Kei's Photoshop Works

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I like the Tifa tag with the white border.
As for the Sasuke tag,I like the effects,but not sure if Sasuke should be blue too.
I thought about Sasuke, too. However, I tried making him as he is but all the effect would go down, so I didn't care. :\
Thanks, Anyway I was trying to copy Oerba style but I guess I wasn't lucky doing it: :P



Ahahaha ^^; CnC please.
I love the last one in the white border.Also Da Qiao is my favorite character from DW.
Ohh Kei,I love you for making that.
I see you're experimenting on depth(if I'm not wrong).It's a good try but keep practising on it.They say practice makes perfect.
Woot . . . I know she's your favorite and she's smexy so I had to do her a siggy. ;D

Here's my newest ones:


^ still trying to copy Oerba style. :P I guess I'm progressing well in Depth.

CnC, please.
It's about the same things I told.Only I'm making it more official,xDD.I love the Haruhi tag,and those flowery effects are really pretty.As for the Sora ag,it's still nice but the background needs a bit more variation of colors.
Oh very nice work, Kei! I can really tell you've improved a lot. The Tifa tag stood out to me the most due to its clarity and vibrant use of colors, albeit the overall simplicity. I just love it! The rest are pretty good too, although the Sora one needs a little more work on. I'm not really diggin' the colors and effects too much for some reason - but I must admit I always did have a hard time working with KH characters.
@Mitsuki: I told Oerba what happened with that Sora tag, I cba mention it again. xD
Thanks overall.

So I saw a sexy picture of Da Qiao and decided to do another siggy, haven't done much to it but here it is:

I'm thinking it might look better if there was no text. :\
CnC, please.
OMG!I have to say it's totally different from the others you've made so far and really beatiful.I like it's simplicity and colors.The text is ok.I really love it.
Well thank you. ^^ I made another one but I'm not quite happy about it: :gasp:

CnC, please.
Yeah,it's good but not that good as the Da Qiao tag.I think the tag should have more of the color in the right side,that orange/red part cause it's really pretty and in my opinion would suit the rest of the tag if there was more of it.
I'll agree with Oerba there. It is very pretty, but if there was a bit of the red the other side, I think it would be better.

However, It's Matsumoto and that makes it win! The colors suit her. <3 I reallllly like it Kei =O ^^
Thanks ^^ I'll try working on it a bit more to improve it, though to be honest I don't even know how did that red showed up. xD
Very nice stuff you got here Kei, I like the openness of the sigs. The colours and the background is phenomenal!

For your newest signature, i'm thinking either you could add some text in the open space or even if you just left it, it looks great, I like the effect you used on the background. I really like it, great work :)
There isn't anything bad i can say about this one. I really like the colour choice you used and then render matches it perfectly. The text isn't popping out or anything and it just blends in there which makes it really good. The light around Cloud makes him more visible too great work Kei!
So anyway I made a new a siggy today, I think it's good but I want to hear what do you think, so here it is:

hmm i dont have much to say about it it looks ok, it nicely blended. I think its a bit plain for my liking and i find the text hard to read, im not fond of smaller graphics either. Besides that its good :monster:
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