expect for Terra. I guess with some characters they just have to be creative and make things up. It looks great enough from what we can tell, even if it doesn't really have anything to do with Terra as far as is visible.
Gilgamesh will be fitting in the sense that he has to be gone at the end of the game; he can self-destruct just like in V and take down some badass enemy with him. I loved him in V, he was a villain at first but he was just a nice guy that just loved to fight. His last words made my eyes teary. If they can reenact this in DDFF I'll be so happy.

Also Minwu too; he can depart by casting that awesome magic-beam using up all his powers.
Do you happen to know when the art was made? That's the one Amano art I simply cannot find on the webz...

Sadly, I don't know when it was made, but i'm guessing it's pretty old.
And I can't find it on the web either. Not even in the gaming galleries. Maybe someone scanned it straight from the FFVI artbook..? D:

(I'm actually more excited about seeing Terra's new costume than I am about Vaan being the game. XD)
lol, so mean. If Terra stops abruptly for some random reason and Vaan has to grab her to keep her alive, I think touching her is justified :wacky:

But looks like there is some basis for her 3rd costume then - kewl :3