Final Fantasy X HD Discussion

I think SE would do better business if they would have done this with FFVII or VIII. I mean, let's face it the remake of FVII isn't happening. But an HD edition would have done well. Especially for FFVIII I would think seeing as how when you run around the world with Squall he looks like a man as opposed to the midget version of Cloud :wacky:
I think SE would do better business if they would have done this with FFVII or VIII. I mean, let's face it the remake of FVII isn't happening. But an HD edition would have done well. Especially for FFVIII I would think seeing as how when you run around the world with Squall he looks like a man as opposed to the midget version of Cloud :wacky:

How many times do the fans want to bring back 7? you guys are becoming desperate enough to allow se to get away with turning that game into sellout garbage. I'm glad they chose x
How many times do the fans want to bring back 7? you guys are becoming desperate enough to allow se to get away with turning that game into sellout garbage. I'm glad they chose x
I think most fans just want closure. FFVII for me and many others is kind of like a relationship. It's werid to use that analogy but it's relevant at the same time. For me gaming back in the days of my childhood was awesome. Particularly when I played FFVII. It was my first FFVII game and I was mezmorized by it. Somehow when I beat Sephiroth at the end of the game I felt an empty feeling deep inside me. How could I have used so many hours playing this amazing game to just see meteor being held off by holy and the lifestream and then Aerith's face? It didn't sit right with me at all and I felt like I lost something when those characters were out of my life. See? Kind of like a relationship. So for me I just want closure. SE still haven't provided that to me yet and I'm left with a less empty feeling there but I still recognize it's existence. I want to know what will become of my favorite characters. The fact that this hasn't happened yet leaves me wanting more from SE. I could honestly care less whether they do it for money or not. I mean, money is what it's all about in a business after all. That's just the cold hard facts. But for me it's about entertainment and the continuing of a beautiful story. As long as they provide me with that I'm perfectly fine with paying $40 or even $60 bucks for it. Hell I bought a PSP just so I could play CC. So I'm dedicated to seeing it through. Once FFVII's story is complete I will most likely never buy another FF game again.
I think I'm missing something here, but how would a remake (because it would have to be a remake I think, they couldn't just port it like they'll probably do with X) of FFVII provide any sort of closure to the series? It'd just be the same game with enhanced graphics, it's doubtful SE would do anything major with the storyline.

I'd have preferred that they picked XII to X, or at least included X-2 in the package, but they could have done a lot worse than choosing X, I suppose. It is irritating that they skipped the earlier FFs, though...although that said, I imagine FFX won't require much effort to port over to PS3, whereas something like V-IX would need a complete makeover. Plus they're on the Playstation Store anyway.
I think most fans just want closure. FFVII for me and many others is kind of like a relationship. It's werid to use that analogy but it's relevant at the same time. For me gaming back in the days of my childhood was awesome. Particularly when I played FFVII. It was my first FFVII game and I was mezmorized by it. Somehow when I beat Sephiroth at the end of the game I felt an empty feeling deep inside me. How could I have used so many hours playing this amazing game to just see meteor being held off by holy and the lifestream and then Aerith's face? It didn't sit right with me at all and I felt like I lost something when those characters were out of my life. See? Kind of like a relationship. So for me I just want closure. SE still haven't provided that to me yet and I'm left with a less empty feeling there but I still recognize it's existence. I want to know what will become of my favorite characters. The fact that this hasn't happened yet leaves me wanting more from SE. I could honestly care less whether they do it for money or not. I mean, money is what it's all about in a business after all. That's just the cold hard facts. But for me it's about entertainment and the continuing of a beautiful story. As long as they provide me with that I'm perfectly fine with paying $40 or even $60 bucks for it. Hell I bought a PSP just so I could play CC. So I'm dedicated to seeing it through. Once FFVII's story is complete I will most likely never buy another FF game again.

Newsflash - its story was complete over a decade ago. Now move on.
Newsflash - its story was complete over a decade ago. Now move on.
lmao quote for fucking truth. Didn't they make a movie based on it, too? shit, you've got good graphics right there then.

Also, this remastered crap is making me think back on what could have been with X-2. Like, that game was so bad, it could have at least been nice to look at. Do you guys remember that last Lenne and Shuyin scene? Holy fucking shit, they lazed out on that pretty bad hey. They didn't even try, and that was an important moment in the game (even though that moment sucked like every other moment)

Unlike X. The game itself was good, so upgrading it to make it easy on the eyes is a large fucking bonus
How the hell did this thread turn into FFVII and how people want a remake and how much FFVII sucks and whatnot?

