FF7 - over-rated or under-rated?

FF7 gets the praise it deserves because it is known as one of the greatest games of all time. It is definitely not an overrated game though. There were loads of obstacles to complete and the story was amazing. All the characters had depth, which is hard to find in games now and days. I've, yet to meet someone who says the game was crappy. If they do, I'll kick their butt. Besides who can hate on a Chocobo lol.
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I can say its not under rated in our ff world its a master piece. But naturally it is under rated for mario and zeldas gamers who are into adenture games more than rpg they say its boring it seem's their brains dont give that much to get involved in a well detailed storyline and are not well known for inventing strategies for bosses i gues a mario player would never be able to kill one ruby weapon. But you ever wondered why mario rpg was created? Thats right in that year ff was killing their industry.
You shouldn't make such broad generalizations about Mario and Zelda fans. I'm a huge Zelda fan, but I'm also a huge Final Fantasy game. Neither game series seems "boring" to me. My brain isn't inferior just because I enjoy Zelda games, and there are times when Zelda games take a great deal of strategy, especially when considering some of the old Zelda games.

I also enjoy the mario games. And yes, I've killed Ruby weapon, Emerald too. To some respects those are pushovers when compared to some of the old school optional RPG bosses.

My point is, people have different tastes, but that doesn't define them. Nor does it define how their brain works. Many of the early Zelda games take a great degree of brainpower to solve particular puzzles and determine what item is best for what situation. Not so much for the newer Zelda games, but still.

I love good detailed plots, the more complex the better. Now Mario games may not have complex plots, but they're enjoyable when you want to relax and play a game with friends.

But I digress from this threads original topic; namely, whether FFVII is over-rated or not. In my opinion, it is for the most part, but only by the real FFVII fanatics, the ones that come into threads like this and say "FFVII rules all!" or "The other games are nothing compared to FFVII!" without actually giving reasons as to why they feel this way. And then it really makes me angry when they claim it's better than a game they've never played before, saying "FFVII is better than -insert game-" when they've never even played that game, so how could they accurately compare them?

FFVII was a great game, but you should be reasonable when comparing it to other games.

Personally, I like Xenogears more than any other RPG. It's just so detailed and complex, far beyond any other RPG Ive played. But as I said, that's just my personal preference.
well i think nither cuz its an overall well put toghter game for the ps many may think its overrated cuz of the popularty with cloud and sephiroth..But for me i thin nither
I think it will stand the test of time as one of the most playable RPGs ever. I can play it today and it still feels fresh and new. I always catch things that I missed on the first go around and the story is uniquely brilliant.
I think it deserves the praising it gets. If anything maybe a bit under-rated, but at the same time I feel unneeded saying this. =/

I think the game is completely amazing. The game music, the depth in personality for each character, theme songs, amazing pairings, and an almost heartbreaking-to-fall-in-love-with love line going through it.

Dunno, I just think it's the best game ever made, but I guess that's my opinion. ^^

Kinda have to agree with, AngelichottieDS. Who can't love the Chocobo's?:tighthug:
I think alot of the reason people bash the game is because it gets so much praise. They'll play through the game not expecting anything. Just to say "I played it, and it sucked".
If anything, it's under-rated.
Almost any top-10 list out there has FFVII in it, even thought it's running on 12 years hehe.

And that there is so much mystery and it's complex and interesting story (/stoyline) makes it even more increadable.

Under-rated i'd say ^_^
It is underated because not alot of true gamers play it.

not alot of people play it, so I think that it is underated by alot.
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In all honesty, I would say that FF is the GREATEST game I have EVER played. It's the game that really got me into gaming. I had a playstation before I played it, but when I got a taste of FF7, that was it. I was hooked.

The story is absolutely amazing. The music is superb. The RPG gameplay is still used as a comparison to newer RPGs that are developed nowerdays. It was the perfect game. It was even the perfect length, in my opinion at least. It didn't end abruptly and allowed for the player to lose themselves in the game. And the Golden Saucer often just pulled the players in and became strangely addictive, lengthening the experience somewhat.

I believe that FF7 deserves all the praise it gets and more. I agree totally with the suggestion that many people criticise it because of its reputation as one of the greatest RPGs ever made. Despite the dated graphics (which I would HATE to see updated in any proposed remake XD) it beats the hell out of other Final Fantasy titles (even though they are all exceptional) and all RPGs outside of the FF franchise.
It is underated because not alot of true gamers play it.

not alot of people play it, so I think that it is underated by alot.

please don't double post, that's what the edit button is for ;))

Also, perhaps elaborate on what you mean by 'not alot of true gamers play it?'
Underrated, are you people joking? This is the most whored out game in the entire Final Fantasy series. I've never seen so many rabid fangirls and fanboys that actually sit down and create numerous debate topics, one right after the other and actually fight with each other over who is right. There's more FFVII merchandise out there than any other FF game, and SE is always finding one way or another to whore this title out. If anything, it's overrated.
I've never seen anyone describe FFVII as underrated before xD Like Mandi said, FFVII is the most whored game in the series.

