How many times have you played FFVII?

I'm on my sixth play through and i'm at icicle inn but i'm taking a break to go through FFX again since I haven't played it for a while.
ALOOOOT i just keep playing it and i still play it, im playing it on PC now.
its the greatest game ever
Not even once, completely through.

I had borrowed it from a friend years ago, and his discs were messed up. I couldn't enter either Cosmo Canyon (1st time), or even the final descent of the Crater...
Long story...i bought it when it first came to the end but wasnt able to finish it...lost my disks...then played with friends through it till the second it and have beaten it about i would say 4 times...and beat it twice
Hahaha, I've probably played the pc game like 11 times. The sad part about it though is that the first 10 times I couldn't get past the chocobo race due to not having a patch. Then on the last time, I got to the last part and I stopped playing since I didn't want the story to stop. But I'm resolved now to finish it :)
I've gone through the game and completed it about four times. The other times I have started playing, got to a certain point (usually around Cosmo Canyon) before wanting to play something else. X3 Done that a number of times, cause I can never decide which FF I wanna play.
I have just ordered ff7 after completing Dirge of ceberus. I find it really addictive lol. I wanna know the ins and the outs of the entire story lol.
DoC and FF7 are quite different. The battle system is completely different, Vincent is optional (along with Yuffie), and basically everything is in cubes. The story revolves around a confused Cloud. Besides characters and places, the two games are nothing alike.

but I have beaten FF7 a total of 2 times. Played through it and stopped countless numbers of time.
I've only played through the game once, mainly do to the fact that I wish to continue on and play different games that I haven't tried out next. FFVII has a great amount of replay value and I know I'll play it again before too long, bu I'm waiting to finish up the other games in the FF series before I go back and attempt any a second time.
I've only finished the game once, but more time than I can count I've busted it out, played obsessively until the third disc, got sidetracked, and didn't pick it up again for a few months, where I started from the beginning again. Wash, rinse, repeat.