Fan Fiction Dissidia 012 Discussion

Sadly, yes. You have to play as the game picks and then after, you can choose to replay the parts in whatever character order you want. But when you start the game, you start as Lightning, then Vaan, Laguna, Yuna and then Lightning again (that's as far as I got).

You can't be Terra, Tidus or Cloud in the game and I'm pretty sure you can't be Jecht either, even though he's a good guy. I heard you can play as them from the chapter reports and I just got to be Terra...but it looks like its only for beating up enemies, no story yet.

So you probably shouldn't expect to play as those characters unless you play the Battle mode or report mode....

:rage: :rage: :rage: That sucks. MAJOR @$$. Its like they want you to play as your worst Character. And force you to Fail as them.

Also whats this Report mode about? Care to explain?

Well At least I can still Kick @$$ as Yuna in the Battle mode.
:rage: :rage: :rage: That sucks. MAJOR @$$. Its like they want you to play as your worst Character. And force you to Fail as them.

Also whats this Report mode about? Care to explain?

Well At least I can still Kick @$$ as Yuna in the Battle mode.

I only managed to fight once in Report mode and it was Terra. So I can't say anything really good about it, but from what I get, its like the 2v2 thing, only you get a giant stack of enemies to defeat and then some small, small dialogue...

I would say more, but I haven't really figured it out. Its in Japanese after all :D
Just watched a few vids up to ch. 5 and I have no idea where I can ask this or create a new thread with discussions involving spoilers galore, but I figure why not...

I've got just one question:
Big spoilers----
Did Kuja and Tidus really just die?
Just watched a few vids up to ch. 5 and I have no idea where I can ask this or create a new thread with discussions involving spoilers galore, but I figure why not...

I've got just one question:
Big spoilers----
Did Kuja and Tidus really just die?
No, Kuja and Tidus are in the last War, the Last Dissidia. It appears Tifa, Laguna, Vaan, Yuna and Lightning as well as Kain, are the ones that die....
No, Kuja and Tidus are in the last War, the Last Dissidia. It appears Tifa, Laguna, Vaan, Yuna and Lightning as well as Kain, are the ones that die....

:)Of course, Kuja and Tidus, as well as the other characters in the Last Dissidia, get resurrected for the thirteenth war because they weren't killed by manikins. Ending was depressing to see the newcomers go. But what about purely in the Duodecim storyline in those first few five chapters?
:)Of course, Kuja and Tidus, as well as the other characters in the Last Dissidia, get resurrected for the thirteenth war because they weren't killed by manikins. Ending was depressing to see the newcomers go. But what about purely in the Duodecim storyline in those first few five chapters?
Kuja and Tidus don't get resurrected as they never died. If they died, they wouldn't come back like Laguna and Vaan (and whatnot). :)

What would you like to know about the first few chapters? About Kuja and Tidus? So far, I only got to see Tidus a few times, Zidane once and Kuja none...
So far, I've only seen up to the point where Lightning confronts WoL and when the new comers speak with WoL. I guess I only have one burning question: Does Tidus show up later in game even after the Emperor flared him?
Wow, so far this game seems really sucky. I don't want to be forced to play as Lighting or Vaan, and Lighting twice ?! WTH ? And you can't play as Cloud, Terra or Jecht ? even more WTF. Okay, at first I was disappointed with the lack of FF6 and FF9 characters, NOW THIS.

Wow, so far this game seems really sucky. I don't want to be forced to play as Lighting or Vaan, and Lighting twice ?! WTH ? And you can't play as Cloud, Terra or Jecht ? even more WTF. Okay, at first I was disappointed with the lack of FF6 and FF9 characters, NOW THIS.



Its like there forcing you to master everyone. and to make sure it happens they make you play as them MORE THAN ONCE! :rage:

Respect points for duodecim -50
So far, I've only seen up to the point where Lightning confronts WoL and when the new comers speak with WoL. I guess I only have one burning question: Does Tidus show up later in game even after the Emperor flared him?

For me, I haven't seen Tidus since then...

_Symphonia: I can't say if it sucks or not...but currently, yea, no playing as those characters in story mode, but a bit in Report mode. I just got a confirm for the reports though. In the reports, you can play a scene or two as those characters. Its also the way to unlock Gil, Prishe and the other two characters.

SummonerAmaterasu: I guess to make some sort of story, they felt they had to do this. It also makes the game appear longer as the cutscenes are unbearable long. But its probably unbearable because I don't understand xD
12th Cycle? Is that the whole game? If so, yea, I have some questions...if you know how to work around the Japanese tabs and whatnot xD
12th Cycle? Is that the whole game? If so, yea, I have some questions...if you know how to work around the Japanese tabs and whatnot xD

the 12th cycle is the story that you play with as the new characters

and i just do trial and error
but you can ask
the 12th cycle is the story that you play with as the new characters

and i just do trial and error
but you can ask there another cycle afterward? Or is that the only one in the game?

Well, I was hoping someone could give us more enough regarding the Report mode...If you have anything about it, I would love to hear it ^.^ there another cycle afterward? Or is that the only one in the game?

Well, I was hoping someone could give us more enough regarding the Report mode...If you have anything about it, I would love to hear it ^.^

yes there is another cycle but its the 13th cycle from the original dissidia
but you still get to walk around on the world map
im still doing this cycle btw
and there is another cycle once ou beat the 12th
its called 000 confessions of the creator
and sadly i cant read japanese but i do know that when your scrolling through them and you see blue letters that you push square and it will highlight the blue text and when you click x on the letters it will take you to another cutscene or something juicier!! (hint unlocking a few characters)
Oh, I was hoping there was another cycle to it before the 13th...dang it! >.>

000 Confessions of the Creator? What characters do you play as in that? If you know...?

Oh wow, thanks for sharing about the Report mode! Now I know what to do. I only managed one fight pushing the square button and I was confused. Thought it was just something to read xD
Oh, I was hoping there was another cycle to it before the 13th...dang it! >.>

000 Confessions of the Creator? What characters do you play as in that? If you know...?

Oh wow, thanks for sharing about the Report mode! Now I know what to do. I only managed one fight pushing the square button and I was confused. Thought it was just something to read xD

i wish there was too but there isnt =[[ and anytime! im full of dissidia info!



FMV Ending has been posted on youtube, kinda shocked that SE went the route they did, but it's awesome nonetheless.


An, because nobody else cares besides me, Mark and Cali, Aerith alter rips :ryan:



Oh! Thank you!!! She's so so so so pretty in those shots!! I'm not sure I like the ending of the game, though. :hmmm:
i didnt like the ending at all. it reminded me of crisis core when zack got killed by all those shinra grunts
Just as a reminder, if you wish to discuss major spoilers such as the ending, do so over in the Spoiler Discussion Thread. =]