
Ace's eye's scanned through the sheet at lightning speed, then he saw something that caught his eye.

"A mind reading gladiator, well I have a surprise in store for him."

Ace extended his hand in front of him, and "Blackjack" had materialised into his grasp, in it's usual blue burst. He blew some dust off his shining gold claw and gave a confident smirk.

"I'll be taking on the mind reader, Kerouno." Ace stated boldly, the elderly man chortled briefly, with a slight wheeze in his aged laugh.

"Kerouno is undefeated, and he can anticipate moves, you sure can't beat him with those oversized gardening tools kid," he paused, "You aren't even an adult yet, don't throw your life away."

"I think I can take him." Ace stated bluntly,

The man shrugged and seemed to accept Ace's choice.
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Teos walked over to the man.
"ok, He takes the mind reader, Kerouno. And Ill take he White Tiger"

The mans eyes widened. "You do know that the tiger claws you, then eats you. he is one of the most vicious beasts we have in here"
"Don't call it a beast" Teos commands.
The man flinches. "ok, the little one, Ace, goes against Kerouno, and the farmer, Teos, goes against the White Tiger" the man writes on a piece of paper, and hands it to a small boy, obviously a delivery boy.

"So" the man starts. "The event starts now, Kerouno goes out first. You can view up there" he states to Teos, and points to some stairs.
"the little one. you go in there" he stated, as he pointed to a hallway, at the same level as they where at.

"ok then" Teos started "Ill be waiting up there" He said, as he started walking.

As he got up there, it was packed. Teos managed to see some seats close to the ring, as they where marked "Participants"
Teos want over, and sat down. This alone, made the crowd cheer.

"So then, I wonder what the surprise is" he said to himself.
Ace found himself walking into the arena, there was a cheering crowd, all chanting Kerouno's name, who was already standing paralel to Ace, with a Sword and shield in hand, he was a tall muscular man, rather intimidating to most people, but to Ace, not so much.

"And todays match, is between the legendary, mind-reading Kerouno, against a newcomer, at only 16 years of age, Ace Bladia." Announced the commentator, driving the crowd moreso wild.

"Do you have a deathwish child? The Arena is for men, not boys!" Kerouno had barked at him,

"Just don't lose right away, okay?" Ace responded cockily,

Kerouno seemed to keep his cool, his eyes were trying to pierce into his mind, Ace could tell, yet he kept a passive face, and expelled the attempts to pry into his mind.

"I-I can't breach your thoughts." Kerouno had stated, with a shocked tone. The crowed temporarily fell silent, due to their shock as well. Ace siezed the oportunity and fired a club slice, the giant black club rocketed towards his opponent, instinctively, he raised his shield, which was deeply scarred by the impact of the magical assault.

Kerouno ran towards him with his sword in a head on charge, with a swift parry, Ace had rolled around the man and proceeded to slice with his scythe, Kerouno seemed to have superb relexes, as he hastily turned around and defended with his shield, which was now sliced in two. The crowd was loving the action, thriving for more.

"You sure you aren't gonna give up?" Ace had asked with a cocky laugh, yet a passive face.

"Don't you bet on it!"

Ace took several backwards step to gain some distance, he then chucked his scythe at the head of his foe, just as Ace wanted, he had raised his blade to block, seeing the oppportunity, Ace launched his shimmering claw towards the unprotected mid-body of his foe and...

SQUELCH! Impaled... The crowd had befallen an ethereal silence.

"I avoided your vitals," Ace whispered into his ear with a slight smile, "You'll live, and you'll be able to fight."

"Thank you..." Kerouno managed to mutter softly, before his eyes rolled to the top of his head and he lost conciousness. Ace removed his golden claw, which was tainted and covered with crimson blood from Kerouno's body, and lay him gently to the ground.

The crowd soon burst in thunderous roars and chants of Ace's name, as medical staff carried off the mind reader's body. The commentator's, voice soon cut in,

"And the winner is Ace Bladia!"
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This was a short battle, after all, Ace's ability to keep a calm face.
Had destroied his opponents strengths.
The crowd cheered wildly, Teos was one of them.

The commenter broke in, and the crowd slowly silenced.

