FF's Best WTF Moments

Yu Yevon in the last battle of ff10. wtf?
The laughing scene in ff10
And that side mission where you dress up as a giant moogle in ff10-2
Yeah. When Yuna needed to be a moogle..

The WTF moment is when Cloud needed to be a girl....

Good thing he didn't needed plastic surgery...
FFVII in Don cornelo's with Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris threatening the Don's balls:
Cloud: If you don't tell us, I'll chop'em off!
Tifa: If you don't tell us, I'll rip'em off!
Aeris: If you don't tell us, I'll smash'em!

-The beginning of FFX-2 was a big wtf moment for me.
when tidus and yuna did their gay little laughing scene. i couldn't figure out why this useless retarded scene was included to save my life.
The begining of X2 IS a WTF moment. FFX started with the destruction of a city, FFX2 started with....a pop concert O_O
[SIZE=-1]Cloud Strife: All right, everyone, let's mosey. Cid Highwind: Damn! Again! Stop sayin' it like a wimp! Can't you say 'Move out!' or somethin'?[/SIZE]
Cloud and mosey.. thats just so funny... imagine him saying something like that in AC... i want the funny cloud back...
Brother hitting on Yuna(FFX-2)....I mean WTF!!!! they're cousins for God's sake.
Also having ShinRa as the goalkeeper in blitzball minigame(FFX-2) was kinda WTF.
And the blue magic ability: Bad Breath. In FFX it's okay since Kimahri uses it and well....maybe his breath is bad because he's a ronso. But Quisty or the girls in FFX-2 (with their Gun Mage dresspheres that is) have bad breaths?? WTF!!!! Then why did Square Enix designed them as hot chicks if their breath stinks?? It's beyond me!!!:O
seymour:why are you still here sir?ah,i beg your pardon we guado are keen on the scent of the farplane
tidus:*sniffs auron*
auron:*pushes tidus away*
The laughing scene in 10.
Finding out that Auron was dead.
How easily Cecil and everyone took back Kain when he had betrayed them.
A scene in 10 when Tidus and Rikku reunited with each other in Moonflow. Rikku was taking her armour off and I thought that she was gonna take her clothes off (One of my eyes were closed:P) and Tidus just stood there watching her.
It had to be the laugh that Tidus and Yuna did in FFX. It was to over the top and cheesy I couldn't help but laugh. The second would have to be the ending of the game.
For me i has to be in FFX when yuo first hear 'Ride ze shoopuff?' that accent makes me laugh, then go WTF?!?! then laugh again, so i keep asking, saying no, asking, saying no....
FFX-2. 'Missh Yoona! Shaaaave me!'. Like with the person above me, that accent kills. xD Especially when it makes 'Save Me' seem like 'Shave Me'.
Oh, the laughing scene was hilarious.

Also, some quotes of Rikku in X-2.

"Activate Super Duper Special Ultra Assault mode!"


Rikku says anything.
In FFXII when you fight gilgamesh for the first time...he flys in and smacks into the ground and rebounds then fall of the bridge
"HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! ... HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! ... HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!"

...yeah, FFX laughing scene.
Cloud: My eyes are burning...
Cloud: My fingers are tingling
Cloud: My head hurts...(or something like that)

OMG! He had his face in Aeris' crotch in that scene! WTC!!!???