Favourite FF quotes

Okay I lied, Edgar has all my favorite quotes.

(asking Relm) "How old are you?"

Edgar: I got the information from the woman that brought us tea"
Sabin: You probably used your 'special talents' on her huh bro?
Edgar: Still your tongue there are ladies present. How can you suggest such an impolite possibility? I was a gentleman. Gen-tle-man."
I like the Auron one a lot:

Auron: "Now! This is it!
Now is the time to choose!
Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow!
Now is the time to shape your stories!
Your fate is in your hands!"

Kefka is a quote machine:

"I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate you!"
"Run run or you'll be well done!"
"Ahem. There's SAND on my boots "
"Hee, hee, hee !! But what fun is destruction if no 'precious' lives are lost!"

Celes: "Aren't you a little short for a soldier?"
Locke: "Oh...the uniform"

Fujin: RAGE!

Kid running around in Kilika FFX: When i grow up i wanna be a Blitzball!

Barrett - It's cuz of that !@#$ 'pizza' that everyone down here is suffering.

Ramza: Surrender or die in obscurity!

Wiegraf: You don't understand how hard it is to fulfill your ideals. Even if your ideals are great, they're just dreams if you can't fulfill them! So how can you fulfill them? You need power! That's the politics of the world! I can see it clearly now! You can't fulfill your dreams without power! You say I'm a dog of the church! Go ahead!! I don't care. You can all despise me, but I'll be laughing at the end! You'll all submit to me!

Locke: Terra...wait for me. I'll be back. And please, don't let a lecherous young king, who shall remain nameless, near you!

Edgar: First of all, your beauty has captivated me! Second... I'm dying to know if I'm your type... I guess your ...abilities... would be a distant third.

Shadow: Leave us. The dog eats strangers...

Mog: (FF6) The hair! Watch the hair! I'm not a stuffed animal, kupo!

Kain: Confident bastard, aren't you?

FF4 Dwarves: LALI-HO!
"This day will never come again,
So let me have this moment.." -Tifa Lockhart

"The time for flying is now past,
Our battle field is now beneath the earth,
The gate to tomorow is not the light of heaven,
But the darkness of the deapths of the earth"- Vincent Valentine

"No cloud nor squall can hinder us"-Zidane Tribal

these are only the ones i seen today while playing and remebered :)
I love several quotes from a few NPCs. I'll list those first and then go on with the main characters. Ha ha, Mukki is my absolute favorite.

"Why don't you stick around and play abit? Daddy soo lonely. " - Mukki ( VII )

"Not to be rude or anything, but could you go do someone else?" -Cloud ( VII )

"Don't you think the guardettes look arousing in their armor? "- Fishman ( IX )

" What are you doing? - Cloud, " It should be obvious, I'm getting a tan "- Hojo.
Ultros: "Silence! You're in the presence of octopus royalty!"

...and: "Don't tease the octopus, kids."
(FFX-2)Beclem:"Sin is long gone, Summoners are useless now"

Absolute unshakeable truth.
Get in line

omg megalo, that quotes really mean

its true, but beclem said it in a really "summoners never really were usefull, and now YOURE useless" kinda way. just because something isnt done any more, doesnt mean its useless. What if there was no war on earth? id be great, but that doesnt mean id be useless

my fave quote?? hmmm
theres a lot of monologuing in FFXII. not sayin its my fave, but i like it. makes you wanna kill the person even more.
my fave is, of course,

"The . . ." errr....omg i forgot it!
its the last thing yuna sais on X
and the last thing she sais on X-2 is good too.

Also, Auron: "This . . . is you're world now."
not number 1 on my list, but its good for a few reasons
Tifa: Did you sleep well, CLoud?
Cloud: Next to you, who wouldn't


Cloud: Let's Mosey

Barret: How much farther do these stairs go on?
: Why don't you ask them?
: It's not one of them endless stairways or somethin', d'ya think?
: Of course not!!
: Right... couldn't be that....Are we there yet?
: Not yet.
Aerith: So what rank are you?

Cloud: In SOLDIER well... First Class.

Aerith: You're kidding. Same.

Cloud: Same as who?

Aerith: The first boy I ever liked, Zack...
Personally I have a few:

The chessiest line of all time "I Garland, will knock you all down!"

Locke's famous line:

"I prefer the term TREASURE HUNTING!"


"Every Story Must have an Ending"

"This is your Story"

"This is your world now"

Sephiroth's unforgetable line:

"You cannot feel pain becuase you are..." "Becuase you are a puppet."

Theres probably more but i can't remember!
"Great I've a chicken-wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my squad" - Seifer (wins the smart ass award)

"I'll be here...Why? I'll be waiting...here....For what? I'll be waiting here...for you...so if you come here...You'll find me. I promise" - Squall and Rinoa

"Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different
standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another.
There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views" - Squall (makes a lot of sense)

"No matter what happens, even if you become the worlds enemy. I'll be your knight" - Squall Leonhart


"Great I've a chicken-wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my squad" - Seifer (wins the smart ass award)

"I'll be here...Why? I'll be waiting...here....For what? I'll be waiting here...for you...so if you come here...You'll find me. I promise" - Squall and Rinoa

"Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different
standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another.
There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views" - Squall (makes a lot of sense)

"No matter what happens, even if you become the worlds enemy. I'll be your knight" - Squall Leonhart


Practically everything from VIII is quoteable, I love those ones :monster:

Il throw in a few from X coz I dont think i have yet :monster:

Auron being sent ;_;

Auron: Dont stop

Yuna: But I...

Auron: Its alright....its been long enough
This is your world now

Yuna: The people & the friends we have lost, or the dreams that have faded,. never forget them
"This is great... I have chicken wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my squad..."
Gah! I love the quote in Takk's signature! xD

I meant to post here a long time ago, but I forgot to hit 'Post Reply'. Damn. Here are a handful, anyway:

"I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand." -- Tidus

"But what could they want to say?"
"Everybody! Love and Peace!" -- Squall and Selphie

"You're sky pirates, aren't you? Then steal me!" -- Ashe

"As an expert Squall observer, I'd say he's thinking: 'What do we do now? Blah, blah, blah...'" -- Quistis

"Oh, what an easy life it must be, just to follow orders." -- Rinoa