3 Spinoff games - Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus. 2 movies, novels...etc. No other FF Game has gotten this treatment. SE think of FFVII as their biggest money spinner. It's over-rated. Yes, it may be the best FF Game to many people, but I don't want to see Cloud in everything >_>
I think it's been surprisingly 'whored out', yes, but I don't think it's over-rated; I think that it's rated just right. Regardless of how tired out the characters may seem, now, no one can escape the fact that the original story was amazing and that each spin-off has continued to deliver entertainment (not always at the same standard, but I've never turned anything off) and enjoyment.

I'm also looking forward to the prospect of finding out what happens after DoC.
I don't think it is over-rated at all because it is an absolutely outstanding game but then again i don't think it is under-rated because it has had many brilliant things said about it and with multiple spin-offs and films it is pretty hard to say it is under-rated. :cid:
There is absolutly no way this game is underrated. All the attention it gets, Sephiroth and Cloud whored around in games(KOH), spinoffs, prequels, movies. Alot of people hate this game not because of the actual game, but because of the attention it gets, myself included. It gets tiring seeing the same 2 characters, and getting lame spinoffs. The only real good spinoff they did was FFCC. Thats why I'm hoping they dont do a remake for the PS3, I'm fine with FFVII the way it is. I feel they are gonna milk this thing until it dies and until people really really hate it, because now its getting to the point to that they will keep doing this because we the fans will buy it, and they will make money. They need to just let it go, and move on.
Sheesh do a spinoff of IX or VIII for a change. Heck do a game as Seifer and learn about him, or do a game as Beatrix in IX. Stop with VII please.
i say ff7 was underrated ive talked to alot of really big ff fans around where i live and sooooo many people said the story line of ff8 was better ff7 had the best story line i think :):):)
I disagree, that's not a notion of it being overrated, that's Square directly milking the snot out of the series to it's fans. Final Fantasy VII the game itself is hardly overrated.

Again, I've already written multiple times why it's not overrated, because it's the game that put Square on the map. It made rpg's the #1 genre back in 1997, when since most simply seem to forget and just were too young to remember, Fighting Games dominated with an iron fist as the #1 genre.

It made Square a powerhouse company, which again, back then Capcom was #1. It made rpg's an accepted genre to not just the hard fantics of that series, but non-rpg fan players as well. It was so popular that it's fmv's were being shown as "movie trailers" at theatres to make even more people want to play that game. It was shown even on the News for it's breath taking graphics at the time.

Not only that, look Pre-1997 and Post-1997...after VII's release, you see a gigantic surge of rpg's being ported, made over. Thanks to VII's success, you saw other rpg's from other companies that would have never made the light of day making it to US shores. In fact, 1998-1999 saw the biggest showing of rpg's and without a doubt the years in which rpg's were at it's peak. Just look at the magazines then, what do you see most discussed at the time of late 98 leading to 1999 out of any game...Final Fantasy VIII.

Name me another Final Fantasy game that has done this much for it's franchise and for the company that created it? The answer is Zero. If you happen to be "young" and simply was not old enough see the rpg genre before this time period. Then you wouldn't appreciate what VII the game did for the genre as a whole. Because before 1997, it was super hard to bring rpg's over. Don't believe me, look at how many Chrono Triggers were made, or how many Final Fantasy VI's (III) then were made, and see why they were super expensive to buy. Because not alot of them were distributed thus the reasoning for their used $60-70+ dollar pricings.

Final Fantasy VII in a way, was "kind of" like the "Street Fighter" of it's genre though not at the same lvl SFII did it back then, however that is still giving it tremendous credit when it's regarded in that standard (Remember in 1991, SFII saved the arcade business out of bankruptcy, made Capcom the most powerful gaming company and fighting games the #1 genre all the way until 1997. Coincidence? I think not).

I think some of you people really need to get over the fact that due to VII's success, it has become the most widely known and accepted out of any other Final Fantasy Game. Yes, I agree, it's gotten the most spin off's out of any FF game, however to say it's "overrated" due to it's popularity alone is bewildering to me.

Again, remove yourself from all of it's "fanbase" and look at what it did back in 1997, to the genre, to it's franchise, and to it's company, and then come back to try and "justify" to me how it's overrated.
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Under(space)rated?? Give me a break here. FF7 is in no way underrated. Conversely, it's the game that received the most makeup* and stuffs. I personally think it sucks eggz and that's partly because of all the fanboys and girls that believe this game is a reality. There are too many spinoffs and even a movie about this game. Now I know I speak for many when I state that SE should have given more publicity to more deserving FF titles. FF7 being 3D is no excuse.
It's a shame that it's gotten too much attention. Spin-offs such as Dirge of Cerberus ruin the legacy it built up. Besides, I wouldn't say it's the best FF ever created. VI, for example, is overlooked by many, especially compared to titles such as VII, VIII and X.