FFIX: Love it or Hate it?

Love it or hate it?

  • Love it

    Votes: 365 81.7%
  • Like it

    Votes: 37 8.3%
  • It's alright

    Votes: 26 5.8%
  • I hate it

    Votes: 10 2.2%
  • I've never even played it

    Votes: 9 2.0%

  • Total voters
Probably my favourite FF game but that might only be because of its sentimental value. There were so many side quests that were fun and challenging. They could have told you what the #'s and letters in the card game mean though. Then it's less confusing.

The story line was weird, how they kinda snuck the crystal concept in at the very end and how the start was all fun (Zidane grabbing Garnet's butt going on the airship in Dali and going on about girls, etc.) where the end had no humour what-so-ever (though maybe the game designers wanted to capture the mood of the crazy stuff going on in the end of the game, but it still seems to me that Zidane would be the one to lighten the mood).

I like learning the abilities from the weapons too, plus how most fights gave you little AP it meants a lot of traning which is better than mastering everything in half an hour.

As everyone knows, trance shouldn't have been automatically used and it'll be forever one of those faults that takes the game down a half a peg.

Anyway, it was easier to say faults than what was good so my post may seem a bit negative, but it's a great game.
Probably my favourite FF game but that might only be because of its sentimental value. There were so many side quests that were fun and challenging. They could have told you what the #'s and letters in the card game mean though. Then it's less confusing.

The story line was weird, how they kinda snuck the crystal concept in at the very end and how the start was all fun (Zidane grabbing Garnet's butt going on the airship in Dali and going on about girls, etc.) where the end had no humour what-so-ever (though maybe the game designers wanted to capture the mood of the crazy stuff going on in the end of the game, but it still seems to me that Zidane would be the one to lighten the mood).

I like learning the abilities from the weapons too, plus how most fights gave you little AP it meants a lot of traning which is better than mastering everything in half an hour.

As everyone knows, trance shouldn't have been automatically used and it'll be forever one of those faults that takes the game down a half a peg.

Anyway, it was easier to say faults than what was good so my post may seem a bit negative, but it's a great game.
Well, I'm not sure if this is what you're saying but I really like the beginning of the game more than the end. I'm at the end of Disc 3 but can already see what the rest of the game will be like. I liked the beginning where it was just a playful thief kidnapping an overly willing princess. Now it's some purpose seeking genome, and a group of serious pouty faces. Hehe... I was much more addicted at the beginning than now.
I thoroughly enjoyed IX. The art style didn't appeal to me at first after VIII, but IX was a better game than VIII in terms of battle systems.

I liked some of the characters: Zidane, Steiner, Vivi etc, some bits were really memorable and eccentric- such as Tantalus' play at the beginning.

The references to older FF games were also a bonus- e.g. "No cloud or squall shall hinder us!" Having Moogles to save your game was just soooooooooooooo cute! How can you not like Moogles?

I didn't like Trance- nor did I like the "Mist" on the world map that made the Mist continent look so bland, dead and ugly.
It's easily one of my favorite FF games. Come to think of it, it might actually be my favorite FF game.
I loved how it returned to the series roots. VII and VIII were overly saturated with high tech junk that didn't really seem to fit into the original FF formula. People are getting guns and cars and high tech weaponry, it just made things flashier, it didn't add to the experience IMO.

The most high tech thing in an FF game should be powered by magic IMO, and even then it should be used sparingly.

There were so many references to previous FF games in IX. I replayed it recently and was shocked at how many cameos and other references there were.

I also felt Zidane was the most developed FF main character. He really had three parts to him, his flirtatious/show-off side, his altruistic side, and the side you only get glimpses of here and there (usually on Terra). For all his goofing off, he really was a lot deeper than you'd think at the beginning of the game.

The only person I know that outright hates this game is one of my friends, he simply hates it for two reasons:

1. Zidane has a tail (Note: He's a DBZ fan, if I recall, Goku had a tail at one point)
2. The characters heads are disproportionate.

And yet, he's never even played the game for more than five minutes. It makes me angry how superficial that kind of thinking is. >_>
Annoying linearity, but made up for by truly fantastic environments, and characters that were anywhere from charming to cute to downright hilarious. Amazing visuals, a great game with improved gameplay over the previous two. I shouldn't love it because of all its flaws, but I can't help it, I love this game. It's like a drug that just pulls you in, and you have no choice but to love it.

<3 FF9
It's my favorite game in the whole series. I don't know if it's because it was my first RPG and Final Fantasy game... But when I played other games after it, it still remained my favorite. The characters have so much depth, the music is amazing, the graphics are STILL good, and it's just one of those games that you still pop into your Playstation, 5 years after not playing it...

I think the best part of the game was the characters... Everyone could relate to at least one of them. They were very developed, and you really got to know them on a deep level... It's not like the other Final Fantasy games where half the characters just seem like filler, and you don't know the background of the main characters. In IX, you learn each character's motive, even the minor ones.
Yeah i enjoyed the game as well- but it wasn't my favorite. It has one of the best storylines, but I never really got into it THAT much. I did like the characters as well. All in all i give it a 8.5/10 :)
FFIX is the definitive FF for me. FF7 defined it once and set the series in a marvellous new course that has developed well...but it was FF9 that gave a fitting bow for the series roots (For now, at least.) The characters are just amazing when you look at them- the most unlikely group of heroes getting together under strange circumstances. I think another part of the appeal was how the traditional elements of a fantasy story were placed in the game, so that it felt more like a really good book/film than a game in many ways.
My only gripe would be the design of certain monsters, one or two I found a teeny bit unimaginative (Bosses in particular) but this was all made up for the the unique characters that DID inhabit the world. I really do just love it and am honestly hoping for a remake.
Oh, and it has some of the most memorable music. =D
I loved FFIX. It gave me this old school RPG type of feel, which I needed after going through FFVIII's Junction system. The characters' designs were also something I found pretty unique, like Zidane's tail. The music was very soothing, too, like when you're on the world map. The story was amazing, as well. I grew very fond of Zidane and Garnet's love story and how it seemed to fit those classical romances you'd find in fairytale stories.
I only started playing the game recently and yes, I am loving it. It's not often I find a game that becomes a favourite in just mere minutes. :D