"Now, again a newcomer, Teos. Will you step into the arena"
Teos did as asked, he climbed down from his place amongst the crowd, and stood ready.
His cape flapping in the wind, and the dust from the previous battle, was being sent around the arena.

The crowd awaited to know who his opponent would be.
The commenter broke in again.
"Teos here, will face the White Tiger"

The crowd went wild, some asking each other if he had a death wish, and some just cheering for the tiger.
Some cheered for Teos. He guessed they must have seen him in the battle against the shadow general.

Teos stood idly, awaiting his opponent. His rifle hanged idly on his back, and he disbanded Kelip.
He took down his hood. and revealed his face.
His ponytail dangled in the soft wind, and Teos was ready.

"LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" The commenter shouted. And there was a deafening cheer from the crowd..

The iron fence gate slowly opened, and a white tiger emerged.
Teos sat down on the dust. And closed his eyes.

The commenter shouted in surprise, as the crowd went silent.
"What is he thinking, he is literally serving himself to the tiger"

The tiger started circling Teos. being unsure about this opponent, being the first one, that do not show any form of aggressiveness.

Teos slowly opened his eyes, and looked gently on the perfectly white tiger.
"I am Teos, don't fear me. For I will not harm you" Teos stated to the tiger.
the crowd was completly silent, as was the commenter.
There was only a few whispers, and the arena was quiet enough to near that they did so.

Teos stretched out his right hand, in the same way you would call a dog.
This was to let the tiger smell him.
"Do not fear, I am a friend." Teos stated this time.

The tiger, hesitant, walked over to Teos' hand, and smelled it.
After a minute, it continued its circling, and Teos took his hand back down.
The tiger walked around him, growling from time, til time. In hopes on an attack.
Yet, no one was made.

"What is your name" Teos asked, The tiger Growled. and Teos understood.
"So. Estris, that is a nice name, for a girl like you" Teos smiled, almost as if he was trying to pick her up.

The commenter broke in
"H... He.. he is.. Talking to the tiger."
The crowd where more confused then ever before.
All the other challenges, had fallen to her, yet. This newcomer, is talking to it.

"So, Estris, will you listen to my tale?" he asked in a gentle tone
The tiger took one last circle, before sitting down before him.
"I take that as a Yes" Teos smiled.

he started speaking, in a low tone, so that no one besides himself, and the tiger could hear.
"I am Teos, a summoner. I have the ability to give my companions eternal life. In return, I can summon them as I see fit. This can be for battle, or company alone. As of now, I have a Fairy, and a Basilisk"

Estris growled.
"Yes" Teos replied. "They did choose to follow me. I did not force them."
The tiger gave of a another growl.

"So. I have 2 questions for you." Teos started. "The first: Do they treat you well here"
The tiger gave of a small roar.
"Those bastards" Teos replied, as he looked with hate towards the crowd.
"Then my second question comes- Will you come with me. If you do, you will never be mistreated, and your would will be on a higher plane, in full control of your own. All I ask in return. Is that I may summon you as I need."

The tiger got back up on its feet. and started to walk randomly. Almost as it was thinking.
After a few minutes. It walked over to Teos, and sat down 2 feet from him.
"Relax, it will not hurt" Teos reassured.

The tiger bowed its head. Teos smiled. "Thank you" He said to her.
as he put his hand on her head.

She started to glow bright green. The contract had been formed.
As the glow reached close to white in color. The tiger disapeared, into countless light green particles. And only Teos remained.

The commenter was confused, as was the crowd.
"what..... what happened?" he asked no one in particular.

Teos looked at the crowd. And smiled.
"It is over, open the gate" he stated. and finally, the crowd understood what happened.
or so they thought.

The cheer was deafening, as it where with any victory.
A gate opened, and Teos walked towards it.

He looked at the sign on his hand.
And smiled.
He just contracted another summon. A lvl3 summon.
He was satisfied, for this was only a perk of the battle. he did not think that a creature, that had only known violence, would agree.
The adrenaline in his veins, did not dissapear.
Teos was looking forward to the next battle.
As he exited the gate, to meet Ace, before the next battle.
OOC: I have been given permission from RF for the bunnying I do in the following post.

Ace had watched the "match" and he was impresssed, not only did he not need to hurt the animal, but he had obtained it as a summon.

