Games you suck at

Due to a traumatic experience when i was four when i attempted to play a "The House of the Dead 2" machine at an arcade, i can't play the House of the Dead at arcades... i have Ghost squad for my Wii, but i am completely unable to play any HoTD machine. ever. Too bad every movie theater on earth has the frickin' game...
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I wasn't too good at DoC either Mitsuki. I mean I played it because it was a spin-off of FFVII and dove into Vincent's past, but I just didn't like the whole 3rd person shooter feel to it for an RPG based game.

I actually got stuck late in the game and had to restart because I did not upgrade my guns enough and I found myself fighting one of the late bosses with one of the first weapons you get.
I suck at fighting game when it comes to learning movesets especially ones that have 10 hit combos. I don't know how certain people can achive such a task within seconds like that but I can't. Even in training mode when I do practice the combos, I can't execute the buttons that quick. >.<
Flying Games -__- I seriously HATE them! They are so bloody annoying! Especially Helicopter games! Its just so bloody annoying because they make enemies and things like that so TINY!
It usually depends on what I'm playing on. I suck at driving games on any console, but I'm a lot better at them if I play them in an arcade. I suck at first person shooters on consoles but on a PC I'm a little better at them. I am pretty shit when it comes to strategy games in general though.
I am not very good at all at Metal Gear Solid games. <.< I'm not overly good at being stealthy... XD And I usually am not that good at shooting games in general. Not awful, just not great... :P
Oh, I'm not really good at horror-based games either. Probably 'cause I'm too scared to venture into the dark by "myself" and then get ambushed by some mutilated/bloated/ghostly monster and then die. I can't even stand Prey, dammit, and it's not even that scary.
I seem to absolutely suck at Eternal Sonata for the PS3. I thought I'd be good at it, since it's an RPG, but I just can't seem to get the hang of the battle system. I'm not that great at any of the Grand Theft Auto games either, despite my many, many attempts. As long as I'm just driving around stealing cars I'm fine, but when I attempt the missions, it's over >_>

Of course I only play GTA when I'm extremely bored and my brother has left it somewhere where I can steal it xD
Guitar Hero III - Through the Fire and Flames by DragonForce on Expert DAMN THOSE COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mod edit: please put more effort in your posts.
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I think I posted in this thread before (I can't be bothered searching) that I sucked at the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Well I have conquered all 4 games this year so I have finally surpassed my inability to even reach Meryl in Metal Gear Solid.

Other types of games I suck are:

Racing - I hold down X or A as hard as possible yet others go faster than me. :(

Real-Time Strategy - In my class we have a few strategy games like Age of Empires II and Warcraft III and I just suck balls. I usually only play for like just under 5 minutes before giving up. I'm terrible.
I find that im really bad at multilayer Halo, 1,2 and 3. Can never seem to do anything right :(

And Hitman, i never got the concept of stealth. Usually running in and shooting off what i had at everyone:ohshit:
I love Call of Duty, watching it that is. For some reason, I am absolutely terrible at playing it! It's not fair, because it's a great game. :mad:
im absoutley crap at mystery/puzzle games like broken sword games, I just dont have the patience to sit there solving them when i can be off breaking hearts and smashing heads in with another game :P
And finally my worst genre that for some reason has surpassed me.

Rhythmn games.

I've played Guitar Hero II and III and I majorly suck at them. I can only do the tracks on easy - barely and after a couple of songs my wrists start to get knackered. I honestly can't believe the amount of people that can play these games properly. They should maybe try and move onto a real guitar, you never know.
Hm. I generally suck very much at the sports games. Be it Basketball, Soccer, or even Racing. Well, then again, its not like i like to play those genres that much either. Thank goodness i don't though. (It must suck to be horribly weak at games that you actually like.)
FPS... i really hate those games.. sept for mgs that games awesome(=
so basically the mindless shootem up games.. i cant handle those
I'm notoriously bad at first person shooters in multi-player. A couple of years ago when my mates and I would ever so often spend our saturday nights playing Counterstrike at the local internet café, one of them jokingly said to me that I was actually sort of dangerous because I was so bad at it, that I was completely unpredictable :P
I suck at sport games, except WWE games. >.>
Also driving games, like were the whole games are based on driving.
It's not so that I suck at them, I just don't know much about cars.
And I get bored of them real quick.
I really suck at racing games. They always annoy me, there was only one game with racing I was good at, and that is the Gran Turismo games, they're really fun. The Grand Theft Auto games are okay, since you don't need to drive non-stop.