I don't know why some people would hate it but I suppose it's just personal preference. Some hate the "cartoonish characters" with a passion and some don't mind them and find them okay.
Totally loved it!

I very like the characters, most favorite characters cast from all FFs I played so far. Some may say that the game is childish, because of the graphics, but the plot itself is defently isn't childish and was amazing.
The battle system and skill system were nice.
The Trance system was lame in my opinion, as it wasn't useful in critical moments.

I rank all the FFs I played (I just love to rank things) and FFIX usually comes out somewhere between the first and the third places (I am trying different original ranking systems in order to create the "Ultimate FF Ranking System" ;)))
I love Final Fantasy IX!
It's probably my favorite, except for VII, perhaps. It's a really close call.

Vivi is definitely my favorite character, too.
Vivi = win.
I love it! It was the First FF game that I played so I really had no idea what to expect from it. I don't have a favorite game in the FF series but if I did IX would probably be it.
The first game I played was 8, and it was fun to me. So, my friend let me barrow his 9 game, and I didn't know what to expect from it. So when I got home, I began playing it and fell in love with the game, I couldn't put it down, and refuesed to go anywhere for the next few day's because I wanted to finish the game and find out what happens. I finished it and offered to trade my friend my copy of 8 for his copy of 9, thus giving me my favorite game out of all the FF's. To me, it's the best because the story is amazingly done, the graphics are really good, even for today's standards, the characters are memorable, and the system was really well done.

So, after playing 9, I tried to play 7, knowing fully well that aerith dies because everyone at my school just kept on talking about it and how it's so sad. So I pick it up and try to play, and I get board of it within the first hour, so after 3 hours of playing, I just couldn't finish and handed it back to my friend. About a year later, he lent it to me again, saying I need to play it and beat it in order to understand. So I did, lvled everyone up to a decent lvl, includeing aerith, than it happens, I get to the end of the first disc, and realize something, aerith is a useless character. So, I continued playing till I got twords the end of the second disc, and just couldn't finish. So to me, 9 is so much better than 7, it's not even funny.
I don't want to make anyone angry by any means but I really really just cannot play this game. I've tried oh so many times but I cannot seem to get past the part after the scenes with Beatrice and Steiner. Not because I can't beat something or I don't know where to go but because I just can't seem to tolerate the game any longer. I blame Steiner for my distaste toward this game but I just can't get past old 'rusty'.
I've always loved the game. I loved everything about it... Vivi is such an awesome character XD I named my cat after him XD but at times I wonder if I should've named him Zidane XD anyways I would definitely recommend FFIX to anyone who has never played it before and to those who enjoy a good roleplaying game.
FFIX is my favourite game of all time. I love the setting, themes, characters, and the story is great, keeps it interesting all the way through the game. I love the style of graphics too. Just started playing it again recently.
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The odd thing is, I've seen a lot of detest for this game too, but I can never really understand why. Even after reading the first 7-8 pages of this thread, I still don't get it.

The most common distaste I see amongst fans usually has to do with the format of gameplay: Trance, Abilities, or something of the sort... But I certainly don't see that as a reason to hate the game.. As it's only a fraction of the whole thing.

Additionally, I really don't think it was as cartoony as some imply. I mean, sure, it might've been a lighter tone compared to its two predecessors, but I wouldn't go as far as to call it "cartoonish". I mean, the game dealt with cultural differences, war, personal conflict and so on, with each team member's tagline acting as subtly explored themes revolving around each character. Sometimes, I get the impression that the artwork and names (IE Doctor Tot, Knights of Pluto) were the only reason why people call it cartoony.

I loved the game, myself. I found the storyline and characters to be very enticing. I liked how everything was presented and how everything came together. It was just really well-executed in my opinion, from start to finish.
I've found that FFIX has some of the best replay value of any other FF game I've played in the series.

The characters are all unique. Each one is interesting in their own way. They all carry interesting things to the story and I really enjoyed the way they all interact with one another.

The story was fantastic. For a while, I was replaying the game with terrible levels just so I could advance the story. I always get really tied into it when I replay it. It has elements of adventure, jealousy, revenge, happiness, humor, sadness, anger, and each one of these actually gets me feeling a little bit towards the actual game.

Graphics-wise, I love it. I love the CG cutscenes, as well as the pixelation of each character (I like the "shaky" animation of the people).

Another thing I really like that Square did was go back to their roots with this game. Don't get me wrong, FFVII and VIII were and still are great games with great stories, but I thought they lacked some of that original luster that Square delivered with the original I - VI. The Medieval feel of FFIX really grabbed my interest. The concept of "ancient"-esque airships, olde tyme cities, castles, villages inhabited by mystical beings, "Watch out of for the giant ogre" elements of the game.

Like stated before, the replay value of the game was great. I literally found myself replaying this game upon finishing it numerous times. The story just gets to me.

So there's my opinion.