"Way to go man! Now that was awesome!" Ace had complimented, slapping Teos a high-five. He had grown to like Teos as a friend, it would be fun travelling together, that was for sure. Before Ace could contemplate further, they were interrupted by the elderly man in charge of everything.

"I'm impressed by you two, you only have one more battle left, it is against the champions, currently holding their title for a year." His eyes flickered their gaze onto Teos' rifle, "Sorry sir, but fire-arms are not allowed to be used as weapons in the arena." The man confiscated the gun and handed Teos a trusty short sword that had seen many great battles and had been repaired and improved several times. The man appologised, stating that it was the only weapon that they had available as a spare. Teos didn't seem to mind though.

The two fighters walked into the arena yet again, which again excited the already exhilarated crowd. The commentator seized the opportunity and announced:

"The two brave rising new challengers, Ace Bladia and Teos!"

Suddenly, the crowd silenced, two figures walked slowly through the entrence passage on the other side, as they stepped into the light, they could be identified easier now, they both seemed around 25, one was a bulky man garbed in a light suit of crimson armour, his eyes were a mellow pond coloured blue, and his light blonde hair flowed down to his collar. He donned a large zwiehander with a sinister black blade.

The other figure was a woman dressed lighter more mobile clothing, she had short chestnut brown hair, which was out of the way, and chocolate brown eyes, around her waist was a thin silver dueling sword and strapped around her back, a menacing shortbow and a quiver full of arrows with midnight black arrowheads, they seemed to be crafted from the same ore as the man's sword. The crowd had began to cheer again, in it's usual skysplitting noise, the champions were obviously popular.

"Introducing the Blood Knight and the Blood Archer, the king and queen of the Kailuna Arena, the champions... Terzon and Laeria!" THe crowd wasn't getting any softer, on the contraire, they were even louder.

"Best of luck to you, please give it your all." Terzon the 'Blood Knight' had stated in a very polite and sincere manner.

"You take it easy on me for a second and you'll be dead in a flash..." Laeria warned with a vicious tone. The 'Blood Archer' seemed much more cold than her partner, but her warning was most likely due to how many men had underestimated her due to her gender.

"Don't count on it," Ace began with a chortle, then turning his gaze to his partner, "Ok Teos, Let's pwn them all the way to Sineffo!"

The announcer's voice soon filled up the stadium as the crowd only rose in volume, cheering for either their beloved champions, or supporting the challengers.

Teos looked at the newly obtained short sword.
Or rather, the one that was forced upon him. He missed the rifle already, not nessessairily as a weapon, but as the thing on his back. it felt empty.

However, the real meaning that Teos didn't have much against this sword, was the face that he was a summoner, as well as the fact that he was planning to get one sooner or later. So this would be excellent training.
If things came to worst, he could just forfeit the match.
Though, Ace would never forgive him.

His eager companion turned to him, and stated "Ok Teos, Let's pwn them all the way to Sineffo!"
Teos looked back confused "pwn?"
Ace use a lot of slang, and funky words. Teos still did not know what ownage was.
He would have to ask after the battle.

The commenter let out all his voice could muster. His voice echoing in the arena, and various metal items shivering in the sound waves.
The 2 warriors readied them selfs. The warrior drew his over sizes sword, and the archer gripped her bow, and loaded an arrow, with a jet black head.
Neighter Teos, nor Ace would like to get hit by that one, the sinister look on their weapons, gave of various ideas.

Teos turned towards Ace, and grinned. "you think you can keep them off me for 10 seconds?"

This was the time he needed to summon Estris.
The hardest one to defend against, would be the archer.

Teos gripped the sword, in the reverse grip, where the blade pointed downwards, instead of the normal up. And awaited the starting attack, or preferably Ace's answer.
After three minutes of walking Hill was finally at Inn. He was very tired after the defeat of 'shadow ones'. As he entered the Inn he sees there is no one at the counter. When he approached it he notices a sign on the counter: ''ON BREAK''.
Hill sighs and sees there were five room keys ready. Boznar and Fred probably did their job in 'renting' rooms.
Hill randomly picks one, A-11. Hill goes upstairs to the first floor, his felt his eyelids were getting heavy. As he got to first floor he started to examine which room was his while walking down the hallway.