I personally love FFVII, and anyone who judges, well, fuck you. I understand why people hate all the spinoffs, I myself get annoyed by most of them. I enjoyed Crisis Core only, because I love Zack and wanted more of his story. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want a FFVII remake, but that's just me. It would take years to actually make the game, and if they don't do it, I'm fine with it, can we all just shut up about FFVII now??
...says he, making a whole post about FFVII...don't worry, I understand what you're saying tho- let's talk FFX-HD :D

I'm replaying X again now- bog-standard PS2 with a bog-standard, non-HD telly, and honestly? I'm happy with it. Yes, it's got it's slightly dodgy graphics, like Yuna's hands when she laughs, but it's nothing too bad. I think, unless they give the Americans the Dark Aeons, or if you don't own a copy of FFX at the moment, then it's not really worth bothering with. I'd have to see just how good the new graphics are before I'd decide on buying it to be honest. But I wouldn't go out and buy a PS3 just to replay X, when I'm pretty happy with the product I've already got :)
On topic:
@Jacqui - Ive been wanting to replay FFX for a very long time now, but the only non-HD TV in the house is a tiny 14" which is unbearable to play anything on, and ps2 is terrible in HD. Also, I've been wanting FFX trophies on the ps3 for the last 4 years ;)
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Sorry if this is old news, but I just stumbled across this article.

If you can't be bothered reading it says that FFX HD is going to be a complete remake of FFX on XIII's engine, not a remastering of the ps2 version.

Although it says that the gameplay will remain the same I can't help but be concerned that, seeing as the whole game is being remade, there is a far greater likelihood of SE changing things unnecessarily. Or maybe I'm just pessimistic :)
Sorry if this is old news, but I just stumbled across this article.

If you can't be bothered reading it says that FFX HD is going to be a complete remake of FFX on XIII's engine, not a remastering of the ps2 version.

Although it says that the gameplay will remain the same I can't help but be concerned that, seeing as the whole game is being remade, there is a far greater likelihood of SE changing things unnecessarily. Or maybe I'm just pessimistic :)
That source is full o' shit. It's already been confirmed that it will be remastered NOT remade. No other site has any details at all on it, but they have an estimated time of release? Bullshit.
I'm just wondering if the HD remake will be both a digital download and a physical copy, or just a download off the PSN, for x.xx$ amount.

But, as with any other HD remakes, I guess it'll just be on PSN.
I'm just wondering if the HD remake will be both a digital download and a physical copy, or just a download off the PSN, for x.xx$ amount.

But, as with any other HD remakes, I guess it'll just be on PSN.

the god of war remaster was released on disc... i saw it in game last week :P sooo it might get a disc version... but most unlikely
I'm just wondering if the HD remake will be both a digital download and a physical copy, or just a download off the PSN, for x.xx$ amount.

But, as with any other HD remakes, I guess it'll just be on PSN.
Most HD remasters are on disc. Lets not give SE any bad ideas though. I'd hate to see gaming turn to selling games as a virtual download rather than a hard copy...
The RE4 HD remaster wasn't on disc. LIKE I WANTED IT TO BE. I thought at first, they were gonna sell both RE4 and CVX in a bundle, like the GoW collection.
I read somewhere that FFX was originally going to be in full 3D and that you could rotate the camera.
It would would be awesome if they included that in the HD version.
This HD remake/remastered thing is starting to get a little crazy :wacky:

Really, I haven't even played the game yet so I'm just anticipating it either way. I think it's just going to be remade though. SE would be a bit silly to remaster the whole thing with the crystal tools engine thing and try and make this look like Versus's quality of graphics. Why put so much time into something people just really want to be able to play again and not necessarily worry about the graphics so much?

So am I right in assuming that this is going to be released on the psn at some point when they are finished with it? :hmmm:
That's what will most likely happen Mel. But I'm hoping they will release an actual disc copy too, because I don't want to buy it from the PSN.
That's what will most likely happen Mel. But I'm hoping they will release an actual disc copy too, because I don't want to buy it from the PSN.

psn it kool.. just don't use ur credit card :wacky: incase the details get nicked again XD

I never use a Credit Card for anything online. I use a pre-paid card. +I always buy and use a $20 PSN Card.