''A-5, A-6, A-7, A-8, A-9, A-10...'', and finally, ''A-11. Time to catch some Zs.''

Hill unlocks the doors, opens them, enters it and closes the doors without locking them. Then he draws out his khanjars, puts them under the pillow and immediately he lyed on bed, he slept.
OOC: Lets say Hill was sleeping when Ace and Teos were fighting in arena.
Crystal didn't have any time to tell the two men that she had plenty of money before they raced off. She shook her head. Men. Always looking for more conflict.

She had a simple life, didn't require luxuries. The money was there to do with as anyone will; she didn't care, she didn't need much.

She eventually followed the two to the arena, and stood watching the battle from the shadows.

Blood arrows and a blood sword... nasty weapons. One hit and a wound wouldn't heal, but continue to bleed. She really had nothing better to do than watch the battle.

She only hoped they didn't shoot for the overall champion of the arena. This could be a long day.
"you think you can keep them off me for 10 seconds?"

It was presumable that Teos needed this time to summon,

"As long as you need," Ace replied while taking a defensive formation.

The Blood Knight charged towards him with his sword raised, preparing for a pwerful slash, Ace defended himself from the blow with blakcjack, he continued with a succession of powerful, but slowly executed swings of his mighty blade, and Ace managed to defend them easily, though the impact of weapons had seemed to strain him slightly.

Terzon had jumped back and moved out of the way, he was clearly making way for Laeria's arrow to make contact, as a method of defense, summoned his energy and expelled a diamond shaped force field from his scythe, it caused the arrow to bounce back and drop to the floor.
Those arrows would be trouble, but for now, Teos should be ready to summon his creature.
"As long as you need," Ace replied while taking a defensive formation.
"Good" Teos replied, as he closed his eyes. And started the needed chant.

Some commotion, and steel against steel could be heard.
however, Teos had ended up trusting the boy before, and this was no exception.

As the needed time was gone, Teos opened his eyes, and got a brief look around.
At Teos' side, light green particles started to gather, taking the shape of the tiger, he 'fought' against in the last round.

Teos smiled. "Estris, welcome to the words as the fist time as my summon."
Estris replied with a small growl.
"Note that you can not die. If you do, you will return to he astral realm, and I can re-summon you"
Estris seemed to like this fact, who wouldn't. This was the perfect chance to take revenge, and you could not die.

She let out a fierce roar, it echoed around in the arena, and the crowd had mixed emotions.
Some liked the fact that the tiger was brought back, some did not understand, and feared it.

"Ace, you're not heavy, are you" Teos smiled. "Want a ride?" His smile turned to a grin, as he thought Ace would love the idea.

"Aim for the bowstring" Teos commanded, as Estris crouched into a pre-sprint stance.

OOc: I give zaiku permission to control Estris (the summoned tiger) as long as he rides it.
"For realz? I can ride Estris?" Ace had questioned, his face teeming with exhilaration, "WICKED AWESOME!" exclaimed the scythe wielding teen, who's current tone of voice was dangerous to one's ears.

Without another word, he jumped on to the prepared Estris. Before he could even find out how he should hold on, she had bolted, she a homing missile on course for Laeria, Ace gripped tightly, with one hand, and had his scythe in his claw hand, it was a problem getting past the mighty Terzon, he had slashed Estris on the side, but with valiance, she continued to charge.

Laeria was ready with an arrow at firing point. Estris knew that dying would only result in her revival, so without inhibition, she continued her pursuit.

The arrow rocketed forward and pierced straight into Estris' skull, blood had stained her otherwise beautiful white fur, with a roar of pain, she had collapsed and faded into green particles. Even though she could aways come back, Ace didn't like the look of animals in pain, it was sickening, he did however have the opportunity to strike while his foe readied her arrrow.

Ace's scythe flashed white for a split second, and shorly, this white energy had become a club shape and launched forward as a 'club slice', with inhuman speed, she had seemed to sidestep the magical strike, but the string on her bow had made a slight contact with the club, this cut the string, thus rendering it useless. She had taken no time to contemplate what had just happened to her bow and drew out her rapier in a flash, it all came down to steel on steel now.

OOC: 'realz' was intended.
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Teos felt a pinch, this was the first time one of his summons had been killed.
Even if she could be re summoned, the archer had done her best to kill Estris, and this was not acceptable.

Teos suddenly noted movement on the corner of his eye.
as he turned towards it, he barely avoided the overgrown sword, it was almost close enough to shave him.
Such a swing needed some retaliation time. This was a fact.
Teos rebalanced himself, and attacked.

To his surprise, Terzon did not have plans to gain control of the sword, he had already let go of the handle with the right hand. And his fist, was already en-route to Teos' body.
Teos tried to evade, but was too slow.
Terzons mighty fist, crashed down upon Teos' stomach like a horses kick.
Teos flew backwards a few metres, and rolled another.
Instead of crying in pain, and regaining balance at once.
Teos had already started the chant for Estris again.
He new that her rage, would only make her stronger this time around.

As Terzon walked towards Teos, covering the small distance between them.
the flash of green light came back.

Estris was again, summoned.
She looked towards Teos, which was now wobbly enough, regaining balance. She let out a roar in furious anger. The ones in the crowd that was nearest, was covering their ears to shut out the sound.
Even the mighty Terzon took a few steps behind.

Teos knew he was not good enough in close combat to win this battle, instead he had an annoying plan.
Since his summons as him, share the same thought, Estris had the same plan.
She roared yet again, not at the same magnitude, but enough to get their attention.
At this time, Teos summoned Kelip.
In the time they needed to fix their eyes back on Teos, Kelip had already hidden her self, in Teos' sleeve.

"This ends now" Teos stated, as he mounted Estris.
He threw his sword at Terzon, and he blocked, as predicted.
At the time he had taken down his sword, Estris had already darted towards the archer, and Ace.

Teos was now unarmed, in the ways of weapons, however, this was also one part of his plan.

Estris jumped towards Laeria, which made ready to block.
Though, Estris evaded her block, Teos waved his hand in front of her. making her flinch in a second.

This was Kelip's cue.
She darted out of his sleeve, and started to fly irregularly in front of her eyes, making her focus, on something that was hard to focus on. Not only this, but when she actually had focus, he didn't believe her eyes.

This was Teos' idea, he signaled Ace, who was now the only one with a weapon. Hoping that he would catch on, and disarm her, and eventually, perhaps resolve this conflict, without bloodshed.
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Ace had picked up on Teos' signal and darted toward Laeria, with his claw, he knocked the thin sword sky high and into the sand, in a cloud of dust. In a swift flowing motion, he swerved behind her and held 'Blackjack' at her neck, and kept her till by wrapping his other arm around her midriff, and his claw was in a position to impale her from behind.

She let out a small yelp, as she realised that she had been taken as hostage. Just as intended, Terzon had frozen still.

Ace began, "Forfeit," Laeria had been frozen still as well, "If you don't I'm going Grim Reaper on her."
Good, Terzon understood the danger. Not only this, but they had to be close, or he would not have stopped.

"As my companion here stated. Yield, or Ill let Estris have a nice snack" Teos grinned in a way that cold freeze the blood flow on weaker men.
Estris started circling the archer, not only was she restrained and helpless.
But Estris had the feel for revenge.

The pure white tiger, the color only tainted by the sands from the arena.
Came around from the back, and looked into the archers eyes, and growled.
This would have made lesser men wet them selfs.
She was more or less frozen in terror.

Terzon seemed to hesitate for a few secs, like he was caught in a dilemma of his own. But after a minute. Be it due to the snack idea, or the 'grim reaper' idea. no one know. But his sword fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

Again, the crowd got split, some cheered, and some confused.
The winners where clear, Ace and Teos.

OOC. I give Zaiku permission, to control my character for the count of ONE post
(the next one that is to be made)
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"We forfeit..." Terzon had stated with disappointment in his voice and his face towards the ground.

"Well, 'Blood Archer,' it's your choice too... Wanna forfeit? Want me to slice your head off? Or I could impale you from behind? Or my favorite, feed you to Estris while your still living?"

Ace had given her many options, regardless of the fact that he knew which option she would chose.
After a half a minute or so, she managed up a slight amount of courage, just enough to speak,

"Forfeit." she had managed to utter, despite the fact that she sounded like she was being choked. Ace had released his grip and she fell to the ground on her knees and hands, breathing heavily, in a state of shock.

"The winners, and new champions of the arena..." The announcer had started, in a low dramatic tone, "ACE AND TEOS!!!" He had finished in a roar, that could only be diminished by the crowd's roar, which had, impossibly, be louder than any other noise the crowd has ever made.

After a few minutes, they were escorted out the arena by two men in suits and sun glasses, most likely security gaurds or bouncers.

They had been taken to the location of the elderly man in charge, who's name nobody has bothered to state.

"You two fought great out there, they were undefeated until you two came along, you earned this," He had complimented, handing them each 250 gold. "And you deserve this." he he had said handing over the rifle back to Teos, who slung it on his back immediately, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Jerry, please retrieve the sword from the arena," the man had whispered to one of his bouncers, who proceeded to do so. Ace and Teos had thanked the man and bade him farewell, asthey made their way out of the arena.
After walking out of the final gate of the arena.
The fatigue finally cought up with Teos, and he immediately became sluggish and tired.

"Well. I hope you like this better then being in there" Teos said to Estris, which growled in a happy manor back.
"Good" Teos smiled, as Estris faded back into green particles.

"So, Kelip. How was your first battle?" He said to the being that was entangled in his ponytail.
"It was easy" She replied.
Being so that she did not do much, except confusing, he had an easy first victory.

He looked over to Ace. "So. now that we have money, how bout an ale before turning in" Teos smiled.
The dust in his throat, he wished to get rid of it.
"Sounds good to me. Defeating an evil army and becoming arena champions in one day is no easy task."


They had arrived there, it seemed to have been empty, but the bartender had still been there.

"It's not too late to get a drink is it?" Ace had questioned.

"For a couple of heroes like you guys, it's never too late, plus, it's on the house." The barkeeper had commented in a cheery mood.

He had hastily poured a mug of ale and Sineffo beer without the need of asking what their drink was.

"Your a mind reader, thanks man."

"Don't mention it. You guys deserve it."

Ace sat down at a table, and took a sip of his drink, which seemed to fill him with energy as the marvelous beer trickled down his throat,

"Ah, Sineffo beer is pure ownage." Ace had said to Teos.
Teos followed the young boy, and sat at the counter with Ace.
As the bartender poured his Beer. Teos asked for an Ale. the bartender nodded.

"Ah, Sineffo beer is pure ownage." Ace said
"Umm. ownage?" Teos asked curiously "Also, what is these phrases you use, Ownage, and pwn" Teos asked. as the Ale was served.

He took a good drink, that emptied around a quarter of the mug.
He seemed revitalized. The ale here was really good.

After his drink, he turned back to Ace, awaiting an answer
Ace scratched his head, trying to think of how to explain it.

"Well, ownage, own and pwn are a part of a special type of slang, some call it '1337', others call it 'leetspeak.' Nobody really knows where it came from, it just did. It is mostly used in writing, like when you pass notes in school, or when you write a letter to somebody." Ace pasued, "Ownage derives from the word, 'own,' which can be used as, own to own, owned or ownage."

Ace took a breath and another sip of his beer, the taste always cleared his throat, and helped him speak more.

"Own and it's meanings can be used as a word for,

1.To have something in your possession.

i.e. I own that awesome scythe.

2.To beat someone in a game, fight or contest in a manner that displays a much greater level of ability.

i.e. I owned you in soccer yesterday.

3.To kick the proverbial crap out of someone.

ie. I unleashed a truckload of ownage on that guy

4.For something to be signifigantly better than something, or to be just plain awesome.

ie. Sineffo beer is ownage."

Ace took another pause and a large mouthfull of his beer.

"Pwn, and pwnage is pretty much the exact same thing, except definition one. There is WAY more 1337, including slang and acronyms, but, let's not get into that now. Makes sense?"
Teos was lucky that he had already put his Ale back on the counter.
If not, he might have dropped it.

Teos looked as a question mark, or at least as much as humanly possible.
He was confused past the mortal boundaries. And was completly lost.

"umm...." was all that came out of hims at first.
"so... you use words that are linger, and are longer then the original meaning, to stronger define something.." Teos was still confused, though he thought he understood somewhat.